محمد حازم Profile picture
Oct 9, 2018 60 tweets 18 min read Read on X

Thread ni hanya untuk orang yang baru kenal Khabib ataupun Connor. Kalau anda peminat tegar dan follow UFC, thread ni tidak sesuai untuk anda.

Ada beberapa perkara yang menarik perhatian saya sepanjang perlawanan epic ni. Image
Perlawanan semalam held in Vegas n dihadiri oleh 20 000 orang. Dari awal Mcgregor keluar dari arena, dia disambut oleh sorakan penyokong dan Khabib x henti henti di boo.

Tp boleh tgk muka Khabib masih tenang and keep his composure. Masih steady n sempat fistbump @brucebuffer
Sepanjang saya follow career Khabib, ni first time tengok Khabib undur kebelakang pada awal round. Sangat luar kebiasaan Khabib yang biasanya charging forward his opponent. Mungkin dia nak elakkan the famous counter left punch Conor, yang pernah KO kan @josealdojunior
Khabib tak tunggu lama sebelum dia back to his gameplan. Iaitu grappling. Lps15 saat, Khabib tackle, Conor fail utk intercept.

Agak pelik, since pada open media workout, Conor ada tunjuk, dia train utk intercept Khabib's tackle. This show that Khabib'sgame is on another level
Dlm GIF dibawah, ada dua major foul oleh Conor

1)Pada masa 4.06 Conor pukul belakang kepala Khabib berkali2
2)Pada masa 3.57, Conor tarik seluar Khabib

Kedua dua kesalahan ni adalah top 10 kesalahan major dlm octagon. 2 kali kesalahan major, hukumannya tolak satu point.
Ref saw Conor cheated n he say nothing. Shame on you @HerbDeanMMA! Dh banyak kali aku perati mamat ni jadi ref. Ada je benda bangang dia buat.

Btw, on GIF above, look at how brilliant Khabib lock kaki Conor. Kaki kena ikat camtu, umpama kena belit ngn ular sawa. U'll go nowhere
Again at 3.56, Conor tarik seluar Khabib 😐
Pada 3.10, barulah Khabib start complain pada ref. Ref just tarik utk releasekn tangan Conor. Sepatutnya Conor dapat warning n tolak point , tapi dia dapat tak? HELL NO!

Lepas kena tegur tarik seluar, Conor selambe je pukul the back of Khabib's head. Again, MAJOR FOUL
Round one, Khabib dominate Conor like he always do in this whole Lightweight division.

Cuma pada 1.52, Conor desperately try to hurt Khabib by slapping.

Dalam UFC, tampar is called open palm strike and it is legal. Tapi bagi saya, tampar ni cm bapuk doo. Hahaha
Sembang Conor ni two weight class division. Tapi main tampor2 lak.We have to know why Conor terpaksa tampar?

Sbb he was desperate to hurt Khabib. But Khabib's ground game and defense is too perfect. Conor cant do anything to hurt Khabib, except for tampar.
Tanya la sape2, yg prnh main punching bag, xkira la dia MMA, Silat, Jujitsu, Muaythai atau apa2 pn disiplin kombat, xde pun yang train untuk tampar punching bag.

Tampar dlm octagon ni mcm sepak bola guna hujung ibu kaki dlm padang bola.

Salah ke tak? Tak pun, tapi noob ah. haha
Pada akhir round 1, rasa nak gelak je bila dengar commentator cakap. `but dont forget, Conor doesnt use any energy right now because he took no damage`

Memang damage tu tak nampak kat muka, lebam whatsoever, tapi Conor got dominated for the whole round.
Khabib belit Conor mcm ular sawa. Korang rasa mcm mana Conor's breathing? Will he breath normal selama 4 minit tu?

Sedangkan nk bernafas masa berendam dlm pool pun dh rasa susah.

Imagine, kena belit by world class wrestler for 4 minutes. Aku sngt yakin, conor penat gila babi
Buktinya? Korang boleh tgk masa rest. Apa yg jadi pada Conor and Khabib.

