New neuro theory manuscript up on bioRxiv titled "Constrained brain volume in an efficient coding model explains the fraction of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in sensory cortices". With @INemenman and led by Arish Alreja. Take a look and RT!
TL;DR Mammalian brains vary in size by orders of magnitude. But the ratio of excitatory to inhibitory cells in their sensory cortexes varies by only a factor of 3. In a new preprint, we explain why this could be. Read below to find out.
To help us understand circuit computations, we looked at structural properties conserved across species. For example, while the number of neurons in primary sensory areas varies by 100x, the ratio of E:I neurons varies by less than 3x.
New paper just accepted at IEEE Transactions in Computational Imaging titled "Parallel Unbalanced Optimal Transport Regularization for Large-scale Imaging Problems" with @John07252731 and Nick Bertrand (not on twitter):…
We have used Optimal Transport (aka Earth Mover's Distance) as a regularizer for inverse problems and sparse tracking problems in the past (
ML (and maybe neuro) folks, we're excited about a new ICML paper: "Active Embedding Search via Noisy Paired Comparisons" by Canal (@GregHCanal), Massimino, Davenport and Rozell. What's the summary? Glad you asked.
The problem we're considering is "preference search", which is the task of finding the best "item" for a given user. An "item" is just a vector in a vector space, so this is a very general formulation that could have many applications.
Items could be material things (e.g., a product, an image in a dataset), or it could be something abstract like the preferred settings of a medical device or model parameters. Especially interested in suggestions of neuro applications.
@resolvingdust @sbarolo I agree that the attention need to be turned to those women. My question is, for a man who is (wrongly) focused on the potential for false accusations, what ways are there to get him focused on the right things (the victims)?
@resolvingdust @sbarolo These guys are real people that are causing real damage in their organizations by this attitude. Getting them to leave the twitter conversation doesn't change the damage they are doing there.
@resolvingdust @sbarolo I don't know what will change them, but I would like to try talking to them. I want them to hear about @sbarolo's extensive list. But they have to be listening in order to get them to actually hear about these thousands of women and essentially no false accusations.
@resolvingdust @j_zelikova@sbarolo@John7Istheman@McLNeuro@james_t_webber So my shorthand to try and communicate the idea on twitter is obviously conveying something I didn't intend. I'm sorry. I was trying to say we share similar goals.
@resolvingdust @j_zelikova@sbarolo@John7Istheman@McLNeuro@james_t_webber The role I'm trying to play in that is to talk to other men who don't appear aware of the magnitude of the issue and try to get them to a point where they can recognize that.