Our 2nd child now started being unfair and blaming us for whatever act of laziness he came up with.
Fun times ahead.
Feel free to rent a teen - it's extremely efficient when your life is depressing.
I miss so much when they were just innocently needing attention.
Dad, you suck.
Dad, it's your fault that I didn't do X or didn't get Y.
Dad, I know best.
I stopped counting how many times I cheered someone up (with no kids or just very young ones) by just telling what happened recently at home.
It's a neat way to exploit key rotation: clean now, malicious tomorrow.
Naturally, from a format perspective, it was always doable with any form of polyglots, as both formats typically don't overlap.
However, it's even more powerful: when one format is decrypted, the other format is garbled, which bypasses polyglot blacklisting (easy PDF polyglots).
Also, it's possible to bruteforce nonce to get some overlapping bytes, which enables polyglots unique to crypto-polyglots, such as PDF-PE (get the PDF you want now, it becomes Wannacry later).
When people ask me about the French language,
I tell them about "99 birds".
Why... what could go wrong?...
We read 99 as 'quatre vingt dix neuf' (4 20 10 9),
because 4*20=80 and 80+10+9 = 99 ;)
yes, '4 20' is the official way in France to read "80".
In other countries, they sometimes say "80" huitante (8 = huit),
which makes sense since 60 is soixante, even in France (6 = six).
Seriously, my son thought I was joking when I told him about 99 for the first time.
Especially because it requires to understand multiplication, which is a lot more complex than adding 1 or 10 for him at the time...