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Sep 17, 2018 203 tweets 58 min read
|#jihope au| |side #taegi|

where jimin sees hoseok as his dance rival and arch nemesis, but all hoseok wants is a piece of that cake 🍑 (and maybe a little bit of that heart too).
• Cliche af
• Ignore time stamps ain’t nobody got time
• don’t reply, quote I guess? Idk I’m new to this
• let’s get it
• I’m not doing intro to profiles bc that shit take too much time to read so:
• Dancers: Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook
• Models: Taehyung, Jin
• Music Producer: Yoongi
• CEO of BigStar ent: Namjoon
• I did say cliche people
Jimin just @ him
Taehyung your thirst is showing
Day of auditions
Tae’s an intellectual
MYG you ain’t slick
10 minutes later and no response from Hosuck
A few more minutes later..
He’s desperate
Call him out Hoseok
I’m scarred.
He’s embarrassed 🦖
Tae ur FOINE too
Everyone’s confused except yoongi’s b****
Thank the enemy? 😒
Jimin was cooling down after his performance when he felt a presence next to him. “You did really good out there sweet cheeks.” Jimin sneered into his water bottle. “Kindly fuck off Jung.” Hoseok put his hands in the air as of meaning no harm.
He still had on his basketball shorts and a loose white t-shirt which was clinging to his sweaty torso. If Jimin was staring it was only because of the atrocious getup. “Anyways, I can’t wait to see you at the company party tonight. I’ll be looking for you,” Hoseok winked.
“And I’ll be avoiding you.”
“Aw c’mon, don’t be like that. I gave you the closing act, where are my Park Jimin brownie points?”
“Please, brownie points my ass. If you weren’t here we wouldn’t have had that problem to begin with.” And yeah, Jimin can admit he’s a petty asshole.
He watches as Hoseok’s eyes widened as if caught off guard. “Ouch baby, that kind of hurt. Why don’t you make me feel better with a kiss.”
Hoseok teasingly leans in and jimin shoves him back with a manicured hand. “No thanks. I don’t kiss boys who reek of Axe.”
“Oof. Anyways, gotta go meet the boys. I’ll see you tonight Jimin.” Hoseok leaves, but of course not without swiping his hand across Jimin’s lower back.
Jimin feels a chill run up his spine, but it’s definitely not a good one. Definitely. He grumbles to himself. “Whatever.”
Tae is a good boy..?
That gluteus maximus is poppin 🤤
Let’s not forget these two.
Jimin walks into the club with every intention of getting fcked up. He decides what happens after that is not entirely under his control. So when he finds himself sandwiched between two bodies, he just goes with it.
Even with the air permeating of sweat and sour breath, Jimin feels more relaxed than he has in weeks. Practicing nonstop for long periods of time is a habit of his, and whether it’s a good or bad thing, he couldn’t necessarily say.
He just knows his mind is always worrying over something and right now he feels..free. Horny, but free. As the tempo gets faster, his company gets closer. Two sets of hands are wrapped around his waist and he feels a pair of lips on his neck. God, he wants to get laid tonight.
He’s in the middle of trying to connect his mouth to the other’s behind him when he feels a tug on his shoulder. “Jungkook.” Jimin frowns at the intrusion. “Taehyung’s looking for you”, the younger says. He doesn’t look too pleased to be near the trio either.
Jimin detaches himself from the couple with a half ass sorry (he can find a replacement later) and follows jungkook through the crowd until he reaches a corner table where Taehyung is seated with some guests. “Jimin!”
Taehyung flings himself over the person next to him to give Jimin a wet kiss on the cheek. As he goes to sit back down, Jimin notices that the person was none other than Min Yoongi. The man is sporting a red face and Jimin is sure it’s not solely the alcohol’s fault.
Jimin sits down and notices a few more familiar faces from the company. He turns to the person next to him to ask for one of the untouched shots in the middle of the table and - “What the fuck.” Jimin feels sick.
Jung Hoseok has the ugliest smirk on his face and god, Jimin wants to smack it off. “Hey sweet cheeks, I was wondering when you’d show up.” Hoseok throws a greasy wink Jimin’s way and he wants to gag. “Kindly fck off Jung.”
