#AnitaHill women have increased in workplaces. But rules still haven't changed to reflect that.
Mentions Lily Ledbetter case and #NotoriousRBG role. Men on SCOTUS understand how Ledbetter didn't know shr was paid less and why Ledbetter didn't raise issue earlier. #GraceHopper
#AnitaHill : RBG influenced Congress by focusing on human element. We have to focus on human element to get laws changed.
Focus on how value comes from workers, not arbitrary stock or other values.
We need more leaders who have that Feeling of being an outsider like Tim Ryan. They push for people needs, for more inclusion. Will take time for people in this room to be that, says #AnitaHill at #GraceHopper#gracehopper2018
It is an honor to be involved in diversity and inclusion work. But it is hard to change a culture. Resistance is there. Easy to want to give up. But stay in there. Bring together resources you have - in or outside your org.
Never lose sight of goal. #GraceHopper#AnitaHill
We want you to succeed. We need you. Celebrate small successes. And if overwhelmed, pause. We need you in the tech world. Says #AnitaHill#GraceHopper#gracehopper2018
Your voice matters. But also if you don't feel it does, find a space where it is valued. Do not limit self to place where ppl say voice doesn't matter. Go to meetings like #GraceHopper and leave feeling energized. #AnitaHill#GraceHopper2018
What makes #Anitahill hopeful?
Talks about how Clarence Thomas said he was "high tech being lynched". She said she sees hope in young African American men, fraternities who have voiced support for her now. As opposed to 1990s. Young men starting to see gender in a different way
#Anitahill gets letters from college students who had positive experiences with sexual harassment and assault process. She thinks that comes from her being in a liberal uni space. And says if you can engage with women from alma maters. Find What next gen needs from us..
...and #AnitaHill says also we need to see what we can learn from New gen coming out.
Also #AnitaHill says to be authentic and do what feels right for you to do. When she first gave speeches she talked about sex harassment but not hearings. But do not get sucked into reliving experience if you don't want to. #AnitaHill #GraceHopper #gracehopper2018
What can we do? #AnitaHill says VOTE! Engage in your own workplaces. Join outside ones if it is not safe. Create outside coalitions or join ones who gave core values like you. #GraceHopper#gracehopper2018
To change the world# Share your stories with young people. If you don't have children, borrow some! 😂 #AnitaHill
If you have nieces and nephews and they can't talk to parents, let them talk to you. #GraceHopper#gracehopper2018
What to tell daughters - world will make you uncomfortable, cause you to question who you are.
Tell me about school.
Tell me how classmates treat each other.
Tell me How teachers respond
Tell daughter they mean more than anything in the world. #AnitaHill#GraceHopper
Ask kids if there was sthg your kids were ever scared people wouldn't believe her. Tell child you do not blame them. You want to hear what causes them concern or to be afraid.
We want a generation of women who can come forward w no fear. #AnitaHill#GraceHopper#gracehopper2018
Today we will want to leave the US. Say nasty things about Senate. Retreat. But we have a choice on what we do.
What will we do? To make this a meaningful moment/positive? Work, politics, home? But needs to be somewhere you care about. #AnitaHill#GraceHopper#gracehopper2018
Day after commencement at #brandeis#AnitaHill had meetings and parked in executive parking lot. A young woman asks her "did you move the cone from space you parked in?"
Gave herself a timeout. Thought. And then she said you know what? I DO move cones. (Crowd laughs) it isn't always glamorous and people don't always say thank you. But I move cones #AnitaHill #gracehopper2018 #GraceHopper
Watching #AnitaHill speak at #GraceHopper celebration. You can live stream you go to their site.
Needed this community, this speaker, after witnessing questioning of Dr Ford and Kavanaugh.
no female up for supreme court justice would be able to be vulnerable in the same way" -talking about Judge Kavanaugh being able to cry and be angry in a way we would never allow a woman up for the job. #gracehopper2018#GHC18#GHC#AnitaHill#Keynote
Women need to have authenticity (emotions, personality) in how we do our work, and we are in a system that does not allow us to have it, but does for men. -#AnitaHill#gracehopper2018#Ghc#GHC18