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Aug 1, 2019 278 tweets >60 min read Read on X
strings | yoonkook au

yoongi an independent omega, who wants a child and is more than prepared to have a child, wants to hire and alpha to get him pregnant, so enter jungkook college senior and alpha who is desperate for rent money, and has no interest in raising a child. Image
profiles: yoongi & jungkook. ImageImage
somethings before we start 🥀

— there will be fluff & angst .
— the only side ship will be namjin, who have a child of their own .
— taehyung and seokjin are brothers.
— mankne line are friends and hyung line are friends .
alphas: jungkook, jimin, seokjin
betas: taehyung
omegas: yoongi, namjoon, hoseok
01. enter jungkook, disliker of smol children. ImageImageImageImage
02. he really thinks all kids are evil, but especially seokjin’s and namjoon’s. Image
03. seokjin is the only one of hyung line that follows jungkook and knows him, tho namjoon has met him a few times. Image
04. in memory of, kim taehyung. Image
05. the tea is, they already know not to trust jungkook with kids despite not knowing him ImageImage
06. namjoon is the soft parent 😢 ImageImage
07. their group chat really is the three omegas vs the single alpha Image
08. honestly, just seeing hajoon just gives yoongi baby fever. Image
— unfortunately ending it here tonight, because i need to sleep. i probably won't be able to update until saturday, but i'll try and get a long update where the fun truly begins out then!

please yell at me here:
“Uncle Yoonie!!!” A small voice screams, as a pair of arms wrap around his legs. Yoongi smiles, a hand gently running through the small boys black hair. “I missed you!”

“I missed you too Hoonie.” Yoongi says, eyeing the boy.
Now that Namjoon, doesn’t bring Hajoon to work as much, Yoongi doesn’t get the chance to see his godson as often anymore. And that is beyond, disappointing. There was always this sort of joy and lightness that hung in the air when he was around, and that’s why he always
makes an excuse to come over to see him.

Though today he wanted to do more then see Hajoon, he wanted to talk to Namjoon... “Hoonie, can you tell me where your dam is?” Yoongi asks, when Hajoon finally lets go, though before the boy gets the chance to enter, he’s greeted by
another voice.

“Namjoon is in his nest.” He hears Seokjin answer, “he kicked me out so you guys can talk.” An eyebrow raises, “what does Yoongichi want to talk to my mate about? You never come over to just talk—usually it’s just to see our darling son.”
Yoongi hates how Seokjin can just sense that something is up—and how he seems to be the first to know, even if you don’t hint at anything. “Just... something, an omega thing.” He bites his lower lip, unsure of how to exactly put it, and not throw hints at what it was—-
“Oh, omega things, right.” He hates the look Seokjin is giving him, Yoongi looks down at Hajoon, innocent eyes looking up at him. Oh, how Yoongi can’t wait to have a child of his own.
“Hoonie join?” Yoongi nods, he wouldn’t miss and opportunity to cuddle his godson, while he talks to his best friend.

“Yoongi, are you staying for dinner?” Seokjin suddenly asks, glancing back at him.

“Only, if you’ll have me.” Yoongi responds. with a grin.

Walking through the house, Yoongi thinks how exactly is he...going to bring his little idea up. Maybe, not little idea. Big idea, life changing idea. He sighs, stopping infront of the white door, knocking lightly.
“Come in.” Namjoon softly says from the other side, Yoongi opens the door to the guest room—turned Namjoon’s nest. He steps into the room, covered mostly in fluffy blankets and pillows, expect in the corner where sat a desk and computer, and the door.
Namjoon is sitting in the furthest corner, surrounded by pillows, with one in his lap. “Still, trying to figure out the right lyrics?” Yoongi asks, as he slowly makes his way into the nest and sits down across from him.
“Yeah, but I think I just about got it.” He says, setting his notebook off to his side. “But that can wait, I want to hear what you want to talk about.”

Yoongi, really doesn’t like this pressure that suddenly feels pressed on his shoulders.
Lips press together, he’d rather hear about Namjoon’s song—but the look on Joon’s face told him he wasn’t going to fess up about that just yet.

