Octave Klaba Profile picture
OVHcloud.Jezby.Shadow.Qwant.Poweend.MFF.married.1+2 daughters.

Nov 8, 2017, 6 tweets

#Ovh Weekly News: week 45

Ovh USA-East (Vint Hill,VA): phase #2 of the DC extension is pretty ready to receive the hardware

#Ovh US-West (Hillsboro,OR): boring & digging for the dark fibers

#Ovh EU-West (Gravelines,FR): phase #3 of GRA2 work in progress

Every 2 weeks, 30-40 new talents join #Ovh. This week they are 51.

Next week, we start to move to Campus #2. We need to talk about #3 .. #RoubaixValley #Ovh

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