this thread will document some interesting things i come across as im working on a project called PSIDAR, (psychological spiritual imagery demonic archetype research).
the images can be read on a phone but they load compressed on a computer so ill include links.
this thread isnt the reason im doing this but i figure as i come across interesting data i may as well share it.
in case its not clear each single image will always be one person talking unless clearly indicated.
001 - 004
001: person who has never done psychedelics sees baphomet while meditating spontaneously, doesnt know what it is.
002: person on dmt meets a demonic entity that seeks to control them
004b (gonna use the system of one person will be 004, 004b, 004c etc from now on)
same guy from before who "went to hell", after hundreds of dmt and ayahusca experiences, is converted from disbelief to a conventional model of demons and stops using dmt
guy does form of ayahusaca with a whore that has a mystical aura. shes silent then presses her head to his. he feels a "voodoo spirit" enter his head + sees baphomet. starts to believe "simpler ideas" about death + god. no trip posts after this
non-religious guy concludes the positive things about DMT world are a facade concealing something sinister + "satanic", experiences demonic possession, very dark visions, beings cutting into his body, stops using DMT and still feels off months later
popular shamanic teacher hangs himself in a peru apartment, obviously after extended ayahuasca use and searching for knowledge along similar shamanic paths. journalist close with him says he hung himself to intentionally cross over to the other side
after recently deciding that "nothing matters, theres no absolute", man smokes DMT and meets a dark evil jester shadow entity in a red realm of blood visions, the being torments him and tells him "if nothing matters, you should kill your friends".
lots of really weird hostile responses to this thread. not that i care but i will just address this one time. im not trying to "prove anything" here, just documenting interesting phenomena. as an artist + person into mystical things, naturally this type of thing would interest me
ill be documenting various archetypes in this thread, some that overlap, some that do not, for a variety of reasons. if you're drawing some odd macro conclusion based on this youre probably projecting your own feelings onto me.
we now return to regularly scheduled programming.
009: guy is possessed / assaulted by dark energy possibly left behind by a friend
010, 010b: guy meets mayan god and starts a relationship with these beings (+ a jester)
011: guy is tortured by beings that look "devilish" and look like an aztec being
016, 016b: john c lilly, famous psychonaut, eventually came to the conclusion that he had been ushered into a cosmic hierarchical order that had some role in orchestrating things on earth, also experiences "psychic surgery"
018: across the spectrum of those experimenting with esoterica, the occult, amateur shamanism, and/or psychedelics, the idea of being inducted into a cosmic hierarchical order of higher beings is extremely common + has strange overlap across time + place
here's a book called richard scarry's busy busy world. i find this book extremely interesting from a pedagogical perspective.
our culture has taken the position of having an extreme aversion to stereotypes. well, that's all this book is: the stereotypes of each country.
the story in france has people in fancy restaurants. the story in switzerland has goats climbing mountains. the story in mexico has a guy eating beans and buying clay pots. the story in india has a fortune teller. and so on. the entire content is just basic stereotypes.
i don't think you could do this with a major publisher today. it would read as educationally irresponsible, in a sense.
but, this book has allowed me and owen jr. to discuss other countries. he has a conception of holland, and talks about it, because of this book.
what is the nature of the self in christian eschatology?
for those unfamiliar, eschatology is a branch of theology that just means, "how everything ends up". the final state of things. end of the story. how does this all play out? how the pieces land: that's eschatology.
in the eastern system i'm the most familiar with, buddhism, there's a concept called shunyata. usually translated as emptiness - it means things are empty of inherent existence. like a sweater: you can see the sweater, but if you keep pulling threads off, you never get "it".
the self in buddhism, in my experience, is like this. it's a momentary aggregate of interdependent factors. its like a ball of things that only has provisional existence. it's there, but it's not eternal, like a ball of twine that just happens to be stuck together right now.
today i flew to nyc. a guy tells me they just implemented a program where, to drive into lower manhattan, you have to pay $9. its to ease traffic congestion.
why is this unethical? well, if youre familiar with the work of B.F. skinner, its very easy to explain.
here’s why: […]
skinner himself wouldnt have seen this as unethical, but would have clearly recognized it as a form of operant conditioning (conditioning operants, changing people’s volitional actions) - as opposed to classical conditioning (pavlov’s dogs drooling)
can we find it on this chart?
the average person would intuitively see this as some type of punishment. thats what it obviously feels like: you drive into manhattan, you’re punished by having to pay $9. that makes perfect sense.
but its not. in terms of behavior modification, thats not what it is at all.
it's fascinating how quickly a culture's conception of a topic can change. an entire civilization can basically forget or remember large pieces of its own history.
one of the first recent psychologists to treat the phenomenon of self-harm is a guy named steven levenkron.
of course the phenomenon of self-harm had probably gotten people referred to psychologists for some time. however, when he told his colleagues he was opening a practice specifically focusing on people who engaged in self-mutilation, he got an interesting response from them.
essentially it was that: those people are failed suicides, and we already have a whole network and practice dealing with that.
this is interesting because it means that, up until very recently (he wrote a book about this in 1998), self-harm was viewed as failed suicide attempts
every aspect of having a pregnant wife is almost designed to be a thought experiment that illuminates 1000 aspects of our culture that are always there, but mostly invisible - and therefore difficult to grab until they’re impressing upon you - then suddenly, they’re right there.
consider: the due date. how do they know what day your baby is supposed to be born? well, they give you this date. they don’t tell you, generally (lets presume not out of malevolence) that something like 5% of babies are actually born on their due date. almost no one knows this.
so, your wife naturally tells people this, because everyone asks. if she doesnt tell them (maybe she says “late november”) people flag it as weird. “late november? what do you mean? they didn’t give you a date?”. okay. now you’re kind of crypto-hassling my wife. lets ignore that.