“Uh.... Joon. I want to have a baby.” He decides to just say it,
outloud it feels weird to say. He’s always thought he—it’s something he’s known. He wants a baby, a child of his own. A child, he can love and dote on. He’s always loved kids, always excited when a new one in his family was born. He was practically ecstatic when Hajoon was born.
Though, he was also honestly jealous. The green monster started hanging out behind him, the moment Namjoon told him of his pregnancy. Though Yoongi was happy for his best friend, Yoongi couldn’t help but be happy for him. Namjoon was happy to, despite it being unplanned and only
in his second year of college—he was really lucky he found a supportive alpha like Jin.

“Hyung, you know I can’t get you pregnant right?”

Yoongi rolls his eyes, “I’m not asking you to get me pregnant.”

“I’m not letting my mate knock you up either.”
“Oh my fucking god, Joon I wasn’t going to ask that either.” Yoongi laughs. “I just want to have a baby, I think I’m ready. No, I know I’m ready.” And honestly Yoongi was, a few months ago he moved into a three bedroom apartment, had a good job and was more then happy to care
for another life.

He see’s Namjoon’s eyebrows raise, “but... you don’t even have an alpha or, even a beta.”
“And I don’t need one to have a pup.” Yoongi states, he was happy being independent. “Besides you know, I don’t want anyone. I’m happy being single,” and he was. Every relationship he’s had, which was two, ended up bad. Horrible. He, ended up hurt in more ways than one.
A frown settles on his lips, as a hand brushes against the scar of a mating mark. One he didn’t consent to, one he destroyed.
“Right, I know.” Namjoon says softly. Yoongi doesn’t want to think about that night—he just wants to think about the future, about having a baby. “So, whats your plan? How are you going to have a baby? Go to a sperm bank?”
“Oh Joonie, if I’m going to have a baby. I want to experience, the whole package.” Yoongi says, with a little smirk.

“Whole package?”
“I want an alpha to knot me, of course. Just because, I don’t want a relationship doesn’t mean, I don’t want knotted.” And honestly, it’d been too long since he’s let an alpha knot him. His dildo just wasn’t enough anymore.
“Oh my god, hyung.”

“If I’m going to have a pup, I at least think I deserve to ride a fucking dick, not some syringe or however the fuck they do it, going up my —-“ he’s cut off by the door opening and an excited voice.
“FOUND ‘EM!!!” A small boy runs into the room, holding a blue koala(?) stuffed animal. He sits himself down into Yoongi’s lap, hugging the toy closely. “Koya my best fwiend!” He beams proudly and Namjoon laughs across from them.
Gently Yoongi’s arms circle around Hajoon, a warm smile forming on his lips. Really, Yoongi was so excited at the thought of having his own child. “He’s pretty, like you.” Yoongi comments.
After Hajoon joins them, they don’t talk much more one the previous subject. Instead, they spend their time until Seokjin calls them to dinner playing with Hajoon.

09. telling namjoon his idea ImageImage
10. bad idea? ImageImage
11. safe Image
12. 🥺 Image
14. rip sleep Image
15. yoongi has a plan! ImageImage
16. this is an omega rapline vs jin kinda world Image
17. worry Image
18. don’t trust an alpha ImageImage
19. we love supportive friends ImageImage
20. Yoongi’s tinder. Image
21. jungkook is broke Image
— ending the update here tonight, please tell me what you think of the au so far! also feel free to leave predictions and ideas!
22. let them help u kookie ImageImage
23. inch-resting Image
24. will he move in? ImageImage
25. to the mothership! Image
26. yoonfi is hobi’s babie ImageImage
27. sniffle Image
28. making sure yoongi is staying safe ImageImage
29. meanwhile, what yoongi’s been dealing with ImageImage
30. hobi stating facts Image
31. oh joon Image
32. i can do what i want Image
33. jungkook gets good news Image
34. priorities Image
35. he can read? shocking! Image
36. wonder what it is? Image
37. oh jungkook ImageImage
38. jungkook mssgs yoongi Image
39. awkward ImageImage
40. getting straight to it Image
41. dislikes children ImageImage
42. sounds familiar Image
43. it doesn’t bother him at all ImageImage
44. setting up a meeting ImageImage
45. see you then Image
46. yoonfi gonna have 🍼 👶 Image
— i’m sleepy so ending it here! next update will feature yoonkook meeting in person!
47. yoongi is so eager ImageImage
48. yoongi with a baby bump would be the cutest 🤰🏻 Image
49. won’t be able to make it ImageImage
50. they gonna protect their baby yoogie ImageImage
51. wait till he realizes that his money problems will never really be solved Image
52. wait till jin finds out Image
53. babie Image

