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VET Educator | Ed Designer | Love following Jesus | Love to sing, read & travel | Love learning | #BTDEV | #GCEL | MHFA Accredited

Dec 6, 2017, 8 tweets

Now learning about women learning in India. Similar issues in Nepal: poor transport, far from institution, no internet. #ascilite17

HE Structure in India #ascilite17

So many significant factors against women achieving in India #ascilite17

Rural people face many of the same issues #ascilite17

Research interviews show that women can work and study. Go Rahul! #ascilite17

Research interviews also showed students don’t need to physically attend a campus. Go Neta & Jot! #ascilite17

Surprising difference India to Nepal: lack of wifi & cyber cafe. Commonplace throughout rural Nepal #ascilite17

Internet becoming more available, but no awareness of using www for education

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