THE ONLY CH 13 IS UP Profile picture
Jul 14, 2019 179 tweets 59 min read Read on X
A Knife Against The Throat
An Interactive #Chaelisa AU

Lisa is a senior at a small sleepy town. Jennie is cheer captain and Jisoo is council president.

There's a new girl in town, Roseanne. A series of killings start after her arrival.

You either get the girl or you die. ImageImage
The popular kids and the new girl.

You can't be in highschool without instagram.

(I just used the first editing app I could find so it looks like shit. I'll add social media screenshots whenever appropriate in the story. First part and poll coming up.) ImageImageImageImage
Lisa doesn't like Mr. Yang. Jensoo's history. A party invitation. New girl arrives. ImageImageImageImage
What does Lisa do?
(posting these early because the scales arent going to tip the other way)

Lisa looks at the new girl's face. Maybe that wasn't so wise. ImageImage
Jennie and Jisoo text Lisa. ImageImage
Hello forgive me skdhsks I got bored and decided to end the poll here. I will now continue the story.

For reference and continuity, here is the earlier poll: Image
Kai and V's posts about the annual formal 2 years ago, where they went with Jennie and Jisoo as dates, respectively. ImageImage
Lisa is still uneasy. Jisoo asks her why. Jennie follows up on the party invite. 2 polls coming up next. ImageImageImageImage
Should Lisa tell Jisoo that the new girl makes her feel uneasy?
Should Lisa go to Seungri's party on the weekend?
Lisa answers Jisoo and Jennie. ImageImage
The Advanced Algebra teacher is hot. Jensoo like new girl. Also, multi-talented Lisa has to tour the new girl. ImageImageImageImage
What does Lisa do?

1. Smile. Shake Rosie's hand. "Hi, I'm Lisa. Welcome to Cygnet."

2. Tight-lipped smile. "I'm Lisa. I guess I have no choice but to tour you around."

3. Smile wide. Wink. "Hey. I'm Lisa. So you like to dance? Wanna try out for the dance troupe?"
The eyes are the windows to the soul. But instagram posts are much easier to read and understand.

Some of Roseanne Park's instagram posts: ImageImage
Lisa smiles and shakes Rosie's hand. ImageImage
Where should they have lunch?
They eat at the cafeteria. The day passes by. Then it's time to go home. ImageImageImageImage
Lisa has a car. Rosie has a bike.

What should Lisa do?
"So.... Bye!" ImageImage
Lisa is woken up by text messages from Jisoo and Jennie. ImageImageImage
Lisa is struck with horror. She hated the man but not enough to wish him dead. She feels her insides wanting to spill out.

She runs to the bathroom and pukes nothing but spit, dry heaving painfully.

Her phone dings again.

"@thrurosieeyes followed you!"

What does she do?
Lisa checks the new girl's profile. The latest post makes Lisa drop her phone. ImageImage
Lisa doesn't know what she just saw.

Or maybe she does.

And her mind just refuses to process it. ImageImage
Should Lisa answer the call?
Lisa picks up the call. ImageImage
Should Lisa tell Jisoo about thrurosieeyes' creepy instagram post?

(This one has grave consequences down the line. Think wisely before choosing.)
(Good choice. If you all would have chosen Yes, Jisoo was going to die.)

Lisa doesn't say anything. ImageImageImage
What should Lisa do?

1. Reply: "Hi Rosie. Thanks for checking on me. A little shaken. But fine. You?"

2. Reply: "Hi Rosie. It's okay. I was about to follow you back on instagram. The news is horrifying. Stay safe in your house, please."

3. Ignore messages.

4. Block number
Author's note and side note: Image
Alternate scenario (making up for my mistake at the earlier poll)

Lisa takes Rosie home. After Rosie alights her car, the same events of Lisa driving home follow. ImageImageImageImage
Alternate scenario (2) part that wont fit in the screenshot lmao Image
(No updates for 12 hours. I have an exam. 😔 But idk have these instead? The imagined town is set in Australia. I did put a location tag on one of Rosie's posts in a previous tweet. She moved from Melbourne to a much much smaller coastal town.)

Some of Lisa's instagram posts: ImageImageImageImage
Lisa replies. Image
What does Lisa do next?

1. "Thanks again. Good night."

