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Mar 5, 2018, 39 tweets

#NiravModi's #PNBFraud is just a cherry on tip of an iceberg, a systemic plunder of national & natural resources that is being going on since centuries with involvement of world famous auction houses that played a major role in setting up his career.…

"I would like to bring to your notice a major financial scam similar to that of #VijayMallya of #Kingfisher #SubrataRoy of #SaharaGroup, Ramalingaraju of #Satyam. Kindly look into this & do needful before its too late & he escapes from India" - #PNBFraud whistleblower #HariPrasad

#PNBScam whistleblower #HariPrasad filed criminal complaint with Bengaluru Police in 2015 against #MehulChoksi for being cheated of Rs10 crore by Gitanjali Gems following which he wrote to several authorities such as #ED #CBI #SEBI eventually to PMO itself in 2016, yet no action.

Inspite of all these prior warnings #NiravModi did leave India with his brother Nishal a Belgian citizen on 1 Jan 2018 & his wife Ami a US citizen & business partner #MehulChoksi of Gitanjali Gems on Jan 6 long before #CBI received a complaint from Punjab National Bank on Jan 29.

Acc to #PNB’s note their junior level branch official sent instructions to foreign branches of other banks that PNB had issued LoUs on behalf of these companies. These instructions were sent through #SWIFT which were not logged into PNB’s core banking software #Infosys’s Finacle.

Although the finer details of #NiravModi's #PNBScam are still being investigated by various agencies, it is a common knowledge among Gujarati people from Surat & Mumbai who are well aware of the modus operandi having been cheated by certain established diamond dealers often.

Public money acquired by such frauds is than laundered through shell companies or through innovative schemes like IPL auction, – which has become just another money laundering vehicle – as has been demonstrated by various cases like #LalitModi, Bishan Singh Bedi and many others.

This nexus of diamond dealers was exposed during 2010 IPL Kochi controversy. Finally Rosy Blue Diamond’s K Tahilramani taking it over & Harshad Mehta becoming chairman. When Sunanda Pushkar started hinting about it in media it eventually claimed her life. More in our report👆🏿

So what has these diamond dealers & Rosy Blue Diamonds to do with #NiravModi's #PNBScam? Everything. Read on. These money laundering activities are not limited to just IPL but it also include producing #Bollywood movies, smuggling national resources and even rigging elections.

For such smuggling & money laundering activities Indian diamond traders are usually arrested by foreign authorities & sent to prison from time to time. The story of how they got out in China is an amazing read that we encourage our readers to checkout.…

#NiravModi’s meteoric rise begins with world famous auction houses of #Christie’s & #Sotheby’s who sold his #Golconda diamonds to unknown buyers. This trick was punctured by cases of inflated invoices, diamond smuggling, market manipulations, money laundering by Indian agencies.

What most people fail to grasp is that this is not just one fraud, its a web of multiple scams – it’s a way of life. To better illustrate this point we mention below briefly about one of their adventures in Zimbabwe in 2012 & encourage our readers to checkout the rest.

In 2012 Tendai Biti then Finance Minister of Zimbabwe disclosed that $300 million collected by their mineral development agencies had not been handed over to the state. Meanwhile a stockpile of 2.5 million carats of diamonds valued at $200 million, simply went missing.

In all some $2 billion has been lost to the state since 2008. This amazing feat was achieved by the Indian diamond traders in collaboration with their Zimbabwean allies, the proceeds of which were channeled into the ‘parallel government’ loyal to famous dictator Robert Mugabe.

Such looted stuff, in this case #BloodDiamonds frm Zimbabwe mined by an army of brainwashed child slaves & procured by Indian diamond traders usually end up at world famous auction houses like #Christie’s & #Sotheby’s via India where rare diamonds cut by #NiravModi were auctioned

What is not known to most Indians because media never care to report it (even now) is that these auction houses #Christie's #Sotheby's that sold #NiravModi's stuff were setup by #EastIndiaCompany officers to sell looted heritage from British colonies like India to European elites

Why were these 1000 year old statues of King Raja Raja Chola & Queen Logamadevi smuggled frm Thanjavur Temple to private museum run by Gautham Sarabai foundation in Gujarat? Were these to be auctioned at #Christie's & #Sotheby's like #NiravModi's diamonds?…

James Christie conducted his first auction in 1766 in London where relics, rare diamonds, stolen antiques, temple idols, manuscripts & other such artifacts from India China Japan & Turkey were auctioned off. Christie also made a fortune selling English women on streets of India.

