an uncultured swine - sunshine Profile picture
Aug 20, 2018 392 tweets >60 min read Read on X
NSFW Vmin soulmate, social media AU

Kim Taehyung is a huge fanboy of bdsm YouTuber Park Jimin, when Jimin announces he will be going to Bulletproof, a kink convention in LA Taehyung drags his three friends to the same convention so he can finally meet Jimin

Jimin and his friends ImageImageImage
Taehyung and his friends ImageImageImageImage
A soulmate AU where the worst thing your soulmate ever says to you is permanently written somewhere on your body from birth

(I did not come up with this concept, my best friend found it somewhere and wanted me to write it, I do not know who’s idea it was)
Park Jimin is a dancer/YouTuber, his videos can range in topic but he is very open about his relationship with kink and the bdsm community. What he does not tell people is that he owns a secret camboy account Image
My goal is to update this daily, it will not be a SFW AU, if you don’t like that simply please do not read it, please do not reply so that I can keep this thread purely the AU, if you wish to say something please say it in my CC, the link should be in my bio
1. ImageImageImage
2. NSFW ImageImageImage
(Btw I promise that there will be better updates once it picks up with some like plot and stuff) ImageImageImage
4. Poor babies ImageImageImageImage
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6.2 (unedited sorry for any mistakes) ImageImageImageImage
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7.3 (bonus: the pics tae sent Jin) ImageImage
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8.2 Jimin Gay panics
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9.0 Late update tomorrow, here’s a preview as apology Image
9.0 so I’m working really hard to finish ‘chapter’ 9 before midnight but I’m some writers block so I was hoping if some of you could give me some ideas for what you all would like to see happen at the dinner?
9.1 I am writing the dinner but it will not be up today, i will update tomorrow as usual and simply tweet it when it’s finished ImageImage
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Just a warning; probably a late update tomorrow (I had an all day party today sorry)
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Anyone interested in occasionally seeing whats going on in this world beyond our boys?
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Hey guys, I do have a plan for this fic but if any of you have requests for side stories I’d really like to hear them! I could always use some ideas!! (you could also dm me or quote)
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Does everyone still like this story?
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24 (bonus cause I’m a forgetful shit with birthdays especially when I’m caught up with something sorry) ImageImage
Lazy update tomorrow cause I’m falling asleep and have a pounding headache
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Should I change Jimin’s hair color?
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30 [image attached] is just a screenshot of kook and tae’s conversation ImageImageImageImage
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32 [image attached] is Jimins tweet (fun little tie but of info, those are tae’s shorts) ImageImageImage
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34 I’m half asleep ImageImage
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37 NSFW ImageImageImageImage
38 NSFW Image
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Who’s reading this?
40 (oh shit I’ve already been doing this 40 days???) ImageImageImageImage
Late update tomorrow, I’m not feeling great
No update today, sorry guys
42 (I am counting days not chapters btw) ImageImageImage
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44 I was on ft and falling asleep while writing this so I’m sorry if it’s bad ImageImage
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I’m so sorry guys!!! I literally fell asleep while writing the post about how I can’t jupdate till way late because I was so exhausted 😅 sorry, ima update in the next few hours
46 I’m so sorry about how late it is guys!!! Image
47 (just a heads up; I hate cliff hangers but I live for torturing my poor readers(mainly my best friends) Image
No post today, the boys need some privacy I think
49 sorry about yesterday guys I was really busy and had no inspiration ImageImage
50 Image
Not sure there’ll be an update tomorrow; I have a terrible migraine so my phone is getting difficult
51 I’m feeling better so here have an update!! ImageImage
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54 (I am so sorry) ImageImageImage
... I forgot to include the word fun in Jimin’s tweet. “I had so much fun” idk how or why I did, but I did
Just btw for all of my readers; y’all should follow @kp0pgiveaways cause I’m a slut for free stuff that I’ll never actually get
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Just like... I love and appreciate my son like a lot and #HappyBirthdayJimin
Not sure there will be a post tomorrow, I had homecoming tonight and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow so I’ll probably be busy, sorry guys
57 I... don’t even know what to say #ARMYIndependeceDay ImageImage
Hey guys so I have a lot of other social media AU ideas running through my head (a few nsfw some and not all the same ships) would you guys be interested in hearing any of them?
58.1 ImageImageImage
58.2 (Yoongi and hobi took Jimin’s phone btw) ImageImage
59 ImageImage
Anyone reading this that’s a big Taemin fan? Can you please message me I am in need of some help
No update today but guys please I really need an answer to this question
Who’s active? I need to knowwwww
This shits about to get interactive but only if people are hereee
61 ImageImageImage
Should Yoongi intervene?
(Y’all should turn my notifications on temporarily)
61 (Ima be completely honest. I forgot. My crush came over and I got distracted sorry guys) ImageImageImage
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Who’s contacting Taemin?
Warning for anyone who knows a lot about Taemin: I don’t. I know virtually nothing besides he vaped once and people gotta pissy, He’s probably gonna be out of character
64 ImageImageImage
65 Hey guys, I’m gonna be super busy and stressed all week, (honestly stress is probably the reason I messed up so bad last night) so ima take a break while jimin does, ill see you all on Saturday Image
70 (Jimins says “you can’t even dance” btw) ImageImageImage
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Y’all Jimin is basically Yoongi and Hobis kid and it’s my favorite thing
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73 happy Halloween/Samhain/All Hallows’ eve/whatever you’re celebrating!!!! (I’m celebrating Samhain with some friends and it’s great (also they live in LA (just a little reminder))) Image
74 Image
No update today because something big is happening with our boys tomorrow
75.1 (my sincerest apologies guys) ImageImageImage
75.2 I will still update today I promise ImageImageImageImage
76 I’m sorry @aliveforvmin (the first pic is tae texting Jimin the second one is Hobi and Yoongi texting Jimin and the last one is Yoongi texting Jimin’s brother) ImageImageImageImage
When should I update?
Wait, okay twitter is the most confusing thing it says that the less angst option won but that only one person officially voted on it when I look at the more in depth info but then it says three people????? WHAT IS THE TRUTH
(Spoiler alert: the truth is that I don’t actually care enough because I’m tired and I really want to do the angstier option... I love you guys I promise, I’m sorry)
So a while back I posted about if you guys would like to hear my other au ideas?? You guys said yes so here:

