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Mar 24, 2018, 19 tweets

Here is what team #arubameridian will be up to at this year's #ATM18 by @ArubaNetworks ✈️🙌🍾 bit.ly/arubameridiana…

Continuing the thread for #atm18... with our favorite #arubameridian use cases.

1. Powered by Meridian’s own AppMaker — internet/intranet content access, indoor/outdoor nav, multi-geo & multi-language support.

2. More with #arubameridian AppMaker: voice assisted navigation, ADA suitable routes, “find nearest amenity” and asset tracking. #atm18

See you soon @nicknewton ... #atm18

Track 🎒with #arubameridian: ✅ #atm18

.@LosantHQ delivers proximity stats for points of interest via #arubameridian & #arubabeacons

There is more on the use cases list with #arubameridian AppMaker.

3. On-demand location sharing, proximity triggers for micro-spaces and push notifications for service updates.


#atm18 IT exec forum is going strong: my favorite topic smart spaces is on stage.

For details on #arubameridian AppMaker, docs are always up to date at docs.meridianapps.com. SDK examples to follow! 📖 📚

APs. Lots of APs. Connectivity. Wayfinding. Asset Tracking. Battery beacon management. #arubameridian #atm18

#atm18 Proximity Campaigns dashboard powered by @LosantHQ now public: app.losant.com/dashboards/5ab

Tracking assets at #atm18 with #arubameridian in few different ways. On the browser with custom rules & workflows with @faradaynetworks Zone...

Or track and wayfind to an asset using a mobile app, powered by #arubameridian SDK. #atm18

#arubameridian stats so far.
652 location shares.
1643 iOS, 885 Android devices.
13151 indoor map views.
6928 wayfinding requests.

#arubameridian ecosystem partners getting together at #atm18!

Bridging #arubameridian blue dot & asset tracking with AR, indoors... demo app by @faradaynetworks at #atm18.

Developer-led use cases for #arubameridian, part one of several: custom map & placemark designs, travel time reporting, favorite/drop/save points of interest & pins on maps. #atm18

More experiences enabled with #arubameridian dev tools: associate content with map placemarks with search & filter, and extend the visibility to browsers on desktop & kiosks.

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