2. "I saw your instagram, btw."

3. "I'll keep that in mind."

4. "I will. See you in school. Take care. Good night.
What else does Lisa do next?
Lisa falls asleep after sending the message.

Rosie replies a little later and updates her instagram. ImageImage
Lisa's stepdad is adorable. ImageImage
She sees Rosie's messages and her latest instagram post. What does Lisa feel?
Lisa feels uneasy.... But also, oddly happy? ImageImageImage
Jennie needs a ride because she can't pass the driving test for her license. Rosie gets clingy.

Important poll coming up. ImageImage
Wrong answ = consequences. Right answ = clue

1 Pick Jennie up. Tell Rosie she can't hang out.

2 Tell Jennie she can't pick her up. Hang out with Rosie.

3 Pick Jennie up and both of them hang out with Rosie

4 Pick Jennie up. Tell Rosie Jennie is hanging out with them and why.
(Correct answer. You all earn an Author's Clue. Everybody say Thank you, Fa.)

Jennie is dramatic. Rosie says "lol" but doesn't mean it. Everything's okay.

For now. ImageImage
Lisa picks up Jennie. They get a little fright. ImageImageImageImage
Lisa rolls down her window. What does she say?

1. "Oh my god, you scared us!" Laugh. "Jesus, why are you so creepy?"

2. "Oh my god, you scared us!" Laugh. "What are you doing in my spot?"

3. "Oh my god, you scared us!" Laugh. "Don't do that when there's a killer on the loose!"
jrubyjanekim's instagram posts vs jichuu__'s instagram posts ImageImageImageImage
Correct choice. 1 and 2 would have pissed Rosie off. ImageImage
How does Lisa respond?

1. Of course. Just like any sane, normal person. *shrug*

2. No. I spit in the face of danger. *flex biceps*

3. It depends. Is the killer cute? *wiggle eyebrows*

4. I'm more of a killer than anyone will ever be. *wink*
Was that the right thing to say? ImageImage
What does Lisa do?

1. Hold Rosie's hand and intertwine their fingers.

2. Loop her arm around Rosie's.

3. Take Rosie's hand and use it to help herself get out of her care then let go.

4. Have Rosie hold onto her arm instead.
Uh-oh. Image
What does Lisa do next?

1. Take Rosie's hand and intertwine their fingers.

2. Take Rosie's hand and intertwine their fingers
"Cute." ImageImage
Jennie texts Jisoo. ImageImage
Lisa notices her contact number for Rosie doesn't have a photo. Should Lisa ask for one?
Do you all want to see more instagram photos with captions? From who?

There's always a clue somewhere.
Jisoo updates her instagram twice. ImageImage
Haii ImageImageImageImage
Blank stare. Cute caption. Pretty face. Very Rosie.

How does Lisa respond?

1. Wow. Pretty. 😍

2. Heh. So cute. 🤧

3. Haii back at you. 👋

4. Thanks! Nice photo.
Flatterer. Image
What does Lisa do?

1. Reply "wdym we'll see?"

2. Reply "okay 😌"

3. Reply "why don't we see over lunch? just the two of us? there's a nearby restaurant. my dad's the chef."

4. Don't reply.
Okay it might be confusing but pay attention to the time stamps. Chaelisa and Jensoo convos are happening on different times but the same day.

Jensoo flashforward to before 10 am. ImageImage
A reply. An instagram post. ImageImage
How does Lisa respond?

1. "Stepdad actually. And yeah, he's pretty cool."

2. "Yeah. I live with him and my mom and my two cats."

3. "Yeah it is."

4. "Yeah. How about you? What do your parents do?"
Silence. A cat meme. ImageImageImage
Don't be embarrassed to tell your old man. ImageImageImage
What does Lisa do?
Jensoo convo. Rosie IG. Jennie's texts to Lisa. ImageImageImage
Lisa pretends not to know. Maybe she's gotten better at dealing with Rosie. ImageImageImageImage
Lisa pretends not to know. (2) Image
What does Lisa do?
Lisa tells Rosie she's taking her home. ImageImageImage
Lisa isn't murdered, like Jennie said. Image
Should Lisa agree to the sleepover?
Lisa the obedient. ImageImage
(i forgot to add the photo for jennie pls ignore hsdhskjs)