A snap chat vminkook nsfw au:

A tumblr vminkook/namjin/sope soulmate au:

Maybe a yoonmin one??

I’m also open to requests

Interested in hearing more about any?
77.1 Image
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77.3 PSA; just because jungkook doesn’t talk a lot doesn’t mean he’s not worried or doesn’t care, he’s immensely worried and cares greatly Image
The less angst option was that Jimin was literally just at his brothers, I hope you all like the one I chose as much as I did though?
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No update tonight cause it’s my mama’s b-day
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I am praying that I can update for Vmin’s first date but as of right now I am making no promises, if I don’t get it up tonight I will get it up tomorrow but it will still take place tonight, there will just be two updates tomorrow
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83 something small for today cause I’m really tired and feel kinda shitty Image
84 ImageImage
Pick a tribute guys!!

Sorry for forgetting to update last night, it wouldn’t have been anything plot important though
This time I thought in my head about how it’s been a long day and there will be no update and I need to tell you guys, but it seems I forgot to follow through on that one, tomorrow there is an update though!!!
I think you all might enjoy tonight’s update??? It should be /fun/ enough to make up for missing the past two days
87.1 ImageImage
87.2 you guys want to see the images? ImageImageImage
87 BONUS one of them is too explicit to include, if you wish to see dm me and I’ll send it privately (taehyung is the one laying Jimin is standing) ImageImage
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No update today, I have a bunch of friends over
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Update tomorrow!!!
I will post what I was supposed to post last night today as well as today’s update
92 (I’m sorry it’s late guys it’s been a hell of a week) ImageImage
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94 forgot my laptop today so I’m hoping to be able to post their celebrations later ImageImage
96 I will post some of the thanksgiving moments I promise, eventually. For now, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Image
Sorry no update today, my homework took me longer then I expected
98 that moment you update with only three minutes left in the day but it’s fine ImageImageImage
Sorry guys, fell asleep while I was thinking of what to post, I’ll post something for today later
If you guys have any Christmas themed nsfw pics that look like Jimin that would be??? Pretty cool??? If you could dm them to me????
100(holy shit it’s already been a hundred days???? WTH????) Image
Hey guys! I love hearing what you have to say!! I understand some of you might not feel comfortable with saying some things publicly though!! Please don’t forget that I have a CC and it absolutely warms my heart when I get comments on it!!
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102 did someone say Christmas??? Image
Sometimes the smallest parts can be the most important
11/30/18 Image
103 warning: intense, potentially triggering language/slur ImageImageImage
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106 (not a lot of inspiration today, sorry guys) ImageImage
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(I’d just like to add that in the rest of the picture I used for the last one the human is holding a gun which I think makes the song lyric I used very funny
Yes. Image
Hello my little gay tacos!!! Start sending me your favorite Christmas/holiday/winter songs for Jimin to use!!
Hi! I would like to thank @princegloz for literally making my entire night???? Hi, you’re adorable and I love you???? Thank you??? So much???????? For like just existing????????????? Image
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This emotion describes the entire fic for the last week and the next week to come

