ella⁷ Profile picture
Jul 4, 2018 98 tweets 19 min read Read on X
🔞 yoonmin au | yoongi has always thought of himself as straight, only had relationships with women, only sex with women... but now everything is from a new perspective because he’s dating his neighbor jimin, and he kind of really wants to have sex with him and that’s pretty gay
But the tab next to it read Top Tips For Enjoyable Anal Sex and that- okay that one wasn’t out of Yoongi’s plan, that’s actually a search he did in college with his girlfriend but never fulfilled, the one that made the whole ordeal unimaginable for past Yoongi was the first tab
Here’s the Big Difference Between Pansexual and Bisexual it read. Yoongi would never imagine he’d have that tab open, that article only was something he would have never considered for himself, yet here he was, waiting until his photoshop came back to live skimming trough it
It’s weird he thinks, he started to notice things, admiration he had on certain students back in college that were actually crushes, certain fantasies, certain movies that left him with a bitter taste that finally he can understand why, he has been turning away from all the signs
But now it’s all clear, his feelings, his identity, and it may change and grow, but he’s aware of it and it’s thanks to Jimin, and it’s thanks to Taehyung and Namjoon, and to his Google Search History, and it’s somehow also thanks to himself, because he allowed himself to accept
But he’s got another reason to worry, and a new search to add into the chaos that is his safari, as if it wasn’t already too much for Yoongi, he mow had to add “How to Impress Your Boyfriend's Parents” and he’s ignoring it, because his first tactic is always ignoring the issue
Jimin’s parents wanted to meet him before they moved in because apparently they know their son too well and didn’t buy any of the roommate excuse. Jimin had to tell them because he’s got that kind of relationship with his parents and it ended up in them wanting to meet Yoongi
Which is happening soon, and it’s inevitable, and he’s got to face it. So now he’s google search history is a mess, and it keeps getting bigger with each variation he reads of the same article, but it’s not bad, he’s not having a bad time. He’s actually kind of relieved,
Because finally, he’s worrying about the most common thing. It no longer has to do with existential issues, or fears of one self, or this complicated inner fight on what’s assigned and what’s acquired. It’s him, only worrying about meeting his boyfriend’s parents, as easy as that
Of course Yoongi was incredibly nervous before the actual meeting, but it was a different kind of nervous to him kissing Jimin for the first time or him letting the younger man touch him like only women have done before. It was more like nervous because of external factors
He didn’t think the nervousness of it all would wash away as soon as Jimin’s mother hugged him, and a wave of emotion would hit him hard because he didn’t had a mother’s touch when he needed it these last months of confusion and unfortunately he would never have one again.
And no Google Search could prepare him for it.

So here he was, sitting on a restaurant, next to the most important person in his life with goosebumps all over his body because of how different the situation was from what he imagined, how normal it was. Jimin’s parents were calm.
And Jimin laughed at some anecdotes and pouted when confronted about his thesis, and forced his mother to follow Yoongi on Instagram so she can see his work, and Jimin’s father asked Yoongi questions from time to time, but not to scare him or measure him, only out of curiosity.
Yoongi could only smile, comment from time to time. But his heart hurts a little, thinking that if his father were to ever meet Jimin it would be all so different. And maybe his mother would have liked the younger, maybe she would have hugged Jimin too, but Yoongi can’t know.
“Jimin is really spoiled, Yoongi-ah, you should know”

He’s brought out of his thoughts,

“Oh, I know,” Yoongi and Jimin’s mother share a smile, and the younger complains to his dad, says his mum is being a tease, Yoongi listens. He decides to focus on right now, on nothing else
Jimin’s hand lower to Yoongi’s thigh, he squeezes just above his knee, but he doesn’t look Yoongi’s way. The elder suddenly feels safe, his posture not so tense anymore,

“You boys should go to Busan,” Jimin’s mother does the most talking, “visit your grandmother, kid”
“We will,” Yoongi says. Jimin, who was about to speak, closes his mouth, he stares at Yoongi and then looks away smiling. “We’ll find time”

There’s something so satisfactory on saying “we”, on speaking on behalf of him and Jimin, it brings weight to what they have, makes it real
Yoongi’s apartment was full of cardboard boxes, the little stuff he had brought from Daegu already packed to just move across the hall to Jimin’s. They have to turn on the lights to be able to move around without kicking any box, Jimin walks inside first, amber lamp light on
Yoongi looks at Jimin ad he moves around the place, he peeks inside the kitchen, turns around making a “shh” sound, one finger over his lips for Yoongi to be quiet probably because Holly was already sleeping, the dinner with his parents had taken longer than they anticipated,
Jimin walks back to Yoongi, the apartment is in darkness except for the amber lamplight on the floor, and a dim blue glow that comes from the moon, filters through the curtains, a strip of white brightness enters by the door that Yoongi hasn’t even finished closing