yoongi doesn’t know why he’s so nervous. fingers gripping tightly to the americano sat in front of him, as eyes glance over to the clock hung on the wall, above the counter.

it’s almost one, almost time for the alpha—jungkook, to arrive.
maybe he wouldn’t show up. it could’ve been a prank, maybe even a catfish, or it could’ve been something else. but, maybe the alpha would show up— maybe the would talk about potentially meeting up, conceiving a child together, never talking again afterwards.
yoongi knew he’d be judged, for being a single omega pregnant, that it might effect his career. but he wouldn’t worry about that now, though it still scared him at the thought of his fans turning his back on him, for choosing to have a child.
but, along with being a music producer, he dreamed of being someone’s appa or eomma ( he hasn’t decided which, he wants to be called yet ) he dreamed of being pregnant and having a child of his own.

yoongi knew that could be the omega instinct, but yoongi truly didn’t care
it was what be wanted.

looking upwards, towards where hoseok was sitting, at a table across from him. his best friend gave him a reassuring smile.

he could do this.
the little bell ontop of the front door rings, announcing someone has entered the cafe. yoongi glances up, to see who.

oh. it was /him/ the alpha. yoongi watches him, go up to the counter, probably to order a coffee or sweet.
he was incredibly handsome and yoongi doesn’t realize his mouth is hanging sightly open. not that yoongi didn’t know, the alpha was handsome before, from the pictures he seen on tinder — in person, jungkook was ethereal.
seemingly the other patrons in the cafe agreed, even hoseok.

yoongi swallows nervously, as the alpha is handed a cup and something wrapped up, he assumes it’s a pastry. the alpha turns, and yoongi feels his heart stop.
the alpha, looks around. yoongi knows he’s looking for him, but be doesn’t have the courage to raise his hand. instead he just looks down, a blush tinting his cheeks as jungkook /finally/ looks at him.

the next thing yoongi knows, be hears the
seat across from him move, and a body now sitting across from him.

“so, you’re yoongi?” oh — his voice is like honey.

yoongi looks up, the blush still tinting his cheeks.

“and you must be jungkook.” yoongi’s voice is lower then planned.
— i have to end it here for right now! i’ll hopefully be able to update more tonight, though!
they're both silent for about the first few minutes.

sipping their coffees, looking around.


yoongi wants to say something, but he doesn't know exactly what he wants to say. eyes wonder onto jungkook, eyeing him.
he's much more handsome in person yoongi has to say. his hair slightly longer then his picture too, and it suits him well. yoongi takes a sip of his coffee, before opening his mouth to speak finally, and break the silence.

"so... tell me about yourself." he says, slowly.
jungkook's attention casts back to yoongi, eyeing the small omega. "about me? oh, there's not... much. broke college student, looking for rent money, wishing my anime waifu was real. i also like music, and video games. photography too, actually i have a lot of interests."
for someone, who said there wasn't much; sure seemed like there was a lot. but one, thing surly caught yoongi's attention: music.

with that, yoongi grins.

"tell me about your favorite artists."
jungkook beams at that. "i like a lot, so i can't possibly get into them all, but recently, i was browsing sound cloud and discovered a rapper... agust d. his music spoke to me, it's raw and real emotion."

yoongi almost spits out his coffee at that name, laughs nervously.
"i've heard his stuff." yoongi simply responds. "he's talented."

