DocRock1007 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Dreampop Musician, Follower of Jesus, Child of Joy, father of 4, devoted ex-, ex-liberal and sky-pilot, 12-steppin' surfer, & so much less

Apr 21, 2018, 20 tweets

1. BOoM! Big #QAnon drop out now succeeding Q's clear SKY signal:
A canary sings.
Mack sings
AS <---------Schiff

2. #QAnon tells us that accused NXIVM Sex Cult trafficker Allison "Mack is naming names, Big names" in Hollywood, and government. #Q…

3. #QAnon confirms that Allison Mack is singing like a canary & giving "Proof", mentioning "The ‘Standard’ Hotel" & the "Helicopter crash" as being "All related", indicating that "Future will prove past". He asks Adam Schiff if he's "Feeling ok today?" #Q…

4. #QAnon observes that #NXIVM's @allisonmack tweeted #SpiritCooking's #MarinaAbramovic's pic last Jan.…

5. #QAnon posts pic of 44 clutching from above & behind 10 y/o girl, grasping her bare shoulders.. Some note left middle finger bandage, in connection w #SpiritCooking's ritualistic mutilation: "with sharp knife cut deeply into the left middle finger":…

6. #QAnon next drops affirmation to the name "Wendy", and later asks "What are ‘pet’ names?" #Q. Note that on close-up one may see that the girl's pupils have the appearance of pharmacologic dilation, and eyes look a bit glassy?

Correction: The young lady in the above picture was believed to have been 12 y/o at the time.

7. #QAnon confirms hint that "Wendy" is Agnes Nixon's granddaughter, Maggie. #Q has freqently used the phrase "As the World Turns" in his drops. Agnes Nixon, Maggie's grandmother was a soap-opera writer for "As the World Turns".…

8. #QAnon asks

"Hussein & Maggie
How many pics can you find of them together?
Age 10, 11, 12….

9. A moment later #QAnon confirms an open source find of "Maggie Nix" with Hussein at age 10, in comparison to above pic of her being clutched by him at (correction) age 12. #Q

9. So. Yes, As #QAnon asks, just "Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?" #Q tells us that this is "Bigger than you can imagine", and that this a "POTUS warning shot." Q says the Allison Mack arrest and interrogation is gonna "Snowball."

10. Wow! #QAnon responds to anon's post of Maggie's mother with James Alefantis the DC restaurant owner who was on Washington DC's top 50 influencers list during the Hussein's era, visiting WH several times, all b/o tomato sauce pies, you see. But, too CT'ish for just now. #Q

11. #QAnon tonight on politicians, Satanism/NXIVM/occult & Hollywood child/sex trafficking scene: #Q noted last week's plane crash killing a new Hollywood "model" amongst 4. Interesting in context of his reveal 7/10 plane crashes are #Clown hits. Later.…

12. #QAnon told us to archive everything offline. The newspaper clipping depicted (below) on end of Hussein's 2010 Martha Vineyard vacation is not the photo shown for the present Vineyard Gazette website story. HOWEVER current text corroborates #Q! Also..…

13. Also, following #QAnon's thread we learn of the work done to knock out the abuse of women done later that same year. #Q…

14. From #QAnon drop raising this awareness, some say you may help Maggie Nix along with those who've donated 2 years ago, e.g, in Grandma Agnes’ Legacy here:

#MaggieNixon #Q

15. The prior #QAnon thread, unroll here:…

16. @threadreaderapp please unroll this new #QAnon drop from #Q:

thread, unroll here:

17. 16.
please unroll:

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