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quality neighborhood drama🍿 | chief lurker: @jenntakahashi🕵️🏻‍♀️ | 💌:

Dec 8, 2017, 60 tweets

#bestofnextdoor proudly presents:

"Seahawks Cannon"

aka the legendary Nextdoor thread that caused one Seattle neighborhood to brawl at their local library

2/ "It's cool that the Seahawks win, but the noise isn't cool."

3/ "My Sundays have really started to suck"

4/ "I have called the police over a dozen times and I have even confronted a neighbor whom I can clearly see setting off the fireworks with her children."

5/ "Maybe they can blast themselves with an airhorn or something"

6/ "I root for the Seahawks to lose! Very satisfying when they lose!"

7/ "I don't think that's the main sentiment around here Norman"

"Does anyone know who the idiot is who does the cannon on Seahawks days?"

8/ "I took off down the street in bare feet to confront this guy... Asked if he could please stop "blowing s&$+ up"

"Might be time for good old fashion neighborhood justice."


I think that's a good place to stop for tonight.

To be continued... #nextdoorbrawl 😋

9/ Here we go... 🙏


11/ "Wow Scott, Just when I thought we were making progress you fall back into talking like a insensitive fool"

YES YES YES #thisiswhatyoucamefor

12/ lol you know Scott and Steve were at that library showdown ready to throw down


14/ "Serene, please read my post again and earlier posts. I'm on your side"

15/ "So just because I like the cannon I'm insensitive?"

16/ ""Let people day thier peace in peace"

As people fire cannons that shake the neighborhood.

Possibly the dumbest thing I've read all year."

(Editor's note: LMFAOOOO)


18/ The beginning of the end

"Would anyone be interested if I reserved the meeting space at the library?"




22/ "Let me assure everyone that the Triangle Pub does not own or operate a cannon or any other percussive device. Although, the owner does sometime have an explosive laugh."

P.S. My source tells me Dan got banned so his comments were deleted. You can use your imagination 🌀

23/ omg Dan called them "Washingtardians"

24/ "Well, this discussion certainly went off the rails"

25/ "Is it possible to unsubscribe from a feed" 😂


OK intermission time ✌️


29/ Mick just opened up a whole new can of worms...

30/ The last comments before the meeting:

31/ After the reconciliation meeting at the library turned into a brawl with multiple arrests and two visits from the cops...

"Well, that was a mess"


32/ "The police got to respond to 2 instances and the library kicked everyone out"

33/ omfg

34/ "A calm adult tried to keep them apart"

35/ "This explains the large firework that was set off last night"

36/ Someone's car was keyed at the meeting with the word "fagot"


38/ "Not to mention when I was trying to calm my friend and a man named Scott down before he stormed out he called me a fagot"

39/ Peggy asking Jason if "fagot" was spelled wrong on his car too...

40/ "I was called a fagot by Scott and now that is spelled into my car. Seems to good to be true to be a coincidence."

41/ Peggy NEEDS to know how the word "faggot" was spelled (or misspelled) on Jason's car

42/ Peggy is officially my favorite of this thread


44/ "To be honest I can't even tell what side Scott was on. He seemed to be all over the place."


46/ "big truck at the back of the lot decorated with Seahawks gear"

47/ EmRo...


49/ Minus that last sentence, Jason went full Danny Tanner dad mode and I am here for it 😭

50/ Wise words from Leah's grandma

51/ Lol EmRo

52/ "I like to think it could have gone better"

53/ ok I'm starting to really love Jason

54/ The great illegal act comparison

55/ Okay I am *officially* #TeamJason.

He’s the one who got “fagot” keyed into his car at the library fiasco. Not sure how much it would cost to fix that but...

What do you guys think about starting a @gofundme for him?

56/ "I left at 7:45 when things degenerated into physical blows"

57/ Our lengthy saga concludes with these wise words from Wendy:

"Very sad that this situation devolved to this ugly altercation... We are lucky no one pulled out a weapon last night."

"Come on people get a grip"

THE END (for now)

P.S. Seahawks play tomorrow 👀


The thread caught the attention of @seattlepi, who did a story on it:…

Patty shared the article on Nextdoor. Other than that, it's been relatively quiet.

Yesterday was the first Seahawks game post-brawl.

The cannon still fired.

UPDATE: This is what the Neighborhood Lead posted after the @seattlepi article went viral and the first sentence has me CRYING 😂😭😂

The gift that keeps on giving!

After the Eagles won the Super Bowl last night, someone posted this to Nextdoor. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


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