Jimin promptly leans over the table, grabs one of the shot glasses himself and throws the burning liquid down his throat. “Slow down there Jimin, the night is still young,” Hoseok says. And how dare Hosuck tell him what to do.
Even though he knows his internal organs are going to hate him later, Jimin takes two more shots simultaneously out of spite. Fck Jung Hoseok, he doesn’t need to slow down.
It’s 1-2 hours later, Jimin’s not too sure. All he knows is the DJ needs to turn down the fcking music and that he tastes bile pooling on the back of his tongue. His head is resting against someone’s bony shoulder and there’s an arm around his waist.
He feels reassured but so incredibly nauseous. “Hey Jimin.” He faintly registers Taehyung’s voice. “It’s time to go home, why don’t you-“ Jimin hears “home”, but the rest of the conversation is lost in the sound of his blood rushing through his head.
He nods to his best friend, hopefully getting across that yes, he wants to go home. Getting laid is overrated anyways. He feels the arm around him tighten and then someone’s telling him to stand up. Jimin’s to the point where he knows if he opens his eyes, he’s going to throw up.
The whole ride back to what he assumes is his apartment, Jimin tries his best not to be sick all over the car’s interior. He can feel himself death gripping someone’s knee in an attempt to stabilize his body from jerking with the vehicle.
Once ushered out into the night air, his knees buckle under him and the concoction of drinks he regrettably put down come spewing out onto the curb. The arm that hasn’t left his waist since the club pulls him up and practically carries him into the high rise building.
As soon as he’s inside his apartment, Jimin sprints into the bathroom (not without hitting a few walls or two) and vomits again, nearly missing the toilet. He rests his spinning head on the cold seat in between heaves. Pained sobs make their way up his throat and-
Jimin really wants to die right now.
The bathroom door squeaks open and someone is quickly by Jimin’s side rubbing soothing circles across his back. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” they say. Jimin groans and dry heaves. “Let’s get you to the bedroom, okay?”
Jimin whines and lets himself be picked up and dragged down the hall even though the thought of moving feels like a death sentence.
Now even though Jimin is completely intoxicated, he still has well established tendencies that he always abides by. One of which is that he absolutely cannot stand wearing jeans in bed, especially a sweaty pair that he danced in all night.
Once his body hits the soft duvet cover, he hastily reaches down to unzip his fly. Taking off the skin tight jeans proves to be difficult and Jimin is trying his best to remove them without lifting his head. The person with him must see his struggle because they help him pull-
them off the rest of the way. Jimin then, as fast as he can so he can just lie down, strips the rest of his clothes off until he’s just in his underwear. He closes his eyes with every intention of passing the fck out however, “Jimin come on, sit up. You need to drink something.”
With a long moan, Jimin reluctantly slides his body into an upright position. “Here, drink this.” Jimin opens his eyes and, holy shit he’s going to be sick again. “What the hell are you doing here?” He tries to sound annoyed but his throat his raw and he’s completely drained.
Hoseok looks uncomfortable and out of place, yet seems more worried about giving Jimin the sports drink in his hand. “Just drink this okay? I know you’re not happy to see me, but I was the best option since I literally live across the hall.”
Jimin’s wandering mind generously reminds him that /oh yeah/ Hoseok is in fact his neighbor. He wants to be the smart mouthed b*tch he is, but he can hardly function rn. In fact, Hoseok has to guide the beverage to Jimin’s mouth so he doesn’t spill it all over himself.
I’m going to leave the trash can here okay?” Hoseok points next to the bed. “Are you okay? Do you want me to sleep on the couch just in case?” And alright, Jimin admits he feels just the slightest bit comforted, even if it’s bc of a moron. “No I’m okay now, you can go.”
“Only if you’re sure. If you wake up during the night try to drink more okay? I told you not to drink so much sweet cheeks,” Hoseok says with a know-it-all smile. “Whatever,” Jimin mumbles. He rolls over on his opposite side to signal he’s done talking and ready to sleep.