The party rages on while Lisa is at home watching Zootopia. Jennie texts her. She texts Jisoo. Rosie texts her much later. ImageImageImageImage
Rosie's here. Image
Should Lisa let Rosie hold Luca?
The sleepover will continue in a bit, meanwhile there is news that our characters have yet to see. Image
Please choose what Lisa's general demeanor towards Rosie would be

1. Submissive and obedient. Happy to please.

2. A little rebellious and daring. Toes the line but does not go over it.

3. Bitchy and antagonistic.

4. Dead fish going with the flow.
Lisa thinks she can resist. ImageImageImage
(Apologies. Had to delete the previous poll and redo it.)

How does Lisa respond?

1. No fucking way. He's my cat.

2. Yes.

3. You fucking weirdo, why would you go around asking for someone else's cat.

4. You're so fucking creepy, not even animals should be around you.
The right of ownership. ImageImage
What does Lisa do?
Lisa stops breathing. ImageImage
How does Lisa respond?

1. "Of course not. You're already one of my favorites."

2. "Technically, we just met."

3. "A stranger? How? I am literally already yours."

4. "We're friends. How can you be a stranger?"
Rosie sits beside Lisa on the bed, a little too close for comfort.

"Just friends, Lisa?" Rosie tuts, like an adult admonishing a child that's stepped out of line. "Well, that's disappointing."
"Well." Lisa's throat is dry. She swallows and licks her lips. "What do you want?"

Rosie smiles wide, like a predator who finally had her prey cornered.

"I want you. All of you. I want your world to revolve around me. I want to be your every thought. I want to own you."
"What do I do if I resist?" Lisa tests

Rosie's face is stony. And with an even tone, she says:

"I will hold a knife against your throat until you stop resisting."
"That's insanely hot." Lisa breathes out.

Rosie looks at her, face unreadable.

"Do you think I said that to turn you on? Do you think I'm kidding?"
Lisa's heart stops. How the fuck is she in this spot?

"No." She shakes her head and waves her hands. "Not at all. I believe you're absolutely serious."

Rosie raises an eyebrow.

"Why? Why would you find that hot?"
"Because..." Lisa sweats. "I don't know."

Rosie stands up and towers over Lisa. Her voice is low, threatening, almost a growl.

"I told you in all seriousness what I wanted. I poured my heart out for you. Are you making fun of me right now? Do you think I'm stupid?"
(Short poll coming next.) Image
How does Lisa respond?

(Treat this as an author's bonus. Yall welcome. Shoutout to Klaudia. Don't give up on your dreams, bby.)
"No, it's not funny." Lisa breathes.

Rosie tucks the hair at the side of Lisa's face behind her ear.

"Then what is it then? What do you mean, Lisa? What do you want?"
Well. ImageImage
What does Lisa do?
"Wanna watch a movie?" Lisa asks.

Rosie quirks an eyebrow.

"What movie?"
"Disney." Lisa says.

"I love Disney!" Rosie is excited now. "Which is your favorite Disney movie? I hope you don't have bad taste."

Lisa feels like a wrong answer could cause a shift in Rosie's already good mood.

Which one does she say?
"Tangled?" Lisa offers.

Rosie grins and scrunches her nose.

"I like that one, too."

Lisa smiles.


Lisa gets up quick and grabs her laptop. She lies down and rests it on her stomach. She opens her Netflix account and plays the movie.

What does she do next?
"Move closer." Lisa says. "So you can see it better." She adds lamely.

Rosie obliges, cuddling up next to Lisa.

"I like being close to you and all, but you know what I really want?"

"What?" Lisa asks.


"Oh want me to make you some?"

"Yes, please."

What flavor?
Lisa goes to the kitchen. She chooses butter flavor microwaveable popcorn. It's done in 5 minutes and she puts it in a stainless steel bowl.

She comes back to her room only to find Rosie isn't there.

Lisa gets scared.

What does Lisa do?
Lisa decides to look for her. It doesn't take long.

Lisa almost shrieks when she sees her. She looked like a ghost.

Rosie was standing at the end of the hall, looking at the photos hung up there. Her mom loved framing their photos - of her growing up, of her awards, everything.
"Hey." Lisa calls her attention. Rosie doesn't look at her.

"What flavor is it?" Rosie asks.