Heres caricaturist #JamesGillray's work showing “Sale of English-beauties in East Indies” on streets of Calcutta by an auctioneer & papers projecting from his pocket are inscribed ‘Instructions for Governor General’ This is how #JamesChristie build the world famous auction house.

After #RobertClive tookover Plassey #JamesChristie made fortune selling plunder of Bengal by #EastIndiaCompany officers that laid foundation of todays world famous auction house of #Christie’s which propelled #NiravModi's career by selling his #Golconda diamonds to unknown buyers

Plassey plunder depleted state exchequer to an extent that Bengal economy was completely shattered. Colonised territories were than used as experiments to understand impacts of #freemarket economics resulting in #BengalFamine of 1770 where third of population starved to death.

Did you know few of these items looted by #RobertClive from India were very recently auctioned at #Christie’s (same as #NiravModi) in London for £4 million when his grandchildren were short of money? Still they have warehouses full of same Indian treasure.…

These looted items by #RobertClive frm India were bought by Sheikh Saud bin Mohammed Al-Thani Cultural Minister of Qatar. British authorities angered by the sale kept him under house-arrest in London where he died as a result these are still up for auction…

Above is a story of just one such #EastIndiaCompany clerk #RobertClive. What about other high-ranking officers? Do GoI know amount of treasure taken out by colonists? If not did any Govt after independence commissioned such a study to compile a catalogue of looted items? Why not?

#Christie’s & #Sotheby’s are actively engaged in smuggling Indian antiques & artifacts even today. Some years back investigations had exposed a high-profile network between these auction houses & antique smuggler #VamanGhiya part of global smuggling racket…

In 2001 US Justice indicted ex chairmen of #Sotheby’s & #Christie’s in an international price-fixing conspiracy. We are yet to see any such conclusive efforts by GoI for rampant wholesale smuggling of our entire civilization going on since centuries which is now $5bn #blackmarket

Like India, these auction houses of #Christie's & #Sotheby's have been selling plundered wealth from China as well. But unlike Indians Chinese remember their history & are acutely aware of the context in which things are happening today which reflect in their national policies.

Once #RobertClive tookover Bengal, British forced Indian farmers to cultivate only Opium in their fields which was ferried to China in collaboration with certain Indian businessmen who made their empires peddling drugs for #EastIndiaCompany who are respected household names today

Produced by #Bose’s INA this leaflet shows British soldier burning cotton fields of Indian farmer without any fingers with his equipment destroyed. This was to remind Indians once again how British destroyed Indian cotton industry to force them to buy cheap British products.

WW2 leaflet by #SubashChandraBose's INA. The text in Hindi & Bengali is: “A sample of British atrocities Just to save their economy, the British committed this barbarian atrocity. Indian workers had to chop off their own fingers & lose their livelihood.”

Indian farmers were forced to grow only Opium in their fields which was used to drug generations of Chinese culminating in #OpiumWars as a result #HongKong was taken by British where they setup structures like #Christie's & #Sotheby's for smooth division of looted Chinese wealth.

During 2nd #OpiumWar in 1860 French & British troops sacked Summer Palace - home of Chinese Royal Family & looted it along with a Chinese zodiac made of 12 pieces of bronze animal heads. Recently since 2007 #Sotheby’s & #Christie's #HongKong started selling these plundered items.

Did you know India's heritage including antiques & temple idols which is being smuggled out funds the terror activities of ISIS? Did you know these #BloodBuddhas are being sold at world famous auction houses of #Christie's & #Sotheby's behind Nirav Modi?…

Why is Nirav Modi in Hong Kong? What is so special about it? Did you know it was built on blood & bones of dead Indians & drugged Chinese? Did you know it was built for smooth distribution of plundered wealth of colonies like India? Do you know this loot continues to this day?

This report on smuggling of our heritage has been communicated with the @PMOIndia Office & we hope swift actions would be taken against it. @GreatGameIndia would be happy to assist our agencies if needed if a concrete action is to be planned in this regard. #WorldHeritageDay

Hong Kong branch of Christie’s & Sotheby’s that setup #NiravModi are part of these elaborate enterprise for division of plundered Indian & Chinese wealth setup by East India Company after Opium Wars. But unlike Indians, Chinese remember their history.…

After Opium Wars, East India Company plundered Chinese Summer Palace just like Robert Clive did in Arcot, Plassey. These smuggled treasures are regularly being sold infront of the whole world by British auction houses one of which was given to #NiravModi…

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