jay.exe Profile picture
Apr 29, 2019 285 tweets >60 min read Read on X
soulmates | moonsun

an au in which byul and yong are childhood friends, and calls each other 'platonic soulmates'. yong always wondered why she's never gotten a boyfriend, until someone confesses to her... Image
byul and yong's twitter account ImageImage
sandeul and hani as byul's best buds aka the '3 in 1 braincell club' ImageImage
kim yongsun's gOrlZ: irene and chorong ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

1. it's summer yet someone is up so early?? ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

2. y we talking abt asses? ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

3. oh cRAP !! ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

4. ditch school or naah,,? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

5. no one's ever excited for school yong... ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

7. gIvE mE sOmE cReDiT wILl Ya?¿? ImageImageImage
soulmates moonsun

8. she just can't hide from her huh ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

10. what news, yong??? ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

11. My MaIn MaN !¡! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

12. she's the bestest, alright ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

13. jung wheein says, "pRESENT!" ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

yong's mAiN mAn and byul's aDmIrEr?? and uh,,, who's that girl? ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

14. oOH jung wheein's friend! Image
soulmates | moonsun

15. give byul a rest, will ya ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

16. byul is cOnFuSiOn ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

17. what u gon do now byul ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

18. did she just... block byul?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

19. stages of grief by moon byul yi ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

20. ((yong's phone)) #ISTHISREAL ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

21. yong?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

22. ((wheein's phone)) does she really have a gf tho?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

23. get ready for aNGST MOONSUN!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

24. hNNG #hOWDIDTHISHAPPEN ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

25. hyejin's been updating wheein abt byul??? LMAO ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

26. his tweet made people feel alotta things!! i salute you, brother! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

27. w-wAT DO YOU MEAN EVERYONE??¿? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

28. #SkippingClassesEpisode347 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

29. ahn hyejin is literally the best!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

30. aaaaaang yONG GIVES IN!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

31. seems like a weird day for byul.,. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

32. byul didn't skip classes ! ! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

33. moon byul yi's skeptical ass ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

34. tEENAGE PICS LEAKED!! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

35. jung wheein strikes!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

36. jung wheein is on a roll! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

37. #JustTotallyHeteroBFFThings ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

38. don't remove them, yong. how is byul going to read them :< ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

39. MEANIE!! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

40. cheer up, meanie! ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

41. tsk tsk tSK ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

42. wEEKEND ! ! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

43. hIt her up, guysss!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

44. it's A DATE!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

45. byUL IS EAGER TO GO OUT ! ! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

46. photographer byul hNGG ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

47. before drinking: still calm ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

48. after drinking: CraaSzYyuyY aSaass FfUiCKkK ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

49. uh oh... get away from your phone when you're drunk byul ! ! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

50. HSKSJSKSHAJHSJSJS ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

51. it's always about byul,.,. ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

52. again?! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

53. kim yongsun is MAD!! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

54. byUL SPILLED TEA WHEN THEY DRANK???¿? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

55. thank yOU UNNIES! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

56. really, that's your idea byul?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

57. uh oH Y U CAUSING TROUBLE BYUL ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

58. byul just used provoke!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

59. TEAAAAA IS FUCKEN HOT ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

61. People's Choice Award goes to Moon Byuyi! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

62. byul's point of vieww ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

63. ma'am jung wheein's theory! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

64. i love ahn hyejin hehehe ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

65. yONG'S TEA SPOILING EVENT ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

66. annoying byul episode 752 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

67. annoying byul episode 753 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

68. that's actually smart byul! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

69. #ohnooooOo ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

70. lmaoOoOo byul y u do this ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

71. [y'all i'm sorry it took too long huehue] ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

72. counsellor wheein! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

74. HSKJSJSHSG kim yongsun- ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

75. no count: 973 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

76. seulgi!!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

77. two types of GIRLFRIENDS ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

78. you'd have great pics if you hang out with byul and seul!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

79. the talk??? or naah?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

80. you may have made up, but she's still gon bully you hehe ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

81. ((sorry it took too long guys!! it's now almost summer so i'm gonna have a lot of time!! hehehe also i fell asleep last night while making updates)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

82. that's why we should tone down on coffee, people! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