Conor duduk n ditenangkan oleh coach. 2 pack ice di dada. Tgk pernafasan Conor. Laju and struggling

Cuba tengok Khabib pula, DOES NOT EVEN SITTING DOWN BAII. Ni serious gangster level berapa aku pn xtau
Ini baru round 1. Ada banyak lagi benda gempak yang korang, sebagai peminat Khabib atau Conor patut tahu, dalam round 2,3, dan 4. How Conor still continue to cheat, how Khabib prove he is the better fighter in this fight, despite ref still being bias. Aku try kupas satu2
InsyaAllah esok aku sambung analisis round 2 sampai habis. And what happen after the match ended. Korang pun ramai dh tidur kan? Aku nk pusing town hirup udara Copenhagen jap
Okay teman2. aku try sambung ea. Line kt sini xberapa cemerlang so bear with me.

Pada aku, round 2 is the most satisfying round, dapat tengok Conor being butchered by Khabib.

Seawal masa 4.20, Khabib lift n takedown Conor like he was nothing
Try imagine being lifted n kena hempas mcm tu, confirm mentally Conor koyak.

Dah la tadi dkt round 1 kena lenyek habis. At this point, Conor has been defeated physically and mentally, and i am 100% sure that, Conor takkan buat comeback, and Khabib will win this fight.
Masa interview, Khabib ada cakap, i want to change his(Conor) face. Ini sangat sangat luar biasa bagi Khabib, dia biasanya tenang, less talk and more action.

And he delivered his word at 2.29
... and the pounding continue
Kalau korang tgk match ni, boleh dengar bunyi Conor kena tibai, sangat jelas bunyinya.

Tapi apa commentator @DominickCruz cakap? 'Conor is trying to gassed Khabib out.He is taking shot but its not the worth shot he can take. He covered up
Saying Conor is not affected by the pounding is shocking, coming from bantamweight champion @DominickCruz

Sorry bro, im a fan of your footwork in ring, but cakap Conor tak affected is plain bullshit.
Conor got pounded from 2.30 sampai 1.55. Lebih kurang 35 saat. Kalau ikut rules, whem a fighter is unassisted for 20 seconds, ref kena stop the fight, and declare KO.

Apa cerita @HerbDeanMMA? Biasa dlm fight kau la yg slalu declare KO awal. Padahal pounding biasa2 je
Tapi bila time Conor, bagi masa extra siap. Bengang betul aku ngn dia ni
Lepas kena belasah, Conor skali lagi buat kesalahan MAJOR

Illegal knee to Khabib's face masa on the ground. Ini salah besar yang sangat unnaceptable in this level.

Korang tengok ref buat apa? light warning je.

Mmg jelas favouritism dlm fight ni
Korang jgn salah faham, lutut ke muka masa standing takpa, dia start tak boleh bila opponent on the ground.

Cheap move mcm tu can hurt your opponent badly, and considered as international blatant foul
Tak cukup dengan lutut ke muka, Conor sambung buat kesalahan lain. Iaitu, grab toes on fence.

Bukan kejap2 dia buat, tpi lama, n for berapa seconds tah aku x kira and he did it several time in this fight.

Ref tarik kaki utk release, and Conor buat balik without hesitation. smh
Oh, lupa nak mention, chorus utk round kedua sebenarnya bila Khabib drop Conor using his right arm.

Beautiful clean strike. Sangat mengejutkan sebab reach Khabib pendek, kalau nk compare dngn Conor.

Aku rasa Conor xdpt baca move Khabib sbb dia ingat Khabib akan buat takedown.
'reach khabib pendek'. Umtuk yg biasa dngn sukan kombat, mungkin boleh faham, tapi utk yg first time dengar,

Reach ni maksudnya panjang depa tangan, dari hujung jari tengah kanan, ke hujung jari tengah kiri.