“I love you,”
Yoongi says it again, savoring the word, tastes every letter, “I love you,”

Jimin hasn’t moved, he’s between the boxes, the yellow barely reaches him, he’s surrounded in blue, and in that darkness Yoongi can’t see his features

“I really am in love with you,” he clarifies,
The door is still open, Jimin is frozen a few meters away from Yoongi, the boxes are everywhere but they aren’t an obstacle for the younger to walk forward. Yoongi slowly closes the door, the brightness coming through it disappears, leaving them in dark hues of blue and yellow
Time stops, time stops inside their living room. Maybe outside everything is still moving according to the speed of the world, but this particular room is suspended, Jimin is already close. His hands on Yoongi’s face, and from here his features can be seen, “I love you too”
Jimin whispers, and Yoongi closes his eyes to focus only on the small, “I love you so much,” that comes out of his lips, he leans into the touch on his face, brings his own hand to cover Jimin’s. “I think it was kind of obvious,” Yoongi can hear the smile on his words, it’s warm
He turns his head slightly, kisses Jimin’s palm, “I’m so glad you’re in my life”

The younger walks forward, his other hand finds Yoongi’s neck, “I’m glad you’re in mine”

Yoongi lets himself kiss Jimin, lets himself look for his lips, hold him as close as he can so he doesn’t go
The slide of their lips, their hands searching for something to grab on, it’s all slow. Yoongi would have expected more frantic touches, desperate maybe, but it’s not. Jimin’s hand on his chest, on his face, the presssure. Yoongi has his eyes closed, but he’s sure it’s beautiful
He doesn’t need to see it to know, it’s enough to feel him. It’s enough with the colorful sensations the younger’s touch emits, they are beautiful, even with his eyes wide shut, and in full darkness. It’s all so colorful, it’s purple and red and blue, Jimin’s touch is so colorful
It’s clumsy how they move towards the bedroom, they almost stumble on the way there unaware of a small box on the floor, Jimin giggles as he holds Yoongi’s waist for him not to trip. There is no light in the room, Yoongi settles on opening the curtains a little, to be able to see
Jimin is sitting on the border of the bed, watches as Yoongi gets rid of his coat, as he opens the curtains, the room brightens a little. He surges forward, grabs Yoongi’s wrist to pull him toward him. The elder stands between Jimin’s legs, who looks up at him from where he is
“Let me take care of you, now” Jimin says, his hands circling Yoongi’s slim hips, sneaking down his shirt. a sudden, cold temperature against warm skin. “Now is a good time,” Yoongi nods, he plays with Jimin’s hair, touches his neck,

“Okay,” Yoongi agrees to the room
Jimin distances himself to pull his sweater off, Yoongi gulps at the skin, somehow he keeps forgetting how toned Jimin’s body is. Once the clothing is on the floor he stands up, pulls Yoongi’s shirt, “Do the same,”

“T-the condoms, I have to bring them,” Yoongi stammers,
He thinks a joke at this moment could play out wrong. Or maybe not, he breathes in grabs the yellow package either way and goes back to his room

Jimin is sitting on top of the blankets, his legs drawn up to his chest, he’s folding his clothes, probably a little nervous as well
“Are ribbed ones okay?” Yoongi asks, flailing the yellow condom box around and Jimin laughs, his whole body moves forward.

“You’re so mean! You’re never going to forget that!” He giggles, covering his face, and Yoongi is glad the tension washed away. He lifts his shirt up
He crawls on top of the bed, Jimin already has the bottle of lube on his hands, staring up at Yoongi who still at a safe distance from Jimin

“Are you going to watch me?” the younger asks, Yoongi nods. He’s knelling down near the border of the bed, Jimin’s back hits the headboard
Jimin breathes out, he pulls his briefs down, he looks at Yoongi from time to time, to catch him licking his lips, clenching his jaw, eyes downcast, “I’m going to turn around, okay?”

