Sue Tucker Profile picture
VET Educator | Ed Designer | Love following Jesus | Love to sing, read & travel | Love learning | #BTDEV | #GCEL | MHFA Accredited

Dec 6, 2017, 10 tweets

And all too soon it’s the final session #ascilite17

Reflecting on the past #ascilite17

1988 email between student and lecturer became possible #ascilite17

1993 Discussing future possibilities of using the internet for teaching #ascilite17

1998 Discussing multimedia - usually delivered on CD Rom #ascilite17

2003 WebCT, clickers #ascilite17

2088 Virtual worlds, GFC, release of android #ascilite17

2013 Synchronous online learning, blended learning, MOOCs #ascilite17

2017 Analytics, online exams #ascilite17

Listening to Pete tell us about his 2030 learning experience #ascilite17

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