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Excerpts from The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. Not affiliated with the author or publisher. Simply trying to raise awareness about this work

Sep 16, 2017, 7 tweets

1/ "the ultimate success of Jewish attitudes on immigration was also influenced by intellectual movements...particularly the work of...Boaz"

2/ "...a component of the intellectual zeitgeist of the 1920s was the prevalence of evolutionary theories on race and ethnicity..."

3/ "...immigration of other races would lower the competence level of society as a whole..."

4/ "He [Grant] also argued in favor of quotas from Western Hemisphere nations..."

5/ "Grant also argued that differences in reproductive rate would result in displacement of groups that...had fewer children..."

6/ "...people of Mexican background will be a majority of the state of California by 2040."

7/ "Moreover, Latino activists have a clearly articulated policy of 'reconquering' the United States via immigration and high birth rates."

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