Yoongi looks up, “but I want to see your face.” The younger blushes, he nods, opens the bottle
Jimin rubs his fingers after pouring lube on them, he opens his legs, brings his hand to his crotch slowly, “If you ever want to try this, you can’t eat all you had at dinner, this is why I had salad”

“Oh god, don’t be disgusting, I’m trying to get horny here” Yoongi complains
The younger laughs, and even if he’s nasty, he’s calm, and that’s exactly what Yoongi wants right now. He crawls closer, gets a hand on Jimin’s knee to push his legs farther away, “You’re doing it or what?” he asks, and Jimin’s laughter dies down, he gulps,

“Yes, sir” he teases
Jimin scruches his nose with the first finger, he breathes out a little gasp, Yoongi’s hold on his knee tightens,

“It doesn’t hurt, right?”

Jimin shakes his head, presses the same finger inside, in a small circular motion, “I’m used to it, but it does hurt a little at first”
Breathing and wet sounds fill the room, Jimin closes his eyes, and Yoongi looks down, to see the two fingers disappearing inside of him. The younger bites his lips, whenever he moves the finger apart, stretching himself.

“When is enough for you?” Yoongi asks out of curiosity
Jimin is more relaxed now, he searches Yoongi’s eyes, “one more, maybe two more,” he pushes the fingers inside and out, squelching sounds all around Yoongi, “you want to help?”

Yoongi nods immediately, looking for the bottle of lube next to Jimin, “you’re not hard” he explains
“I’m only stretching, haven’t touched where it matters yet,” Jimin defends himself, but Yoongi is still worried, “your fingers are larger, when you push them inside you won’t be able to avoid it like me,”

Yoongi nods, rubbing his fingers the same way Jimin had some minutes ago,
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Yoongi reminds the younger but Jimin only shakes his head, pushes Yoongi’s hand down, near his entrance

“You won’t,” Jimin hisses when Yoongi pushes his finger inside while the younger already had two of his. Yoongi stares at his reaction, Jimin nods
It’s so tight, Yoongi wonders how in hell is Jimin going to take all of him inside, the younger takes his fingers out and asks Yoongi add another one, “scissor them”

“for real?” Yoongi asks in disbelief

“Do it,” Jimin orders and Yoongi gets to it, attentive to Jimin’s reaction
He feels the muscle relaxing, adds another finger before Jimin asks for it. “Ah!” Jimin yelps

“Shit, sorry baby,” Yoongi wants to move but then he’ll probably do something with his fingers that could hurt the younger

“No, no, it’s okay, your fingers feel different, that’s all”
He moves his fingers, pushes them deeper, Jimin grabs his shoulder with one hand, supports himself to the headboard with the other, Yoongi quickens his pace watches how Jimin’s leg tremble, he’s half hard already, so the elder only thrusts deeper, in hope he’ll hit he right spot
He’s glad when he does, Jimin moans, so prettily, bites his lips, “Yes, Yoongi, there- can you- ah!”

Oh god, Yoongi could stay here all day if it meant hearing that, and so he hit it again, rubbed his fingers, only to get out different sounds, the grip on his shoulder tightens
“You look so good, fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he’s tempted to add another finger, teases with it at Jimin’s rim, the little moans fuel him, “I’m so lucky, so lucky to have you,”

Jimin pulls him closer to kiss him deeply, to moan into his mouth, “hyung, I need you, want you-“
“Okay, okay, you’re ready?” the anxiousness on his voice is clear but Yoongi ignores it,

“Yes, yes, I’m ready, just- don’t forget to also use lube before going in,” Jimin reminds him. He’s lifting himself on his elbows, watching Yoongi get rid of his jeans, of his boxers,
Yoongi knows he doesn’t have exactly the greatest body, he’s a lot more skinnier than Jimin, and he barely has muscle, so he feels a little under the spotlight but Jimin sits up, notices Yoongi is taking more time than necessary, “you’re so hot, you know?” the younger mentions
It’s only a phrase, but it boosts Yoongi’s confidence enough to climb back to bed near Jimin, “how do you want it?” he asks, and loves that Jimin smiles, stares at his eyes playfully.

“I can get on my hands and knees, if that’s easier for you,”

“But I really want to see you,”
It does sound hot, Jimin’s back arching and his body presented like that, but he wouldn’t be able to see his face or his chest or his cock, and Yoongi wants the full picture, doesn’t want anything hidden

“Then how about I ride you?” Jimin bites his lips, “I’d like that,”
Yoongi nods, “I feel like it’s the first time I’m having sex,”

Jimin pushes him down, straddles him, “It kind of is, well, it is your first time with me,” the younger smiles with his eyes, “that’s why it’s better that I lead, I said I was going to take care of you, didn’t I?”
“I’m going to teach you a trick,” Jimin widens his eyes, to create suspense, Yoongi only laughs.