83. i stan genius!wheein ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

84. whippedass byulyi ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

85. mrs. moon said byul is amAZING! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

86. uh OH BYUL ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

87. excuSE MY NOOB WRITING SKILLZ ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

88. i just lüv them sOoOo much hehe ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

89. breakfast together is such a couple thing uWhoah ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

90. dm me for an order of byul's burnt scrambled egg!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

91. sleepy!byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

92. oNE PUNCH BYUL SEASON 1 EPISODE 3 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

93. best ✈ mONSTER REAL QUICK ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

94. hNNG ME TOO ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

96. troll!byul at it again! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

97. wheein's gonna grow old fast because of byul KSJSKSJS ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

98. 25 is an art y'ALL ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

99. hamster cute, byulie cute too. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

100. [WOWOWOW HAPPY 100 Y'ALL] ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

101. in honor of the wheebyul cinematic parallels in their solo mvs! ((game of thrones and avengers endgame spoilers lmaoooo)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

102. grumpy!yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

103. everyone's just glad the whole thing's over!! KSHSKSKSKSN ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

105. KSHSJSHS i hate her ass sumtimes ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

106. awwwww :(( ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

107. stan bae joohyun ✊😂 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

108. uh OH ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

109. regret comes late, byul.,.,., ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

110. greasyyy ,_, ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

111. nice try kiddo! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

112. i sMELL TROUBLE ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

113. thank heavens, it was a joke! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

114. babysitter!byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

115. LIVE TEA TWEETING!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

116. lonely and miserable byul ep 423 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

117. oh nooooo ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

118. don't! make! byul! mad! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

119. THEY ARE AWAKE ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

120. yong already knows :(( ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

121. byul where are youu?? :(( ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

((we ✈ throwback y'ALL)) Image
soulmates | moonsun
[never mind the time stamps hehe]

122. young moonsun feels..... kinda domestic??? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

123. meet byul's home friends!! jin and ken hehE ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

124. introducing the 'Neighborhood Drop Outs' KSJSKSKSKHAHAHA ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

125. who are they?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

126. this is how chorong, joohyun and byul met!! their friendship goes way back!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

127. oh NoOo yong on twitter!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

128. troll!yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

129. matching names! moon and sun!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

130. stalker!yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

131. lovey-dovey!moonsun or wait,.,., yongkong byulkong!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

132. say hello to minhyuk!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

133. is this déjàvu?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

134. video caLL!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

135. video caLL!! part 1 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

136. video caLL!! part 2 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

137. give byul some likes y'aLL ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

138. WHIPPED!yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

139. just a little more!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

140. yes!! 50 likes reached thanks to a certain whipped girl!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

141. GRADUATION DAAAY ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

142. CONGRATS BYULIE ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

143. paparazzi!jin and ken ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

144. whoa whoah whoah there moonsun ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

145. no one said anything guys ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

146. drunk!byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

147. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

148. oh no the tension KSJSKSKSHSH ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

150. byulyi went home?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

151. what are u both doing LMAO ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

152. y u hidin' byul lmao ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

153. famous!byulyi ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

154. i lüv ahn hyejin ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

155. awww byulyi :(( ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

156. #SuspensionVacationDay1 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

157. what are you planning hmm? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

158. mad soojung is hot soojung ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

159. ((idk i made a lot more than this, but i felt the NEED to cut it here HAHAHAHA i'll just post the continuation later today so it wouldn't feel so hanging hehehe)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

160. ((i really meant beach but i unconsciously typed bitch and i was like gIRL HWAT?! and i was bout to change it when i realized that's actually something au hyejin would say KHSKSJSKSJktnxbye i lüv hyejin)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

161. issokay byul don't fight it KHSJSJSJSH ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

162. jung wheein: moonsun fanclub president ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

163. i told you, u shouldn't fight it byul LMAOOO ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

164. payback+drinking date! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

165. moonstal? moonstal. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

166. yongsun just after waking up: Kjsjsjsksjswhat ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

167. like for a tbh: liked! ((tbh i'd luv some gf rn KSJSJSHSHSHAHAHA KIDDING)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

168. irl krystal is such a girlfriend material we been knew ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

169. yong has started to counterattack!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

