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you never walk alone☽

Feb 9, 2018, 39 tweets

— a taekook au where jungkook asks taehyung to pretend to be his boyfriend to make someone jealous.

straight to the point.

jungkook explains.

tae is in. and who do you think jungkook wants to make jealous? 👀

taehyung texts namjoon.

a great actor

taehyung posts on instagram.

you wanted a boyfriend

taehyung friends' really want him to get some

at school...

the plan seems to be working.


a good liar?

one day, taehyung texts jin.

if it makes him happy...


two days later..

yoongi on instagram.

jungkook is really determined


cheesy love quotes on google.

is yoongi finally going to talk to jungkook?

taehyung tries to help....

from now on.

conversation between jin and namjoon.

yoongi messages jungkook.

jungkook goes to jimin for advice.

an apology.


jungkook can't sleep because of his thoughts, again.

i don't need anything else.

as time passes, they start being on each other's instagram again.

{ 23/02/18 }
who's a better photographer.

{ 23/02/18 }
who's a better photographer; pt 2.

{ 27/02/18 }

{ 04/03/18 }

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