He feels gentle fingers in his hair, the sound of fading footsteps, and finally the click of the front door closing. He hugs his pillow to his chest and blacks out.
Like I’ve mentioned before, pls ignore time stamps 🤪
Jimin? In denial????
Beat it. Just beat it.
Some time after 2pm 👻
Please refer to “will be cliche” in au notes ☺️
The tl is losing it
He’s really not happy
Jimin heatedly throws open the door to the practice room. The loud bang that follows reverberates through his skull, reminding him of his still very prominent headache. But Jimin doesn’t care.
He is set on releasing some steam. If that means blasting his brain out of his skull with the loudest music he can find, so be it. He just couldn’t believe it! How was any of this fair to him? He has worked his ass off as the only contemporary dancer in this gd company.
No one else has made the cut and that’s because he is simply The Best. So what sense did it make to put him with a hip hop dancer who will entirely mess up his flow? Jimin chucks his sneakers across the room. “Woah there Park, what’s your problem? -
That time of the month again?” Holy shit, Jimin cannot deal with this right now. “What? You’re just going to ignore me?” Donghae says, walking further into the room with two of his groupies. Keeping his back turned, Jimin stands up from the floor and walks over to the stereo.
Whatever Donghae decides to say after that is drowned out by the thumping speakers. Jimin does not have the patience to warm up today. He goes straight into one of his old routines that he knows by heart. No thinking, just doing.
Glancing into the mirror he can still see the three imbeciles smirking at him. He closes his eyes. Despite being angry at the world and feeling like his head is going to explode, Jimin feels the tension releasing from his body in waves.
With every twist and turn, his muscles burn wonderfully and he can’t get enough of it.
In retrospect, he should have realized the three weren’t going to let him off as easy as that, as they hardly have in past confrontations. However, there would usually be someone with Jimin.
If he had opened his eyes once throughout the past 5 min, he would have seen Donghae walk over to his discarded sneakers. He would have been at least able to react as one of them were thrown in his way. And he would have most certainly not have kept dancing as it laid by his feet
Jimin jumps up in the air for an easy spin. Next thing he knows is he’s on the floor crying out in pain.
“Ah, fuck!” He screams, hands shooting down to clutch at his ankle. He’s so confused until he sees the shoe on the ground and the three boys sprinting out of the room. “Get the fuck back here you assholes!” He screams bloody murder.
Adrenaline pumping, he propels himself into the standing position only to sink back down to the floor with a shout. “W-what the fuck?” he whimpers. His chest starts to hurt and it all just becomes too much. All the events that happened today, and now this..it’s just too much.
The animalistic sobs that rip out his throat shake his frame so much he starts to choke on them. He cradles his ankle that’s searing with white hot pain, praying this is all some kind of sick dream. The music is still blasting at full volume, so he doesn’t hear the footsteps-
- until they’re right at his side. “Jimin! Jimin, what happened?! Are you okay?? Look at me!” It’s Hoseok and Jimin thinks he’s going to have a panic attack. No, he’s having one. “Fuck!”
Hoseok runs off and in 10 seconds he’s back, the room suddenly quiet of any noise except Jimin’s gasps for air. “Jimin, Jimin look at me,” Hoseok says calmly, hands coming up to cup Jimin’s face. “Look at me okay? Breathe, Jimin. Breathe.”
Jimin closes his eyes and tries to reign in his frantic heartbeat. Every breath he takes is with a burst of hiccups but eventually he’s able to feel like he has some control. “That’s it, that’s it. Just keep breathing okay?”
Jimin feels himself slump over into the arms caressing the back of his neck, suddenly too exhausted to keep his eyes open. “Taehyung, hey,” he hears Hoseok say in a rush. He must be on the phone since he didn’t hear Taehyung come in.
“Something happened with Jimin-I don’t know. I just came in and he’s crying. What? No I didn’t do anything! Just hurry up, please. Yeah I can do that. Okay bye.” He hears Hoseok let out a big sigh.
