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Official news and tweets from Oando PLC. Comment, ask and share your thoughts #OandoisNigeria

Feb 21, 2018, 7 tweets

Yesterday was indeed very informative and insightful. It was also very exciting to share our efforts through partnering with the government on several initiatives that would spur the realisation of the #7BigWins. #OandoAtNIPS #NigeriaPetroleumSummit

A good example is the Lagos midstream jetty, an idea conceived by us & launched in 2017. The jetty, first class piece of engineering that meets global standards, is the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa and will be of invaluable benefit to the industry and nation at large.

The jetty will enable cost-savings within Nigeria’s downstream sector of approximately $50 million (N18.1 billion) #OandoAtNIPS #NigeriaPetroleumSummit #7BigWins

In line with the 7 big wins, and one of the key conversations at the @PetroleumSummit, “deepening collaboration in the sector” is a very important and necessary strategy in the forward movement of the industry and economy at large. #OandoAtNIPS #NigeriaPetroleumSummit #7BigWins

With the generation of wealth for the nation in mind, we conceived an idea that enables us work actively as opposed to passively, with our JV partners, with the aim of accelerating production. #OandoAtNIPS #NigeriaPetroleumSummit #7BigWins

The way we see it, while IOC’s focus on larger projects and drilling opportunities, we have looked at ways to extract value from under-utilised assets. The benefits to us and the nation are vast, including increased production and local content benefit. #OandoAtNIPS

At Oando we have shown and will continue showing willingness to collaborate with government and fellow companies in the industry to bring about stability and sustainable progress to the industry and the larger Nigerian economy.#OandoAtNIPS #NigeriaPetroleumSummit #7BigWins

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