Octave Klaba Profile picture
OVHcloud.Jezby.Shadow.Qwant.Poweend.MFF.married.1+2 daughters.

Oct 9, 2017, 13 tweets

#Ovh Weekly News: week 38

#Ovh DC Strasbourg,FR (EU-Central): the stairway to heaven in SBG3

#Ovh Building the optical network NYC <> ASH based on 100G/200G DWDM with Cisco M6

#Ovh US-E (Vint Hill,VA): phase #2 in progress

#Ovh EU-West (Erith,UK): phase #2 the cooling system "as a Service"

#Ovh EU-Central (Strasbourg,FR): can't wait SBG3 is "prodded" :)

France Next Gen #InnoGeneration #BPI

#Ovh US-East (Vint Hill,VA): starting phase #3

#Ovh #Roubaix Valley #2

Thank you @ovh_uk !

@ovh_uk #Ovh #CloudWeb Next Gen WebHosting

@ovh_uk #OvhSummit during the keynote 5 of 12 VP CTO will talk about the tech new in #Ovh ! lot of innovations ..

#Ovh CHRO dreamteam ! Let's upgrade the office to double the team during next 12 months :) It's the key department to scale out fast !

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