“Jimin, we can talk later, okay? Let’s get you to the infirmary and then we can get you home, okay? Can you stand?” Jimin shakes his head into Hoseok’s shoulder, fresh tears soaking into the older’s shirt. “M-my ankle,” he explains.
Hoseok pulls away from him so he can see what he’s talking about. “Oh fuck-I mean, does it hurt? Don’t worry okay? Everything will be fine.” Jimin can hear it in his voice, the masked panic. He feels another attack coming on.
“Just, Jimin look at me.” He does. Gone is the ever present cockiness on Hoseok’s face. All he sees now is a man who is pale with worry. “Let’s go see the nurse. I’ll carry you, alright? Everything will be okay.”
Jimin hardly feels reassured, but nods anyways. And for the second time in less than 24 hours, he let’s himself be carried to safety by the one person he has always claimed to despise the most.
Jimin releases a big sigh and let’s his phone plop next to him on the bed. His right leg is propped up on some pillows with an ice pack wrapped around his ankle. In the room beside him he can hear things being slid on the carpet and the constant footsteps of his new...housemate.
Jimin hates that he’s not more irritated at the thought. Maybe because no one else was to be found today and Hoseok took it upon himself to assist Jimin. Maybe because when he found out who hurt Jimin, he was even more furious than Jimin himself.
Or maybe because through the haziness of the whole situation and Jimin’s tears, Hoseok wouldn’t let go of his hand no matter what until they reached the car to go home. As if on cue Jimin’s hand grasps around itself. He quickly unclasps it because, what is he thinking right now??
He shakes it out and lays it palm down on the cool sheets. A knock at his bedroom door makes his breath hitch. “Hey Jimin, can I come in?” Reluctantly (and not without an eye roll), he gives permission. Hoseok opens the door just enough to peek his head through.
He looks hesitant. “Hey, uh, so I was wondering if you’re hungry? We both haven’t eaten since..yeah, so is chinese okay with you?”
When Jimin fails to answer in 5 seconds Hoseok begins to backtrack. “I-I mean if you want something else..!? You like chicken right? Or sushi?”
Jimin clears his throat, promptly shutting the other man up. “No, Chinese is good,” he says, eyes glued to the floor. He hears a loud exhale. “Okay, Chinese, cool. Uhm, be right back.”
Jimin expected “be right back” meant “be back in 20 minutes with food” but not even 5 minutes later Hoseok is slowly opening his door again. With..an ice pack. “Here, it’s been about an hour so you should change it.”
And yeah, he’s right. The pack around Jimin’s ankle has lost it’s effectiveness about a half hour ago. Hoseok gingerly unwraps the old one, careful not to jostle Jimin’s leg, and very quickly envelopes the inflamed ankle in the new frozen pack.
A content sigh escapes Jimin’s lips and he glances up to see Hoseok looking right at him. “Yeah?”
He feels slightly exposed for some reason. “N-nothing, I’m going to get the food now okay? See you in a bit.”
As Jimin watches Hoseok turn and close the door, he’s left pondering why he feels the constant rhythm of his heart beat so intensely in his chest. /a side effect from the stress/ he tells himself.
A/N 🤪: Please bear with my terrible writing. I haven’t done this in so long so I know the flow can be bad sometimes. If you have any comments or concerns pls let me know! Going to take a shower and might update more tonight! Thank you to everyone who’s reading 😢😢 I love you 💖
And Hoseok?
A few days pass and
Mohawk in shining armor
Praying for jimbo to be free from this limbo
What ARE you doing Jimin??
Maybe it’s a little fun
Listen to Tae, Jimin.
Hoseok sprints up all 10 flights of stairs in the building and throws open their apartment door. “Jimin!”
A pained cry has him running into the living room. There on the sofa lies a squirming Jimin incessantly rubbing his left leg’s quadriceps.
“It, it won’t stop,” He cries. “Fuck okay, lay all the way down.” Jimin obediently goes supine and doesn’t even have time to react before Hoseok is sitting down with the younger’s legs in his lap and lotion in his hands. “W-what are you doing?”
Hoseok pumps the cream directly onto Jimin’s spazzing leg and doesn’t hesitate to massage his hands up and down the muscle. Jimin automatically tenses. “Just relax okay? It’s better if someone else does this,” Hoseok explains.
