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Excerpts from The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. Not affiliated with the author or publisher. Simply trying to raise awareness about this work

Jul 9, 2017, 7 tweets

1/ "T.W. Adorno...utilized the language of social the service of...patholigizing gentile culture..." #cultureofcritique

2/ "Eventually psychoanalysis became state supported in Germany, with every German citizen eligible for up to 300 hours of psychoanalysis"

3/ "...Mitscherlich believed that only psychoanalysis held out the hope of redemption for the German people:" #cultureofcritique

4/ "Each German had to face this past via a more or less 'pragmatic' Freudian analysis..." #cultureofcritique

5/ "...anti-Semitism was analyzed as essentially a social and individual pathology of gentiles." #cultureofcritique

6/ "...German anti-Semitism was 'just one more manifestation of German infantile authoritarianism" #cultureofcritique

7/ "'Longing for the father...had strengthened childish homosexual wishes which later projected onto the Jews'..." #cultureofcritique

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