Reach Conor ialah 74 dan reach Khabib 70. Unit inch rasanya
To put into perspective, dlm fighting, beza satu inch can decide either you miss you shot, or you can KOed your opponent. So, beza reach 4 inch ni sangat besar,
Habis round 2, Conor badly injured, gasping for air, and out of breath. Boleh tengok dalam GIF dibawah. Khabib pula mcm mana? aku taktau since takda camera yg tunjuk Khabib's corner.

Tapi aku syak, Khabib masih xperlukan kerusi utk duduk.
Besi yang guna kt muka tu ialah besi biasa, digunakan untuk kurangkan bengkak dekat tulang bawah mata. Trainer akan tekan besi tu kuat2. Itll hurt like hell but itll do the trick.

Ais pula utk guna utk kurangkan panas pada badan, and utk control blood flow to head.
Round 3 start

Roumd 3 sebenarnya round yg balance. Khabib banyak standing up, sebab dia dh yakin Conor penat.

Conor can do nothing much to hurt Khabib

Boleh tgk pada 2.16 Khabib gesture tangan 'come on'.
Conor masih tak serik buat kesalahan besar, tengok pada masa 0. 25, Conor hook glove Khabib yang menyebabkan Khabib susah nak grapple.

Lama jugak dia hook glove Khabib, depan mata ref pula tu.
Dari 0.25 sampai habis match, Conor buat kesalahan sama, Khabib complain.

Tapi ref cakap continue fighting. Memang ref teruk beyond my words
Dah habis round 3. Kalau ada yg masih consistent nk baca, aku smbung apa yg jadi masa rehat, masa round 4 n after fight. Tp bagi masa sekejap ea, sbb nk catch flight ke amsterdam.

Sementara ni korang baca la dulu. Kalau ada yang nak tambah atau nak argue, silakan. Kita bincang
Okay baik teman2, aku sambung sikit lagi ye. Aku stop masa habis round 3, so aku sambung dkt waktu rest round 3 sebelum masuk round 4.
Oh, satu detail penting yg patut korang tahu, sesaat sebelum round habis, Conor ada cakap something dekat Khabib which aku consider as sign of apology

Conor cakap 'its only business'

and Khabib reply, 'hey, lets go'

Conor minta maaf, tapi Khabin masih xdpt maafkan.
Its logic, Khabib masih xdpt maafkan Conor at this moment. Dia masih x puas give Conor the lesson he deserved.

Conor back to his corner escorted by medic, Khabib escorted by security. Korang rasa sapa gangster sebenar dlm game ni?

and cuba teka, Khabib duduk ke x masa rest?
Aku tinggalkan korang dlu dngn soalan ni ok? Sebab dah dalam flight ni. Nanti takda line susah pula nak upload GIF.

Flight ni 1jam je, dh touchdown nnti aku habiskan ok?

Korang baca la dulu, and boleh tanya soalan kalau ada, you are all invited to do so, aku try jawab satu2.
Okay dh touchdown Berlin,so aku yakin, most of us teka Khabib xperlu duduk atas kerusi utk rehat pun. And all of you are absolutely correct. After 4 round still tak duduk, Khabib's composure n stamina make me go speechless.
Not to brag but i've experienced some bout in Muaythai, penat lawan dlm ring ni lain macam wei, even utk 3 minutes bout. Aku rasa 3 minit dlm ring lagi penat compared to 90 minit dlm padang bola.

Sebab tu aku speecless tgk Khabib, 15 minit lawan but still standing strong.
And masa rehat tu, ada interesting conversation between Khabib and his coach Javier Mendez.

Mendez : He's tired brother. He's tired. Dont let him work, dont let him work. Just pressure him

Khabib : This is the fourth round?

Mendez : This is the fourth round.
Mendez : This is the 4th round, just drink some water

Khabib : No not too much, (water) will weaken me.

Kenapa Khabib tnya ni round berapa? Takkan dia taktau kot, dia fighter.

Ini pendapat aku, aku rasa sebab Khabib terlampau in the moment to fight sampai dia lupa
Kemudian Khabib vuka mouthguard, and sound tepek ref kayu @HerbDeanMMA

'3 times he do it (glove grabbing). Three times....

