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Excerpts from The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. Not affiliated with the author or publisher. Simply trying to raise awareness about this work

Jun 24, 2017, 11 tweets

'whereas everybody else had lost from the Revolution, the Jews, and they alone, had benefited from it' #cultureofcritique

"...Stalin had an interest in deemphasizing the role of Jews in the revolution, but for different reasons." #cultureofcritique

"Jewish intellectuals...were regarded as disloyal because of their open enthusiasm for Israel and their close ties to American Jews."

1/ "Jews were also highly overrepresented as communist revolutionary movements in Germany and Austria..." #cultureofcritique

2/ "In the short-lived communist government in Hungary in 1919, 95 percent of the leading figures of Bela Kun's government were Jews..."

3/ "The government was 'completely dominated' by Jews...'a "goy" was needed to turn on the lights on Saturday.'" #cultureofcritique

4/ "Jews were installed by their Russian masters as the ideal middle stratum between an...elite and a subject native population."

5/ "...Jewish Communist Party functionaries and economic managers...had fairly unrestricted access to gentile females working beneath them."

6/ "...Jewish males were able to have disproportionate sexual access to gentile females." #cultureofcritique

7/ "'This was the attitude of the Jewish communists, the Moscow group. They had nothing but contempt for the people.'" #cultureofcritique

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