“What?” he supports himself on his elbows to watch Jimin on top of him, lube on one hand condom in another,

He purses his lips, mumbles “-I gotta put some lube inside the condom,”
Yoongi is confused, “Why?”

“You’ll like it,” Jimin winks, “It’s like sucking cough drops before sucking dick, your dick will appreciate it,” the elder shakes his head in disbelief. Before he can tease Jimin, the younger rolls the condom on his hard on, it’s very slippery
Yoongi likes the weird feeling, it’s wet already around him and he isn’t inside Jimin yet, “If I didn’t need you right now, I would totally blow you, you look really good like that,” the younger mutters under his breath as he lazily strokes Yoongi, spreading lube on his shaft,
“You’re so dirty,” Yoongi scolds, Jimin only giggles,

“I’m trying to ease the mood, you’ve been frowning and I bet you haven’t noticed,” he indeed hadn’t noticed, “maybe I should get a little talkative,”

“don’t,” Yoongi warns, Jimin is still laughing, he doesn’t understand why
“I’ll suck your fingers then, to keep quiet,” the younger is teasing him, that’s why he’s laughing. Yoongi rolls his eyes, but smiles nonetheless, because Jimin is controlling the situation in a way Yoongi is grateful for, “Are you ready?”

“Are you? you are the one getting it”
“I’ve done this before, babe, I’m okay,” Yoongi blinks, “Aw, you’re frowning again, you don’t like it that I mentioned that? jealous much?”

“Jimin, I swear to God, I’m going to throw you-“

The younger lowers his boy to be pressed chest against chest with Yoongi, he kisses him
“I’m ready,” Jimin is holding Yoongi’s cock by the base, the elder nods

“It’s not smart that you sit up again, I want you this close so I can kiss you,” Yoongi breathes into Jimin’s mouth. Jimin gives him a peck but sits up again either way, pushes himself up on his thighs
Yoongi closes his eyes as Jimin sinks down on him, he’s so tight but the lube inside the condom makes it so wet, he groans when Jimin fully sits down, the younger whines loudly at the stretch, “Ah- baby, I’m not hurting you right?”

“No, no, it feels so good, full-“

“Ah, fuck,”
Jimin starts rolling his hips, the view is too much for Yoongi, he had forgotten that Jimin being a dancer would do the most when fucking, Yoongi throws his head back, focuses on how tight and warm the younger man feels. He bucks his hips up but Jimin grabs him before, stills him
Yoongi looks up, sees Jimin’s hands around his hips, grounding him, “No, no, let me, okay? I’ll do it”

“Okay,” he gulps as Jimin continues to fuck himself, “Can I touch you?”

The blonde boy smiles, pushes his hair off his forehead, /God, he’s so hot/ “Not right now, babe”
Jimin keeps it up, he pushes himself up a little to sink down again repeatedly, and Yoongi is biting back his moans, Jimin’s hands trail up from Yoongi’s hips to his flat abdomen to his chest, he rubs his thumbs against the elder’s nipples, and it’s a foreign feeling for him,
he moans at the sensation, way too pitchy and high for his taste but it doesn’t matter because everything is so sensitive around him, Jimin surrounding him and his touch on his body, “You like that?” his boyfriend asks and Yoongi only nods, so the younger keeps rubbing,
when his nipples are hard already Jimin spreads his hands, uses Yoongi’s chest as support to lift himself up, to have the head of Yoongi’s dick just barely inside him and then ground back in a quick motion, the elder doesn’t think he’ll be able to control any sound he makes,
“Jimin-“ Yoongi moans, “Jimin, love-“

the younger slows down, grounds his hips slowly, he quickly searches for Yoongi’s eyes “Yes? What is it?”

