Octave Klaba Profile picture
OVHcloud.Jezby.Shadow.Qwant.Poweend.MFF.married.1+2 daughters.

Jun 19, 2017, 13 tweets

#Ovh Weekly News: week 25

Preorder DE "discover offer" : Intel Xeon E3-1245v6 - 4/8t - 3.7 GHz/4.1 GHz -
32GB RAM - 59 € /month

Between DC/POP, DC/DC, POP/POP, #Ovh operates the dark fibers in Europe and USA using Cisco M6 100G/200G QPSK/16QAM. We manage 11.2Tbps

Sales On-Boarding: upgrade of the worldwide team with the new talents came to RBX from FR, DE, UK, IT, IE, PL, CA, ES #Ovh #RoubaixValley

Cool Week in Roubaix Valley #Ovh

#Ovh Campus #2 in Roubaix Valley .. more place .. more space .. more people .. yeahaa :)

Let's talk "Next Level": how about the programs, the projects, SU, CU, PU, .. > 1000 people (rbx + video)

I loved explaining how we will work together with the programs CU SU and PU. It was the BETA. The FINAL version in 3-4 weeks :)

#Ovh DC Strasbourg,FR: #SBG1/2/4 is closed to be full .. #SBG3 is ready in 2 months ..

Today, I'm in Singapour to meet our team and share the "Next Level" vision for #Ovh. Amazying to start business here :)

Special guest today in Roubaix Valley: @isaacgetz came talk about "Freedom-Form Campany" "Entreprise Libérée"

@isaacgetz #Ovh DC Vint Hill,VA: Guard house concrete pad is done

@isaacgetz #Ovh DC Vint Hill,VA: huge work, you're the best guys ! The first racks are UP. Close to start the "private beta" in Virginia,US :)

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