.@skyetetra aquiring a "rejected license plates" dataset by doing a Freedom of Information Request is the most gloriously extra thing I've ever heard. 🤣🤩
Pssssttt..... hey kids.... wanna learn some Advanced Statistical Computing with R?
@hglanz and I are making our course materials public. We'd like to invite you to follow along with our superstar Cal Poly students over the next 9 weeks:
Of course we won't be able to grade your assignments or hold office hours.
But we have set up a public Discord channel where you can work with your peers: discord.gg/4VCPtxU
We may even hop in and answer questions from time to time (especially MW afternoons!) 🤗
Also: If anyone out there in the twittersphere is interested in contributing a "guest appearance" in the form of a ~30 second video, or a "guest lecture" in the form of a ~5 minute video, give us a shout!