His right and left hand are working in tandem. As one slides down the other takes it place and slides back up. Due to Jimin’s career (but mostly his personal style), his legs are soft and free of any hair, making Hoseok’s job a lot easier.
After a few minutes, Jimin’s body has gone fully lax from the constant kneading. Hoseok dares to peek up at the other boy and sees that his eyes have fallen shut. The slight knit in his eyebrows suggest he’s not fully relaxed, however.
He rotates Jimin’s leg, targeting the IT band and the inner muscles of his thigh. Hoseok’s internal horn dog belatedly notices just how short Jimin’s shorts are. With his leg flopped outward on his lap, Hoseok has the perfect view of Jimin’s bare ass cheeks resting on the couch.
“How are you so good at this?”
Open-mouthed, Hoseok quickly looks up to see an equally shocked and completely red Jimin. “I-I mean..I didn’t -,” Jimin struggles to get a word out. Hoseok decides he’ll save him on this one.
“My dad’s a massage therapist, so I’ve learned a thing or two,” he explains. Jimin nods but quickly closes his eyes again, the red flush still very noticeable on his face. Hoseok notices that the cramping is gone but decides he’s going to be a little kind to himself today.
“I’m going to hit the calf too, okay? Just in case.” Jimin quietly hums and Hoseok takes that as a “go for it”. As his hands massage down to the calf, Hoseok swears he hears Jimin sigh. He runs his thumbs along the muscles there, digging into the few knots that he encounters.
Thankfully this leg is not Jimin’s injured one. With that being said Hoseok continues his massage into the top and bottom of his foot. This time the deep groan Jimin let’s out is unmistakeable in the otherwise quiet room.
Hoseok keeps his eyes and hands at work, worried that if he brings attention to what just happened the other boy would for sure run to his room. Turns out, he didn’t have to do anything because both his and Jimin’s phones started to ping, causing both boy’s to jump.
Jimin grabs his phone from the cushions and quietly reads the message. “It’s Namjoon. He’s wondering where we are. Says he wants to discuss our progress.” Hoseok has an “oh yeah” moment to himself. That’s what he was coming to get Jimin for in the first place.
“So I guess we should get going, huh?” Hoseok asks. Jimin stares at his phone. “Uh, yeah.”

Neither of them move to get up.
Hoseok’s hands are just barely resting against Jimin’s shin and he keeps trying to convince himself to just move them. “I, uhm, I’m going to get up now,” Jimin states, as he begins to lift his leg’s off from Hoseok’s lap.
That’s enough to have Hoseok retreat his fingers and scoot away to give the other space. He sees Jimin rub at his thigh. “Is it feeling any better?” Hoseok asks. Jimin looks in his direction.
Their eyes meet momentarily and Hoseok feels his breath halt. It’s only for a few seconds, but he swears the annoyed expression that has always been sent his way, is now replaced with something...softer? Shy? Perhaps he say..grateful?
Hoseok doesn’t entirely figure it out in the 3 seconds that Jimin quietly thanks him. Nor does he believe his body and mind are in the same plane anymore. The only thing that is truly functioning as he gets them prepared to leave is none other than horn dog Hoseok.
And horn dog Hoseok fully agrees that yes, massages are bomb. But the real fap (romance) material of the day here is Jimin’s beautiful, appreciative, and bashful expression. Especially when it’s focused solely on him. And he literally cannot wait to see more of it.
I think you and all of us are glad Hoseok.
Take a guess 🤡
👉👌👮‍♂️ (pls don’t report me)
Someone gotta ask the important questions around here
HE DEAD or is he
he done FCKED UP
Made a j-hope joke hehe haha 😬
Woah woah woah woah woah
Hoseok makes it to the company as fast as he can. He wastes no time making his way to the practice room at the end of the hallway, Jimin’s usual spot. There’s music coming from the speakers and he curses to himself once he sees Jimin in the center, dancing to-
their choreography as if he still doesn’t have a sprained ankle. He opens the door loudly, fully set on making his presence known. Jimin turns around a little too fast and stumbles backwards until he regains his balance. “What do you think you’re doing?” Hoseok asks.
