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Official news and tweets from Oando PLC. Comment, ask and share your thoughts #OandoisNigeria

Mar 21, 2018, 8 tweets

Last year we ran a campaign for International Youth Day where we told the youth of Nigeria to write an essay on what opportunities exist for the Nigerian economy post the oil price crash. #IYDAtOando

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting our winners @hardamilare @dayo_aj and @Akinbass. The trio we now fondly refer to as “D3” came over to our Head office to spend the day with us.

They had the opportunity to meet with our Head of Corporate Communications @lerustix to have a conversation about audacity and how that drives us as a company #IYDAtOando #BeAudacious

Afterwards they had the “PD x D3” session with @pdurotoye , CEO of Oando Energy Resources. During his chat with D3 he said two things that stuck with us the most:
1. Be your own critic and be excellent.
2. Excellence is a winning trait #IYDAtOando

Our Chief Compliance Officer & Company Secretary @ayotolajagun sprinkled some gold dust (#GoldDustBae) on the secrets of being an entrepreneur whilst having a 9-5 job. #IYDAtOando

You know lunch had to happen at the waterfront #IYDAtOando

We decided to create the perfect boy band "D4" by adding an extra “D” to Dayo, Daniel and David by bringing our Head of Human Capital Resources, Demola to have a chat about everyday leadership. #IYDAtOando

You know what they say about time flying when you're having fun - we definitely experienced it.
All in all, it was a pleasure hosting D3 @hardamilare @dayo_aj and @Akinbass. We at Oando wish you all the best at school, in your music and in your new career. #IYDAtOando

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