“Come here,” he grabs Jimin’s waist, pulls him closer from there, the younger moves his arms to settle them next to Yoongi’s head
Jimin whines with the change of angle, adjusting again, but he quickly recovers. They are chest to chest again, “I told you it was useless sitting up,” Yoongi kisses the younger, but it’s mostly tongue and sounds of pleasure because Jimin hasn’t stopped the roll of his hips
“I wanted to put on a show,” Jimin drunkenly smiles to their kiss,

“You did,” Yoongi bends his knees a little, his hands lower to his boyfriend’s ass to spread him open, Jimin whines on instinct

“Y-you want to-?” Yoongi nods and Jimin slows his pace down for Yoongi to thrust up
Yoongi sets a lazy pace, letting them recover from Jimin’s over stimulating movements a moment ago, now Jimin has hide on Yoongi’s neck, his hands playing with his hair, he meets his boyfriend halfway each time the elder thrusts up, but it’s slow. Yoongi is holding Jimin’s body,
Their lips find eachother, “touch me-“ Jimin asks while they kiss, and Yoongi complies, he leaves one hand on the back of his spine, appreciating the curve of his boyfriend’s body, but the other goes to play with Jimin’s cock. The younger’s movements grow more desperate
“Go harder, Yoongi, I won’t break,” Jimin teases, kissing Yoongi’s neck now, leaving pecks from his his shoulder blade to behind his ear

“I’m fucking you in the ass,” /he said it/ “I don’t want to hurt you,”

“You would never,” Jimin sucks on his earlobe, his hands roaming down
Yoongi quickens his pace, he rams harder inside, rougher shorter thrusts that Jimin mewls at, his legs tense, he bites on Yoongi, “Ah, yes, like that-“
He thrusts faster, searching his own release, the presssure on his lower abdomen getting stronger with each moan Jimin breathes
“Ah! Ah Yoongi, don’t stop, I’m- I’m-“ He doesn’t stop, he can’t, it feels all so good, so right,

“You’re close?” He asks, Jimin nods between loud moaning and whining, he’s close too, he’s so close, over stimulated on what he feels, what he sees, what he hears and tastes
“Ah, fuck, me too,” Yoongi confesses between moans, Jimin doesn’t seem to listen, he’s too busy meeting Yoongi’s thrusts, kissing him desperately,

“Harder-,” he manages, “harder”

Yoongi flips them over, lifts Jimin’s thighs around his hips and fucks him harder, like he wants.
“You- you- fuck,” Yoongi moans as he thrusts inside his boyfriend, the feeling overbearing. Jimin is stroking himself between their bodies, it all sounds so wet, “fuck, I love you so much”

Jimin uses his free hand to pull Yoongi down by his neck, kiss him again, to be this close
“Yoongi, I’m going to come, I’m going-“

“Look at me, look at me, I want to see you,” Jimin tries to stay still to stare into Yoongi’s eyes, he bites his lips, his whole body shakes, and he cums between them, the elder only needs to thrust back a few times to the sight to cum too
Jimin’s arms are holding Yoongi, and they are catching their breath, foreheads pressed together. “I love you too,” Jimin smiles, kisses him sweetly, “I’m going to wince when you take it out, don’t think I’m in pain, okay?”

Yoongi nods, pulls out, and searches for the towel
Jimin is humming a song, and Yoongi is softly cleaning the younger’s body, and that’s when he catches outside the window, from where he had open the curtains a little, the cars are frozen, and the streetlights don’t flicker, no clouds

oh, the world had truly stopped for them.
🌈 Jimin’s luck never got better. He had finally finished his thesis after months, and of course he had a formal presentation and his parents were there, and it had been so long that even Namjoon was there, but now he had to give the results to the school that he worked with
He had a presentation with the kids, where he explained them about how they had helped him learn more about theater and dance and themselves. The teachers and principal were thrilled with Jimin’s thesis, they didn’t want the young man to stop coming by, but he didn’t intent to,
The day had gone great, he discussed the possibility of having a dance workshop with the kids and it was all good. Everything like Jimin had ever wanted, he was so happy he didn’t really care that he had forgotten his umbrella and that it had started raining on his way home
He of course started caring once his shirt got soaked, his coat was covering his blonde hair and face from wetting but it was useless, he was going to get a cold and Yoongi was going to scold him

He ran on the street, hoping he’ll get home before his clothes ruin even more
Once he reaches the building, his soul has left his body. This hasn’t happened to him in months, actually it hadn’t happen since last year. Jimin starts climbing up the stairs, it had been over a year ago, his first blind date, he had also forgotten his umbrella back then
Yoongi had laughed at him back then, he was going out of his apartment right when Jimin tried getting into his. Jimin stares at the door of what used to be Yoongi’s apartment. Now, a man called Seokjin lives there, Jimin thinks they should befriend him, he has pretty plants
He finds his keys, and walks inside their apartment. Yoongi has left all the lights on, Jimin rolls his eyes because the elder then complains about the bills but he never turns off the lights when he leaves a room. As soon as he walks inside Holly runs towards him, barking
“Hey, little monster,” Jimin greets him, but he doesn’t kneel to carry him because he doesn’t want to wet everything even more than he already has. Holly growls annoyed though, “Holly, no!” Jimin scolds. “no!” The dog stops

Jimin walks to the living room with a much calmer Holly
Yoongi is on the couch, his chin on one of his knees, the other leg dangling from his seat, the laptop is thrown over some cushions, the position looks everything but comfortable.