He can tell by the way Jimin flinches that his tone is a little harsh, but he doesn’t care about that right now.
“I-I can do what I want,” Jimin says, his eyes looking everywhere but Hoseok.
“Jimin, its only been two weeks! You aren’t fully healed and we both know you shouldn’t be dancing right now. So why are you?”
Hoseok sees the other’s lips turn down and his brow scrunch together. His gaze turns up to stare Hoseok dead in the eyes.
“Fuck you! It must be nice not to have a fucking injury. I’ve been watching you dance this whole time I’m bored okay?!”
“Jimin-,” “No, shut up! I’ve never gone this long without dancing and I can already feel myself getting worse,” he exclaims.
Hoseok closes the distance between them until they’re only a couple feet apart. “Listen,” he sighs, trying to sound a little more sympathetic. “I know you feel like shit okay? I see how much you want to dance but...you’re still injured Jimin.”
“You didn’t deserve what those fuckers did to you. You’re the hardest worker I know, heck, the best dancer I know. You’re not going to lose anything in 4 weeks okay?”
He tries to grab Jimin’s hand but the other smacks his arm away.
“Fuck you Jung! Those were your dancers! I bet you laughed with them all after the fact!” Jimin spit out in a rage. “Fck, I bet YOU were the one who ripped up my costume that one time! Just admit it! You secretly hate me and want me to leave!”
Hoseok stands, shell-shocked.
The ugly feeling of betrayal drops down on him like a bomb. His face is hot and he’s sure he looks furious as he backs Jimin up against the closest mirror. He grabs the other by the collar of his shirt. “I hate you?” He asks through clenched teeth. “I hate you?!”
“I-you think I want you to get hurt?! You think I agree with those fucking assholes!” He’s screaming now. He feels Jimin grab his shirt too.
“S-Shut up! You-“ “No you shut up! I hate you?! You-you think I would condone those horrible things to happen to you?? I wouldn’t!”
“Stop making me out to be this horrible person. If anyone hates anyone it’s you! Yeah I’m fucking terrible at flirting but I never once said anything awful about you!”
Jimin’s eyes go frantic as if he’s trying to conjure up an excuse.
“I don’t know why you think we’re in this big competition with each other,” Hoseok says.
“I never said that,” Jimin mumbles. “Please, don’t. You’ve implied it plenty. You yourself told me that it would be better if I wasn’t here.”
Jimin looks away, caught.
“Jimin. I might not be perfect, but I would never hurt you. I have literally had the biggest fcking crush on you since I first saw you.”
Jimin’s eyes open in shock.
“You are so unfairly beautiful and passionate and-,” Jimin’s grip tightens on Hoseok’s shirt. “Stop lying.”
Hoseok looks at him in disbelief. “Why on earth would I be lying Jimin?” The other looks towards him, eyes red. “You think I’m just a joke. Y-you’re just trying to play another sick game with me and I’m tired.” Hoseok’s reaches up to grip at Jimin’s shoulder.
“I’ve taken care of you for weeks now! Not because someone told me too, and not because I felt obligated, but because I wanted too! Why is it so hard for you to see that I actually care about you!” He says, clutching Jimin’s shirt tighter and pulling him in closer.
Jimin doesn’t back up either, keeping a tight grip on Hoseok’s shirt as well. “Y-you dont mean that,” he whispers, eyes misty. And Hoseok has had enough. He uncurls his hand from Jimin’s shirt, grasps the back of his neck, and pulls him into an unyielding kiss.
Jimin gasps against his lips and his hands scramble up to Hoseok’s chest. Hoseok thinks he’s going to push him away, that he’s really fucked up everything this time. However when he feels fingers tangle in his hair and the pressure of the kiss intensifying, he sighs in relief.
Circling an arm around his waist, he pulls Jimin even closer. The boy is making soft, high pitched noises and Hoseok’s goals is to swallow each and every one of them. Without seperating lips, he picks Jimin up from under his thighs so that there is zero space between them.