170. moonstal video call! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

171. bickering!moonstal ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

172. surprise! jung wheein!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

173. iT nEarLy ShatTeReD mE!!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

174. subtle hyejin huh ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

175. thank ahn hyejin for this moonsun interaction ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

176. whipped!byulyi episode 789 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

177. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

178. oh no hyejin KSJSKJSNS ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

179. YESSS MAMAMOO MEETING ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

180. meet moon seulgi!! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

181. we all relate byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

182. i miss pizza ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

183. issokay hyejin ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

184. kdkjsksmskdkdj ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

185. ahhh missus is a saviour ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

186. sHe'S oN a DaTe ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

187. ahhh maknae line falling in love with yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

188. yES BYUL GET IT ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

189. gay panicked!byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

190. seulgi and yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

191. oOF wrong send ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

192. yasss hit me with those selfies kim yongsun ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

193. that's not misskimfan anymore byul KDHKSKSKSSNSKSJS ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

194. MOONSUN ASSOCIATION ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

195. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

196. good morning byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

197. they're not hooking up hyejin lmao ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

198. SIKE BITCH ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

199. moonsun club is at it ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

200. mY acCoUnT gOt HaCkEd ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

201. yEs moonsun club expose her ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

202. #Yongsun1stWin ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

203. date?? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

204. uGh krystal just knows what to do ((MY EDITING SKILLZ ARE AMAZING RYT?? KSJSKSHAHAHAHAHAHAHA kidding)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

205. angry!yong ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

206. jin and ken will lead the counterattack!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

207. lezzgaw jin ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

208. you tried ken ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

209. bad feelings always turn out right byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

210. naw ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

211. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

212. you tried byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

213. whipped yong lmao ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

214. why are you so concerned about them tagging yong, byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

215. defensive!byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

216. clingy!moonsun ImageImageImageImage
soulmates| moonsun

217. LaWsUiT ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

218. i hate them both so much KSJSKSHAHAHAHA ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

219. jin isn't done yet ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

220. moonsun club = meme club ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

221. stop trying so hard byul, you just love her too much KDJSJSHHAHAHAHA ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

222. savage krystal at it again ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

223. bYe ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

224. idiot unnie ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

225. do you are have stupid ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

226. then it doesn't matter if it won't ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

227. i Am CoNfIdEnT ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

228. oh no byul ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

229. moonsun club is mad ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

230. aww yong :( ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

231. always getting bribed by mamamoo albums huh? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

232. weird... ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

233. hi it's me ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

234. are you still sad over the donut? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

235. calm your ass please ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

236. you're confusing byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

237. yongsun is MAD ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

238. byul is in panic mode ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

239. it's okay byul you tried lmao ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

240. goodnight ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

241. well, i threatened her ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

242. mY... fRiEnD ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

243. lmao hi eric ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

244. closure, huh?? ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

245. ken you not ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

246. hi byul ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

247. calm yo tits ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

248. get ready for another fight lmao ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

249. am i a joke to you? lmaooo ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

250. 😂😂😂✊ ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

251. time out ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

252. suppress ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

253. sleepover!! ((just imagine that's not seulgi LMAO)) ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

254. yong + alcohol?? naah. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

255. hi i cut it short to prolong your agony KHSJSJSHSJSHAHAHAHAHA ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

256. WHTA THR FVKC ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

257. moon seulgi: a queen ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

258. moondad-byul conversation ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

259. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

260. uh oh ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

261. kim yongsun, sweetie.... ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

262. WHIPPED ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

263. key. kiss. keys. kiss. ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

264. retweet if get what byul said hehe ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

265. ehh for what? ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

266. music video project!! ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

267. shut up hyejin ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

268. the keyboard smash? 😂 ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

269. a weird jumble of letters aka a keyboard smash ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

270. welcome back byul ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

soulmates | moonsun

272. she asked you about the project yong not your relationship with byul 😂 ImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

273. teaser photos!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

274. stream love is you on spotify lmao ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

275. excuse my poor editing skillZ lmao
soulmates | moonsun

276. yes to both!! ImageImageImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

277. platonic soulmates no more ImageImage
soulmates | moonsun

[END] Image

• • •

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