"too bad from what i gathered, his identity is a secret. i'd love to see him live one day." jungkook says, lips pressing together.

yoongi looks down at his coffee, not knowing what to say. again. "me too."
"but enough about that. tell me about you, yoongi." jungkook says, eyeing the omega.

yoongi feels his face flush, he wasn't the biggest fan of talking about himself. "oh? uh... like you, i like music. i actually... work in music, i'm a producer. i also like writing too.
like not just songs, but stories too. i also a proud dog dad, to my precious min holly." this was staring to feel more like a date, then what this really was.

"sounds like, our kid.. or well your kid, is destined to like music." jungkook says; yoongi laughs.

"seems so."
yoongi plays with his fingers, as his gaze lifts over and looks at hoseok who gives him a thumbs up.

"we should talk about that. about, the who baby."

"we should." jungkook agrees.

"you sure, you'd be okay, with this? having a kid, knowing it exist, but not being involved?"
jungkook nods. "more then sure, having a kid isn't for me. as i said in the messages i'm bad with them, i don't know the first thing to do with a child... and they don't seem to like me at all, i waved at a kid once and they cried, my friends nephew even called me enemy to
all children. i don't want one ever, i mean i don't see the appeal honestly, but that's just me."

yoongi laughs at that. though he's only known jungkook for a few moments, he's words did seem genuine.

"but yoongi, uh, can i call you hyung?"

yoongi nods.
"hyung, why do you want to do this on your own?" jungkook asks, big curious eyes on him.

yoongi frowns, "because i swore off ever being in a relationship again."

and that's when jungkook notices the mark on yoongi's neck, though he quickly turns away. it's not his business.
"i see. you're very brave for wanting to do this on your own." honestly, jungkook admired his bravery. kids were hard on two; but doing it on his own?

"well, my friends offered to help me, so i won't entirely be alone." and yoongi is revealed. he was honestly scared.
so scared, that he wouldn't be able to do this, the thought of having a baby, though it excited him, still frightened him.

this was life changing, that's why he waited till he was ready and stable to have a child.

and this time, he was ready. he could do this.
jungkook and yoongi talk for a bit, more about themselves. yoongi asks questions about jungkook's family. he was almost certain, from the sound of it, that no matter what, the child would be into sports, like the rest of jungkook's family.

which was fine, music and sports.
yoongi could handle that. "as long as the baby didn't turn into a jock." yoongi had joked, and jungkook had laughed.

for some college kid, yoongi had decided he was well rounded. and possibly the right fit to, what yoongi declared the sperm/knot donor.
"so... my heat is in about two weeks."

jungkook, looks at yoongi, eyes wide. "wait. why are you telling me this?"

"i think... i'm not going to find an alpha better than you, to be... well the other parent of the child."

oh. jungkook beams. "so, i'm the chosen knot?"
"wait. never mind, if your going to say it like that." yoongi laughs, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips "yeah, i don't think i'm going to find anyone better."

"great. that's.. good. i'm happy for you, your going to have a baby!" his baby. /jungkook's baby./
jungkook was going to have a child out there. as weird as that thought felt, he knew yoongi would take good care of the child. the way yoongi talked about kids, jungkook just knew.

"yeah.. i guess i am." yoongi has a soft smile on his face, with a look of disbelief."
"my heat should hit about two tuesdays from now, and will last about three days. so you might want to, make sure you make time. unless you want to wait till after my next upcoming heat? then wait till my next? that's fine, i'm okay with whatever!"
"no! i'll make sure i get those days free." jungkook assures, honestly nervous at that. he's never spent an omega's heat with them.

"good. that's good, my friend hobi will be there to make sure nothing happens, just so you know." he actually motions to a table over.
and hoseok waves, big smile plastered on his face. "that's him." jungkook nods, waves back.

"he looks like the sun, but also looks like he could kick my ass."

yoongi smirks at that. "oh he could, definitely one of the toughest omegas i know."
"good to know. i'll stay on his good side."