(Of course then you have a week to breathe before the tears come)
Merry Christmas!!! I have a whole lot planned for this month in case you guys didn’t know Image
Twitter keeps wiping out my notifications and I’m so annoyedddddd
111 jiminie... Image
The world is dirty messed up place Image
Guyyysss!!! Attention!! I really want to know if any of you have theories or anything about what’s going on!! Quote or comment on my CC and tell me what you think is happening
Are you guys ready? In preparation for this I would like to remind you all that I encourage and LOVE getting comments on both twitter and my CC (which can be anon)
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Wonder what Taehyung said to Jimin 🧐🧐🧐
Hi, so the app I use to make this AU keeps crashing on me, I’m trying really hard to make up tonights update but if I can’t I’ll figure this out and I’ll pull it off for you guys when I get the app to work again I promise!! I love you my gay tacos!!! I’m so sorry about this!!!!
112 Until I can get the app working enjoy this BONUS from yesterday’s drama Image
My app is still crashing and I’m starting to fall asleep, I am so sorry, if I can’t get it to work tomorrow I might just have to delete it and redownload it, I am doing my best though, I’ll post both today and tomorrow’s updates tomorrow no matter what
We are up and running!!! Expect yesterdays update in the next hour
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114 (Jimin’s text was sent to everyone except jungkook) ImageImage
Hey guys! Considering I’m about to put you through hell for Christmas, what kind of stuff do you want to see happening to our boys in the new year?
If you want to do it anonymously you can say it on my CC!!!! (I also just love getting comments on there in general so like please leave me comments there)
115.1 ImageImageImage
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116 (have a breather) ImageImageImage
117 I have friends over and I’m in a weird place so sorry for the small update Image
118 I’ll post something more tomorrow I promise Image
119 Image
Hey guys, I know I promised something better for today but my day took a turn so I can just pull the Christmas post off for today, I’ll do my best to give you an actual update on the boys’ lives tomorrow, love you my gay tacos!!!
120 WARNING!!! Mention of threaten of rape ahead ImageImage
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I’m gonna be honest, the events of today we’re not planned and will probably be early mentioned again, but I’m a writer and I had a need to rant
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Be prepared for this weekend, and just remember this Christmas that I do love you guys I promise
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124 if you know this song you are my new best friend (@BabyMomoMochi @peachyy_joonie if you don’t know this song you are hereby replaced. (I’m kidding I love you guys)) Image
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I love you guys, and I am so sorry for what is to come
126 merry Christmas Eve, I’m about to go to church so enjoy this fluff that my son posted around six today Image
126 eight o’clock, 20:00, Christmas Eve (December 24) 2018 ImageImageImage
127 Christmas Day, merry Christmas ImageImage
128 ImageImage
129 (just imagine that Hobi looks all beat up, pictures are hard and I can’t edit) Image
Any of my sweet gay tacos know of some DDLB bts social media AUs out there??? I’m in desperate need🙏🙏🙏🙏
130 ImageImage
I was wondering if any of you would like to know exactly what state Hobi is in?
Just want to clear something up with you guys (not that anyone’s asked though!) but in this AU the boys live in LA therefore Events (Like taehyung’s birthday) are celebrated later, so Tae’s birthday is tomorrow in the fic
131 Image
Wait... are people still reading?
132 happy (late??? What is time and time zones????) birthday to our sweet taetae!! ImageImage
Posting today and yesterday’s updates tonight, happy new year my darling tacos
133 sorry it’s late, last night was a whole ride ImageImage
134 Image
I was gonna try to be more professional but I couldn’t find a template so like,Hobi was beaten, he had a few fractured bones, his wrist and one of his ribs were broken, he had a pretty bad black eye (left) and a nasty bruise on what was basically the entire right side of his face
His throat was also severely bruised from attempted/slight strangulation, and his left pinkie toe was broken, not to mention the concussion
135 family. ImageImage
136 ImageImage
Hey guys, ima skip tonight but I’ll update tomorrow, maybe do something a bit longer
137.1 here, have some fluff ImageImageImage
137.2 here have some more ImageImage
Today’s update is dedicated to my best friend since kindergarten and my baby sister
Okay low key @BabyMomoMochi thinks I’m literally magical I love you baby sis😂😂
I have a headache but I’ll post something tomorrow... I hope 😰😰
...I think I inadvertently got thrown off so let me go do some counting and then I’ll post
The last update should have been 138 sorry, I had miscalculated
140 (tae does not have a tattoo though Jimin’s piercing???? I’ll leave her up to the imagination) Image