Hoseok wastes no time licking into his mouth, and god, he tastes so addicting. Their hips are shamelessly moving against each other, and by the sound of Jimin’s moans around his tongue, he’s guessing he feels as good as him right now.
After some time, he detaches from Jimin’s mouth and begins to trails kisses down his neck. The boy’s whines are unfiltered as Hoseok sucks and bites into the sensitive skin. “H-Hoseok I-,” Jimin’s legs begin to shake around him.
“It’s okay,” Hoseok says, coming back up to suck on Jimin’s full bottom lip. Very carefully, he kneels down onto the floor, taking Jimin with him so that he’s now sitting in his lap. Hoseok pulls his lips away same time he slips a finger into Jimin’s sweat pants.
He frantically searches for permission in Jimin’s eyes. Said boy is panting heavily and his expression is already so fcked out. He places his hand on top of Hoseok’s and in the next moment it’s frantic kissing and a desperation to take off the younger boy’s pants.
Right before Hoseok leans down to take Jimin into his mouth, he swings the boy’s injured leg on top of his shoulder. Jimin let’s out little stuttered moans when Hoseok finally starts to suck him. From there on it’s a fast pace to the finish line.
Hoseok stops for nothing, breathing through his nose the best he can while he swallows around Jimin’s pretty cock. Jimin has both hands fisted in Hoseok’s shirt, his breath coming out shorter and shorter as the pressure builds.
“I’m, I’m gonna cu-,” Hoseok cuts him off with a deep and desperate kiss, his hand now working fervently to get the boy off. He watches in wonder as pleasure paint’s Jimin’s face when his orgasm explodes through him. He releases right into Hoseok’s hand with a high-pitched cry.
They sit there for a good minute, slumped against each other and panting for air. Hoseok is painfully aware of his own predicament, however he quickly decides he’ll take care of it later. As much as he loved pleasuring Jimin, he doubts the boy feel the same -
if their roles were reversed. Knowing he has plenty of clothes in his locker, Hoseok wipes the cooling cum on his shirt. He starts to push himself off the ground when he feels a hand pulling on the hem of his sweats. Jimin is staring so intensely at his crotch Hoseok thinks -
he might actually hurt himself. Hoseok gently pulls the hand away “Don’t worry about it,” he says.
But Jimin is still staring, his hand floating midair as if it doesn’t know where to go. “Let’s get you home and on an ice pack okay?”
Hoseok lifts Jimin up from under his armpits so that’s he’s standing again. “You can lean on me so let’s-“
“Stop it”, Jimin says abruptly.
Hoseok’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise .
“What? Stop what?”
“J-just stop this. Being nice, I-,”
Hoseok crowds Jimin once more, hands coming up to cup either side of the boy’s face. “Don’t look away, look at me,” he says. Jimin reluctantly looks up into Hoseok’s determined gaze.
“The walls you’ve built around yourself are incredibly strong Park Jimin.”
Hoseok brushes Jimin’s bangs back with his fingers. “And I know you’re going to try your best to keep those walls up around me no matter what, but I hope you realize I’m not the enemy after all.” He leans in and softly brushes his lips to Jimin’s cheek.
“I want you..genuinely.”
Jimin let’s out a shaky sigh and brings his hand up to grip Hoseok’s shirt once more . “Let’s just-,” His eye’s are going back and fourth between Hoseok’s eyes and lips, a constant battle. Hoseok waits.
“Let’s..go home,” he says finally. Even after he says it, his hand remains fisted in Hoseok’s shirt. He takes it upon himself to remove it.
“Okay, let’s go home,” he says, moving away to grab Jimin’s things. On the silent car ride home, Hoseok tells himself it will get better.
2 weeks later
MYG the snitch
It’s on
Tae follows bros before hoes (on occasion)
Fcking Jungkook man
It’s your upper lip Jin
Let’s get it™️
TBC tomorrow 🤪🤪 short update tonight bc I have to wake up early tomorrow!! I’m gonna try to finish it after I get off work 🤡. Love y’all 💖💖

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