'You say to him(conor) 2 times, one more time, you lose a point. But he still (does it) '

In the mean time, korang boleh tgk Conor, i have nothing to say
Pada masa Conor menerima rawatan, Khabib masih selamba bergaduh ngan ref.

Nasib baik coach Javier Mendez pesan kt Khabib

'Focus on the fight'

Sepupu Khabib @NurmagomedovMMA ada juga ckp something, tapi aku tak dapat tangkap since i dont speak Russian
TING! Loceng bunyi, round 4 start.

Macam kita semua tahu, round 4 ialah round last, and Khabib KO kan Conor dlm round ni.

Dlm round ni jugak la Khabib all-out wrestling. Conor masih lagi dngn dirty game, ada cheating and major foul.
Kita boleh tengok pada masa ke 3.30 Conor terpaksa tahan guna dua tangan utk elakkan dari main ground game lagi, tp Khabib pandai exploit , dia tunggu Conor sit on one hand, baru dia push Conor ke ground.

Tahan badan sendiriplus force dari 70kg Khabib depleted all Conors energy
Ill put it this way, nak push up pun susah (for certain people) imagine kena tekan mcm tu pada round 4. Sebab tu aku cakap position mcm tu kosongkan tangki tenaga Conor.
Sblm Knockout move, Conor dan tipu lagi skali by grabbing fence to avoid takedown, korang boleh tgk pada masa 3.19 but sia-sia.

Pulling force from force from Khabib is too strong to handle.
Anndd finally Khabib get the lock hes searching for. On official statement, its stated that Conor KOed by rear naked choked, make me wonder, ni betul ke rear naked choke since tangan Khabib tak mcm position rear naked choke.
After a few research, i am pretty sure this is basic back fulcrum choke. Korang yang nak tau mcm mana tekniknya, boleh tengok YouTube and search basic back fulcrum choke.

Beautifully explained by Dean Lister. Rear naked choke pum dia ada explain juga dlm video tu
Choke2 mcm ni jgn dibuat main, even org biasa yg xpernah train wrestling or BJJ buat, with proper technique, it can be fatal.

Inikan lagi Khabib yg lifetime dia dedicated to wresting. Not too long until Conor tap out n Khabib hold for a moment sebelum dia let go.
And Khabib the eagle Nurmagomedov is undisputed. 27-0-0.

This picture worth a thousand words. Image
Korang semua mesti tau pasal brawl yg jadi lepas tu, and aku rasa aku xulas pun takpa la kot. Ada banyak thread power yg explain pasal ni.

Aku xsempat baca semua tpi basically the idea is same.

Cuma konklusi aku, Conor n his team tak press charges bukan sebab diorang baik.
Tapi sebab diorang yg start dulu, Conor start tumbuk Abubakar Nurmagomedov, and @dillondanis yg start grab Khabib dulu. Khabib just lompat dillon danis. Alah sama la cm Conor lompat depan @josealdojunior dulu. Cuma Aldo lagi chill tak buat apa2
Kalau team Conor press charges, pihak berkuasa akan start siasatan, bila diorang tau diorang pun ada salah part diorang, better x press charge awal2. Kang nnti dah start siasatam, kantoi dalah, lagi la malu, betul x.
Khabib insisted on wanting Conor's belt on his waist in the ring, tapi @danawhite refuse, dia ada alasan dia.

Khabib bengang, and refusr to talk to Dana White.
You know you are a major gangster when u need former UFC middleweight champion @LukeRockhold (cap hitam) and UFC heavyweight champion @dc_mma to calm you down.
Berakhir perlawanan, maka berakhirlah thread ni. Aku sebenarnya nak fokus pada teknikal aspect semasa fight, tapi ada termasuk juga komen sikit apa yang jadi luar gelanggang.

To @TheNotoriousMMA and @TeamKhabib, both fighting a good fight.

• • •

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