"you better, or he'll tell our other friends and your body will never be found again."

yoongi figured it's better now, to let his alpha know if he tries anything at all, during his heat, he won't be safe.
jungkook nodded. he'd be good, he swore to himself he'll be good. he's a good little alpha, one who doesn't always act on instinct.

"good." yoongi gets up, "i'll see you later okay? and i'll message you my address later on, so you know were to go."
"right yeah, i'll see you later hyung!"

jungkook gets up, eyeing the small omega, who appears to have a devilish look at his face. yoongi walks towards him, taking jungkooks collar, dragging him more down to his level.

"just know, when we sleep together." yoongi starts.
"you can be as rough as you want." yoongi lets go, turns around and walks to hoseoks table.

jungkook watches in disbelief.
54. :o Image
55. new baby!!! Image
56. jin is just cautious and protective if his friends ImageImage
57. yoongi horny ImageImage
58. it’s happening!! Image
— ending it here, i feel like this update wasn’t the best, but it’s something! idk when the next update will be, but i’m aiming for sunday!
59. we gonna be deleting jungkook Image
60. cancelled Image
61. dumb idea ImageImage
62. he’s being stubborn ImageImage
63. not a big deal ImageImage
64. yoongi mssg kook Image
65. fast Image
66. cute Image
67. nice face Image
68. yoongi wants to (kiss) his face Image
69. hmmm Image
70. all he wants ImageImage
71. a week later ImageImage
72. ImageImage
73. ImageImage
74. ImageImage
75. ImageImage
76. ImageImageImage
77. Image
78. ImageImage
79. Image
80. Image
81. ImageImageImage
When Yoongi wakes up the next morning, he feels the slight burn starting to itch under his skin. A frown settles on his lips -- the only thing he did hate about his heat, was the burn under his skin.
He hated not being able to curl up under a pile of blankets or laze around his is oversized sweater.

He sits up , gaze grazing over his nest , content sigh leaving his lips. It was perfect, it was ready. A proud smile, as he reaches for his phone, no messages.
He’s surprised, honestly. Namjoon was known to leave a goodmorning text in the group chat, at around 7am, it was already almost 11am.

So, Yoongi does it himself. And he switches over chats, to Jungkook’s. This was it. Well, maybe not today.
Most likely tomorrow. When his heat would fully hit. Still, the Alpha was supposed to come over today. And he couldn’t deny the bubbling pit of nerves forming in his stomach.
He could do this , he had to remember the end result. A pup. A baby of his own. And he was excited.

Yoongi smiles, sending Jungkook his address.
82. a good thing :)) ImageImage
83. plans to kill? ImageImageImage
84. yoon tweets Image
85. delete jungkook Image
86. oh? Image
87. go away ImageImage

It’s a couple hours later, when he hears a knock at the door. Annoyed groan, as he slowly gets up. Honestly, hoping that it's Hoseok, checking to see how things are going. He’s not ready … for Jungkook yet. Not ready to face the Alpha.
Expect, when he opens the door it is the Alpha. Greeted by the strong scent of pine and coffee, the Omega’s mouth practically waters.
“Hello, hyung!” The Alpha chirps, and Yoong’is gaze lifts, meeting Jungkook’s.

“H-Hey…” There’s that nervous bubble in his stomach again. “Come on in.” He opens the door wider, letting the Alpha in.
Jungkook steps in, Yoongi shuts the door behind them
And, he doesn’t know what to do next, and neither does Jungkook, it seems. They both stand there, silence surrounding them. Not looking at each other, Yoongi bites his bottom lip. “Do you want .. something to drink?”
Jungkook shakes his head, turning to look at the Omega. “No, I’m good for now. Thank you though.” He smiles, as his gaze starts to wonder. “Your apartment. It’s nice, very nice… It’s way bigger than mine. Nicer too, bet you actually have hot water all the time.”
Yoongi laughs. Nodding. “Yeah, hot water all day everyday…” He says slowly.