"I like butter." Rosie says. "But I realized I just brush my teeth, so..."

Rosie is still looking at the photos.

Lisa doesn't know what to do next.
"Do you want me to tell you about the photos?" Lisa asks. "Or do you wanna go back to the movie?"

Rosie looks at her.

"What do you think I want?"
"I think you want to hear about the photos."

Lisa is embarrassed. It was obviously what Rosie wanted. She should have known.


Rosie rolls her eyes at her. There are a lot of photos.

What story does Lisa tell her?
Bleatriz. Image
Would Lisa sing for Rosie?
Bao bao. ImageImageImageImage
Lisa lies down on the bed and Rosie follows. They get under the sheets.

How should Lisa and Rosie fall asleep?
(Ignore Jisoo's lack of photo the app was glitching and I couldnt add one.)

Lisa and Rosie are asleep. Jennie and Jisoo wake up to horrifying news. Lisa gets a warning. ImageImage
The sun shines against Lisa's closed eyelids. She wakes up and opens her eyes. She finds Rosie sitting up with a glorious bedhead, looking absolutely sexy.

Rosie was holding a phone. She realizes it's hers.

What does she say?
"Good morning, beautiful."

"Flatterer." ImageImage
What does Lisa do?
Wild fire and solar flares. ImageImage
What does Lisa say?
Some privacy, please? ImageImageImage
What does Lisa say?

1. He thinks every girl I'm with is my girlfriend

2. Yeah he thought you were my girlfriend when you went to the restaurant, too. He said you were cute and that he liked you.

3. We'll have to explain that to him.

4. Well, do you want to be my girlfriend?
Best answer. ImageImage
What does Lisa do
Sweatpants girl. Image
What does Lisa do?

1. Hold Rosie's hand and intertwine their fingers.

2. Put an arm around Rosie's shoulders.

3. Loop their arms together.
And I oop- Image
1. I just checked if Jisoo or Jennie texted. I didn't see any.

2. Just a habit. Can't live without my phone.

3. Don't you always check your phone in the morning?

4. I was going to text Jisoo or Jennie to tell them about you being here.
Rosie looks at Lisa, impatience and annoyance and something else in her expression. Lisa tries to keep calm.

"Don't you always check your phone in the morning?"

"No," is the flat and straightforward answer.

Lisa gulps.

Do not piss her off. Image
What does Lisa say?

1. Okay. I'm sorry, baby. I won't piss you off.

2. I can't make any promises.

3. Choking? Kinky.

4. You know what would make your mood better? A nice hearty breakfast.
The story will continue in a bit. For now, decide on Lisa's overall gameplan on how to deal with Rosie.

1. Sneak a text message to Jisoo and Jennie

2. Tell her parents/school/police.

3. Play along and find out more about Rosie.

4. Find the right time to confront Rosie.
"I'm sorry, baby." ImageImage
"Mom, dad, don't be weird." ImageImageImageImage
An invitation. Image
1. I would love to spend the weekend with Rosie.

2. I don't mind it one bit. But we should ask Rosie first if she wants to stay here or not.

3. We can have a big sleepover and invite Jisoo and Jennie, too.

4. How about I go over to Rosie's house and stay with her there?
"I have to go to the bathroom." ImageImage
Who does Lisa text?
The worst person to text. Image
Should Lisa delete the messages?
"Ugh. I think I ate something awful yesterday at school." ImageImageImage
1. No, I meant it must be because I didn't eat enough. I only had fruit at lunch and skipped dinner. Acid reflux.

2. Yeah. We just didn't eat together, so you didn't see. I had chocolate milk. It must have been expired.

3. Yeah. I just felt it now, though. It's not that bad.
You, dear readers, get to play Jisoo and Jennie, too, when Lisa is in a bind! Surprise!

The couple wonder why Lisa hasn't replied to their texts all morning. Jisoo heard from her dad that he already spoke to Lisa's mom and they found out Rosie is there with her.

Who texts Lisa?
Rosie needs to get clothes. Image
What does Lisa do?

1. I'll drive you and wait for you.

2. I'll drop you off and pick you up.

3. Okay. Bye. Be careful on your bike.

4. Nah. Just wear the same clothes.
Good girls get rewarded. ImageImageImageImage
No snooping. Jisoo texts. ImageImage
"Secret." Image
The truth is, Lisa has no idea yet. Help Lisa decide on where to take Rosie for a date.