Guysssss ask me things!! I promise I answer! And answer honestly!!
141 tomorrow ImageImage
142 court ImageImageImageImage
No update today due to personal stuff, ill update tomorrow though I promise
I’m really sorry that I didn’t get anything released today (or yesterday for me) I got really drunk before I could write it, I’ll post something tomorrow Is2g
a big update to make up for the last two days, thank you to @BabyJimothy and @princegloz for helping me to write it
(Go follow them, they’re amazing)
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145.7 ImageImageImageImage
Done! Hope you guys enjoy (it took me hours)
A bonus from yesterday that spills into this morning Image
And the screenshots that were posted: ImageImage
Hey guys, I hope you don’t mind but I’m gonna spend tonight rereading this entire thing so I y’know remember whats happened, and then I’ll update tomorrow
147 something small cause i got homework Image
148 I have a killer headache so enjoy these ImageImageImage
For some reason this failed to send last night even though I POSTED IT YOU STUPID FACE TWITTER so I’m sorry it’s a little late, I /tried/ to post it in time
Please say something on my CC!!!
149 🙄🙄🙄 ImageImage
150 ImageImage
No update tonight, I’m sorry guys
Sorry guys, no update again because tonight has been a big night for me
153 Image
This month is going to be slow (I owe you guys a breath of fresh air after December) but I promise it’ll pick up more after Valentine’s Day
No update tonight cause I have to sleep and then get a months worth of work done in a few hours then pretend to be awake enough for school in the morning so
155 Image
Hey guys! I just want to update you all because I did a little more calculating and thought through how I want this to end a bit more (Jimin likes to steal his boyfriends phone...) I always say that this is going to take two years to play out, it’s more like a year and a half
(Maybe I’ll want to do a sequel after that though🧐🧐 I can’t be sure though, it’s over a year away after all who knows what my life will look like and wow that thoughts gonna cause an existential crisis gosh😂)
You guys should send me prompts because I’m gonna have a lot of time to write in the coming future and I’d love to start writing small thread-fics for you guys
Sorry about missing tonight’s update, there was a little kitty who distracted me
157 Image
Sorry for all the small updates, I’m trying to keep it relatively realistic so there really just isn’t a lot going on in their lives rn😅😅😅
Hey guys! You should all check out my girlfriend’s new nsfw vmin au
Sorry about the no update guys, expect an update Sunday night
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Did everyone just like hate my desperate attempts at fluff😬😬😬😬
Hey guys, really sorry considering last night was so,,, yeah, but! I can’t update tonight so I’ll posts tonight’s update tomorrow
164 Image
165) Feb 1, 2019 (sorry it’s so late I’ve barely been sober all weekend) Image
166) feb 2 2019 Image
167) feb 3 2019 Image
And that gets us all caught up, back to normal update schedule now, sorry for the weird weekend
168) feb 4. 2019 Image
Should I continue including the date in my updates?
172) feb 8, 2019 (sorry guys, it’s been a busy week for me but I have something fun for you to make up for it🤗🤗) Image
BONUS) Okay guys, I want you to leave comments on my CC (tweet below) or quote this tweet, saying what y o u think Jimin should do Image
Okay I give up, no more daily updates, I’ll update when I update b u t the story still takes place in our world, there fore the parts still occur the day they are posted
178) February 14, 2019 ImageImageImage
182) February 18, 2019 Image
183) February 19, 2019 Image
Guys please. Please please please. Like, retweet, quote and comment on my CC. P L E A S E, it gives me inspiration and the memory to actually update for you guys
182) February 20, 2019 ImageImageImage
184) February 22, 2019 Image
I promise an update is coming soon
219 pt.1) March 29, 2019 Image
219 pt.2) March 29, 2019 ImageImage
220) March 30, 2019 ImageImageImage
221) March 31, 2019 Image
222) April 1, 2019 Image
223) April 2, 2019 ImageImage
224) April 3, 2019 Image
225) April 4, 2019 Image
Next big update scheduled for June
311) June 30th ImageImageImageImage
311.2) June 30th
JiHyun texting Yoongi Image
I wanna update you all on what exactly my plan with this au is, in the beginning I genuinely hoped I could update every day but as the summer neared I got super busy, I’m in the middle of moving right now and I graduated early which was unexpected so I’m currently super busy but
I have a huge update planned for this week and another huge update planned for August, once my life is a little more normal and we’re back to the fall and winter I will be updating regularly again, expect big things for August and December and I will be ending the Au on valentine
I have had every big step of this planned from day one and I’m really excited to see it through, I just hope at least some of you will see it through with me, I promise the long wait will pay off
312) July 1, 2019

