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HHMI believes in the power of individuals to advance science through research and science education, making discoveries that benefit humanity.

May 24, 2018, 20 tweets

We asked our new 2018 #HHMIInvestigators – "What drives your curiosity?" Here are their answers.

From Benjamin Ebert: physician, mathematician, and juggler. bit.ly/2KRuS1y #HHMIInvestigators

Beth Shapiro (@bonesandbugs), who's revealing history from ancient DNA. bit.ly/2KQOS4d

Beth Stevens (@stevens1lab), who's driving our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases forward. bit.ly/2GMT8j1 #HHMIInvestigators

Clifford Brangwynne, who's exploring the impact of phase transitions on biology. bit.ly/2xczv4k #HHMIInvestigators

Ed Boyden (@eboyden3), who's looking to understand the neural underpinnings of thoughts and desires. bit.ly/2GNl9Xt #HHMIInvestigators

Elizabeth Sattely, a plant scientist dedicated to improving human health. bit.ly/2GNeCvT #HHMIInvestigators

Feng Zhang (@zhangf), who's inventing new tools for neuroscience research. bit.ly/2KQgIxx #HHMIInvestigators

Gaby Maimon, who is developing technologies to solve the mystery of how the mind works. bit.ly/2GKICZn #HHMIInvestigators

Gia Voeltz, whose imaging techniques are rewriting biology textbooks. bit.ly/2GKIXv7 #HHMIInvestigators

Howard Chang (@HowardYChang), who's exploring the uncharted regions of the genome. bit.ly/2IIyCpj #HHMIInvestigators

Jesse Bloom (@jbloom_lab), who's combining biology with computational wizardry to pioneer new approaches for studying evolution. bit.ly/2kuo66V #HHMIInvestigators

Luciano Marraffini, who's fascinated by the machinery of bacteria. bit.ly/2IILc81 #HHMIInvestigators

Meng Wang, who is uncovering pathways to longer life. bit.ly/2IKkU5u #HHMIInvestigators

Ralph DeBerardinis (@RJDLab), who's improving life for children with metabolic diseases. bit.ly/2Lw0DhB #HHMIInvestigators

Samara Reck-Peterson (@SamReckPeterson), who's uncovering the secrets of the molecular motors that traverse cells' internal highways. bit.ly/2IIV3e1 #HHMIInvestigators

Stephen Liberles, who is uncovering the secrets of how our bodies work. bit.ly/2J6DuUM #HHMIInvestigators

Thomas Bernhardt, who is solving the mystery of how cells build themselves. bit.ly/2s6Yz7J #HHMIInvestigators

Zachary Knight, who's turning what we thought we knew about the human body on its head. bit.ly/2IR8gOg #HHMIInvestigators

Zachary Lippman, who's improving crops to feed a hungry world. bit.ly/2sfrO7P #HHMIInvestigators

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