His now black hair is a mess, and he’s running his hand through it, messing it up even more.
Jimin waits until the elder notices his presence, but his boyfriend only stares at the screen, pout on his lips, he even picks on his finger, Jimin is going to smack him.

A pool of water is forming around him, his clothes dripping, Yoongi can’t hear because of his headphones
Jimin crosses his arm, waiting

Yoongi clicks on his laptop, Holly tries climbing the couch then and that’s when Yoongi looks away, he takes off his headphones. Only when he lifts Holly up to the couch is that he must notice the water dripping on their carpet darkening the fabric
Yoongi looks up to find Jimin, soaked wet from the rain. A cute gummy smile brightens his face, he chuckles, “What happened to you?” His very hot, very taken and very not straight boyfriend asks, just like he did over a year ago on the hallway, but it’s much different this time
Jimin smiles, there are a thousand ways he could answer that question to Yoongi, “I got caught in the rain,” he says instead, just like he did back then, but it is so much different because Yoongi stands up now, and closes the distance between the two

I just want you all to know that Yoongi and Jimin adopt a child even if the paperwork is crazy because they are a gay couple and the kid is already 8 and he’s deaf but after a lot of fights and lawyers visits they make it and Taehyung and Namjoon are the godparents
Also, Namjoon and Hoseok got together when Namjoon went back to Seoul for break and stayed with Hoseok and his boyfriend sjhnshvw but that's another complicated story and and they started hanging out with Seokjin of course, and the seven of them become friends
set after a year and a half of them dating!
set after four years of them dating!

• • •

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More from @minjiiminie

Aug 5
yoonmin au— a wolf’s kiss extra

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> very plotless and fluffy. warning for community parenting!

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Apr 16
yoonmin— rockbands au

it’s yoongi and jimin’s wedding day
> this is a commission for yoonmin's marriage in the rock bands universe featuring tooth-rotting fluff and romantic songs.

> you can find all the parts of the series here and remember to read up to the latest extra or it won’t make much sense:
Raindrops hit the large windows from the bedroom, and Jimin can’t look away, even if he’s getting his makeup done. The makeup artist keeps touching his chin, so he faces her.

It’s raining on their wedding day. The smoking area, the photo station, and the bar are outdoors.
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> this is a commission for what happened to yoonmin after the epilogue with a special focus on their rings and the promise of marriage

> you can find all the parts of the series here and remember to read up to the epilogue or it won’t make much sense: minjiiminie.carrd.co/#rockbands

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Feb 23
yoonmin au—

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• oomfs to lovers. long distance friendship. constant gay panics. awkwardness and insecurities, but also fluff and comfort.

• este es un regalo de cumpleaños para @isujimin con este mensajito: happy birthday 23rd to my twinsis 🫶🏼
the pair

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Jan 3
rockbands au—

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> this is a commission for an epilogue for the rockbands series set a bit over a year after the end of the nam2seok version. not much plot, just catching up with the characters and their lives

> you can start reading the series from here:
Yoongi and Jimin still live in the same apartment that has witnessed their journey from roommates with a mutual crush to rivals to lovers. The couch where they had sex for the first time is the same, but Jimin bought new, expensive, velvety covers for their pillows.
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Nov 13, 2023
yoonminjoon au— out of sight

jimin and his bodyguard namjoon play a long game of push and pull but never act on their feelings. not even when they run away from a threat. somehow, what pushes them to face their feelings is their relationship with a neighbor at their hiding spot.
> this is my friend tati’s plot that she came up with alongside @ronaninluv and @80sfemfem she trusted me to make justice to the plot and wants to gift it to the co-creators 💗 to them, she says: “valórenme que no les voy a durar toda la vida” 😁 hehe hope you enjoy!
The alcohol in his veins makes his feet stumble, but Jimin manages to climb inside the car. He sprawls his body on the backseat of the car right as Namjoon slams the door with too much strength and enters the front seat, turning to the driver and telling him they’re good to go.
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