“You also… have room to move around. God, this place must be expensive.” Jungkook honestly, sounds amazed.
“It is, I’ve recently moved here. So, it’s still not that full…” Yoongi plays with the hem of his shirt. “Actually, moved here because … I planned on having a baby, so I wanted plenty of room. My old apartment could fit in the living room.”
Honestly, Yoongi wasn’t into materialistic things. He felt cozier in his small apartment, but it was tiny. One bedroom, another smaller room he used as his home studio. Here, he had room for all that plus more.
Two rooms still empty, one though was planned for the babies room, though. The other, he figured he’d turn into a guest room. Maybe.. Another child's room, down the line.

He wasn’t too sure…
“Already, thinking ahead, huh.” Jungkook says, Yoongi nods. He really was, he wanted to be ready. Prepared for a baby.

“You can leave your shoes by mine, and follow me to the nest …” Jungkook nods, removing his shoes, following Yoongi.
The nest was in the living room, blankets everywhere. Shirts seemed to be spread around, filled with different scents. Yoongi’s friends, he had something from Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok and even Hajoon. They were pack, if you looked at it in the old ways.
Honestly, it takes time for Yoongi to adjust to Jungkook being there in the nest. His omega, still not fully trusting the Alpha. And, Yoongi starts to think that maybe they should’ve actually hung out before this. To get used to his scent, to his mannerisms, to him.
But, as he grows used to the Alpha. He finds himself scooting closer to him. They’re practically been silent since entering the nest. Watching the movie that’s been playing on the TV, it was a random one Yoongi chose. He couldn’t remember the name, he just knew it was cheesy.
Yoongi and Jungkook’s shoulders brush together, as Yoongi scoots closer. “Your scent.. it’s getting stronger.” Comes Jungkook, slowly.
Yoongi nods. Jungkook’s scent is also stronger, the omega in him whines. No wait --- he actually whines.
— ending it here for now! next part the FUN happens.

— feel free to come talk to me!
also, important poll! it does affect some events of the story.
one more option.
🔞 — ahead
It’s hours later when Jungkook wakes up to Yoongi next to him, rutting against a pillow. He sits up, looking at the omega, already drenched in sweat.

He’s never smelt someone so sweet. Peaches in vanilla, made his mouth water.
“... Yoongi?” Jungkook asks, voice quiet.

The omega shifts, eyes opening. “Alpha!” He whines. “Help!”
That went straight to his dick… Licking his lips, “what do you want… baby?”

Yoongi preens at the nickname. “Your knot!”
And, just like that Jungkook was on the omega. Lips pressed together, moving quickly and full of hunger.

Instincts quickly taking over — his mind /screaming/ to bread the omega. While Yoongi’s mind is screaming to be bred.
Fingers hook at the bottom of Yoongi’s sweater, and it's pulled over his head. “Alpha! Hurry!”

How could Jungkook deny this Omega?
A smirk settles on his lips, nose burying into the Omega’s neck. “You smell so good, baby.” Fingers trail down Yoongi’s back, reaching the waistband of his shorts. “I bet your so wet…”
He licks his lips, Yoongi wiggles as the Alpha hovers over him, a hand playing with the waistband of his shorts.
Finally, Jungkook slips his hand into Yoongi’s shorts, the omega letting out a loud gasp. “So wet, and just for me?”

“Just for you, Alpha.”
Suddenly, Jungkook yanks Yoongi’s shorts and panties off. “Baby, you’re so pretty. A very pretty Omega.”

“Jungkook! Alpha ... stop it.” Yoongi whines. “Am not pretty…” He mumbles, face hot and red.
The alpha smiles, lips settling on the omega’s next, atop an old scar. A damaged mating mark, Jungkook chooses it’s best not to question it. It’s none of his business—he has only one job here anyways, knot and impregnate the omega.
A finger easily slips into the the omega’s hole, lad gasp coming from the omega. He starts moving his finger, quickly adding a second than a third, all while the Yoongi under him whines, begging for more than just Jungkook’s fingers.
Pulling his fingers out, they’re drenched in slick. Jungkook licks his fingers, with a moan at the sweet taste. “Oh, Yoongi you taste so good.”

