1). So every single person referenced in this Roy Moore “Russian Bot” story seems to have no clue as to how Project Birmingham came about. Every. Single. One. google.com/amp/s/www.wash…
2) Reid Hoffman was the wealthy Democrat financier of the main company AET (gave 750K) ...knew nothing about the operation.
3.) Mickey Dickerson, Obama cabinet member and head of AET (the company overseeing project)… knew nothing about the operation.
4.) Jonathan Morgan, head of the company New Knowledge, paid by Dickerson $30,000 to execute the program ...knew nothing about the operation.
5.) Dmitri Mehlhorn, financial broker between Dickerson and his company AET (which was funded with the 750K from Hoffman) ...knew nothing about the operation.
6.) Renee DiResta, a social media researcher, was advisor to, shareholder, early fundraiser and one time boardmember of AET, And later became research director at New Knowledge ...also knew nothing about the operation.
7.) Interesting how the entire chain of command in this Democratic “Russian Bot” campaign, from the top to the bottom, had no knowledge whatsoever to the details of what was actually going on. 🤔