Sue Tucker Profile picture
VET Educator | Ed Designer | Love following Jesus | Love to sing, read & travel | Love learning | #BTDEV | #GCEL | MHFA Accredited

Dec 5, 2017, 9 tweets

With Amber Case at #ascilite17. Plenty of these are here today 😀

Auto pet feeders all good until #techfail. #ascilite17

Principles for designing calm technology #ascilite17

Tech doesn’t have culture or awareness. #ascilite17

Need to think about human ethics before robot ethics - time spent on devices #ascilite17

Social norms challenged with first elevators, iPods, smartphones, apps ... #ascilite17

All new features have support issues, onboarding issues, cost issues #ascilite17

What do we do when the tech fails? In Nepal there’s an app to warn you 😀 #ascilite17 @caseorganic

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