1. Roller rink + 50s diner

2. Movie + private dining room at her dad's restaurant

3. Bowling + pizza and wings place

4. Picnic at a park with food Lisa's dad made
Date with babe. ImageImage
What food should Lisa bring?
What drink should Lisa bring?
What fruit should Lisa bring as dessert?
A moment with Lisa's mom. Temptation. ImageImageImageImage
Not so fast. Image
Lisa plops down on her bed and takes advantage of the time Rosie went back inside the shower to text Jisoo. She deletes the messages immediately after. ImageImageImage
The perfect kiss. ImageImageImageImage
✨What is this feeling✨ ImageImageImage
✨What is this feeling pt.2✨ ImageImageImage
The drive to the convenience store is quick. It's the one at a gas station.

What happens next?

1. Lisa offers to buy the food for Rosie so she doesn't have to go down the car.

2. Lisa and Rosie go in the store and buy food together.
Dun dun dun dun. Image
What does Lisa do?

1. Walk up to the cashier and pay for everything as Niki looks at the shelves to avoid her.

2. Stall and wait until Niki leaves the store.

3. Tell Rosie about Niki and quickly pay for everything and leave.

4. Call Niki's name and introduce her to Rosie.
Can't get out of it like that. Image
How does Lisa respond?

1. "Niki. How unfortunate to run into you here."

2. "Do I know you?"

3. "Niki. What a coincidence! How have you been?"

4. "Niki. I don't want any trouble. So, please, whatever it is, just leave us alone."
"You truly are something, Lisa." Image
How does Lisa respond?

1. Grab Niki by the arm and tell her to stop lying.

2. Slap Niki and call her a bitch who can't move on.

3. Put an arm around Rosie and tell her Niki is lying and they should just go.

4. Wait and see how Rosie responds
A fight ensues. Image
Rosie looks like she wants to hurt Niki very badly.

Lisa has to stop Rosie before she does anything that would get her sued. What does Lisa do?

1. Grab Rosie and hug her. Tell her it's not worth it.

2. Stop Rosie and ask her to just come to the car.
Welp. Image
What does Lisa do?

1. What Rosie said.

2. Ask Rosie if she can come with to the ladies' room.

3. Tell Rosie they should go home and she can go do her business in the bathroom in her room.
Love is blind. Love is dumb. Image
What does Lisa do?
A good girl. ImageImage
Another murder to be reported by the news outlets in a few hours. Image
They get to Rosie's house. Lisa is fearing for her life. She believes Rosie would hurt her.

What does Lisa do?

1. Kiss her. Put Rosie in a vulnerable position then attack her.

2. Beg for her life. Hope that Rosie has mercy on her.

3. Nothing. Listen to what Rosie has to say.
Meeting the parents. ImageImageImageImage

There will be an epilogue. Due to the choices made, I could not insert Jensoo helping Lisa. If you have questions or thoughts you'd like to share, send me a message on

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thanks for joining me!
Huge thanks to everyone who joined in, allowed, and even encouraged my crazy. It has been a real trip. Image
Epilogue pt. 1

Lisa becomes a filmmaker. ImageImageImageImage
Epilogue pt. 2

Fear and fate. ImageImage
And that officially closes this story, my beloved readers.

The epilogue has to be the best thing I have ever written for this.

I hope you loved this journey as much as I did. ❤️

Stay tuned for the next!

If wanna send me a cup of coffee, do it here
Title: "Rosie liked pretty things..."

Rosie meets a friend in prison after killing Niki but before meeting Lisa again.

Prompt by @wanpup "you know I'm thinking... that psychopath rosé au finding her next obessesion"

(1/2) ImageImageImageImage
I hope you guys like it! (2/2) ImageImageImageImage

• • •

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A Prayer For The Sacrilegious
A #Chaelisa Interactive AU

They say the first vampire was born after Lilith slept with both Adam and Satan.

Lisa forgot what the sun was like. Rosé learns of the things that lurk in the dark.

Immortality comes with a price.
Part I. Introduction.

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Part I. Introduction.

"Rosie, what's your favorite fairytale?"
Read 235 tweets

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