Sorry it’s bad, I can’t find my laptop ImageImageImageImage
313) July 2, 2019 ImageImage
314) July 3, 2019 Image
315) July 4, 2019 ImageImageImage
Sorry the last two days have been late I’m so tired from work
338) July 27, 2019 ImageImageImage
So here’s how much of an idiot I am, I had the entirety of yesterday’s update ready to post and entirely forgot
362) August 20, 2019 ImageImageImageImage
Please leave some comments on my CC!!!!
363) August 21, 2019 (anyone want the bonus picture?) ImageImageImage
364) August 22, 2019
a happy happy couple Image
Pleaseeeee please please!!!!!! Leave a comment on my CC! You can do it anonymously~~~
365) August 23, 2019
I must have miscounted somewhere because the 20 was /definitely/ one year but whatever ImageImageImageImage
366) August 24, 2019
Sorry for any errors I was rushing a bit ImageImage
367) August 25, 2019 ImageImageImage
Do you think Taehyung or Jungkook deserve forgiveness?
Sorry for lack of update, my grandfather is in the hospital
368) September 4, 2019 (barely) Image
370) September 5, 2019 ImageImage
450) November 24, 2019
Jimin & Jungkook
Here’s a small teaser of what’s to come this Christmas Image
I have been waiting for this plot since I started this AU on August 20, 2018, I know I don’t have a lot of readers left and mainly because I never post anymore and what I do post is mediocre at best but I promise to those of you who have stuck around, this Christmas will be
Worth it, everything has been building up to this moment, thank you to anyone and everyone who has read this au, I am so eternally grateful for al of your support.
So it’s been a wild year (for everyone) and at first I wasn’t sure if I actually wanted to finish this because of stress but I’m so close and I have the plan so I know I really do,
However, my laptop is broken so I can’t write anything and my phone looks like a mirror supplying a decade of bad luck so sadly I do have to wait to replace my stuff in a month to finish it
But I promise I will finish it. Expect Christmas and Valentine’s Day as they last parts to come out by the end of May

• • •

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