Yoongi looks up at him with watery eyes, “jus’ for Alpha.”
The next few moments consist of Jungkook slipping his clothes off, with Yoongi staring at awe at the alpha above him.

“Hnnn, fuck me!” He whines soon after.

“Oh, I will little omega.”
Jungkook lines himself up, with Yoongi’s hole. A smirk, as they lock eyes for a second before Yoongi looks away blushing.

On swift move, and Yoongi let out a loud yelp. But god did it feel good — Jungkook was big, the stretch burned just right.
Jungkook waits a moment before he starts moving, to allow Yoongi to adjust to the stretch. “Let me know when your ready, baby.”

/That nickname./

A few calming breathes later, “go ahead.” Yoongi breaths.
With that, Jungkook starts moving. Slow thrusts at first, but quickly picking up his pace.

Yoongi searching for something to hold onto, as moans start falling from his lips.
It feels so good — better than Yoongi remembers. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s been fucked, let alone been fucked durning his heat.

His trust for Alpha’s.. completely died when he and ...
“Fuck!” Yoongi screams, moment Jungkook finds the spot that sends him over the edge.

God, Yoongi felt like he was going to come sooner than he would’ve liked to.

And.. maybe he was starting to feel at knot start to catch sooner than he thought he would’ve too.
“Baby, your so tight.” Jungkook groans, his knot expanding. Thrusting a few more time before it catches.

Both coming quickly after that. The omega sighing contently — happy he’s getting what he wants.
🔞 — end .
Much of the next few days goes on like that, expect for times when they were asleep, or Hoseok came to make sure they ate and bathed.

When Yoongi’s heat finally ends, they’re laying next to each other drenched in sweat and unsure of where to go from there.
Jungkook’s job here was done, Yoongi didn’t need him anymore. So, does he up and leave? No — that feels /too/ wrong.

Silence continues to lume, just their breathing could be heard.
“Go take a shower, I’ll make breakfast then give you half of what I owe. Rest, I’ll give you once I find out if I’m pregnant or not.” Yoongi hoped by some off chance, that it didn’t fail. If it did though, he’d just try again.

“Okay Hyung.”

Much of breakfast is still sat in silence, as they ate. Yoongi wanted to say more but he was shy and apparently Jungkook was too. So they sat there, ate, glancing at each other every once in a while.

At least till, Yoongi remembered Jungkook’s naked body hovering over him.
It’s enough to make Yoongi blush, and Jungkook to ask, “you okay hyung?”

Yoongi nods, “just fine... yeah!” He swallows the last bit of his toast.

“Okay” Jungkook nods.

When they’re finished with breakfast, Jungkook gathers his things, while Yoongi prepares to send the money.
“I’ll let you know if it worked and send you the rest of the money, when I find out.” Yoongi bites his lip. “Did you want any pictures of the ultrasounds too! I know you want some once the baby is born...”
“Yeah.. that’d be cool. Seeing that little bean grow, yeah. I’d like that.” Jungkook sounds a little unsure. Yoongi doesn’t question it though, this is a situation that doesn’t happen all that often— if at all.
“Can’t wait to see what they’ll look like.” Jungkook suddenly says, taking Yoongi off guard.

Yoongi smiles. “Me too.” He thinks he can understand why Jungkook does want pictures, he’d want to know what any being that’s part his would look like.
“I should go now.”

“Right, yeah... thank you Jungkook.”

“It’s no problem hyung. See you around.. ”

“Yeah, take care.”

The next thing Yoongi knew, he was standing alone in his apartment, just wanting to see his pack.
— ending the update here bc my ass is tired n sick. 😔

— goodnight!
we’re back and trying out a new app for updates!! Image
if jin is world wide handsome? his and joon’s son is world wide adorable? what is joonie? Image
he’s backk Image
mayhaps he notices something.... Image
reminder: he does follow jin Image
a tragedy really Image
oh worm ImageImage
— i switched back to social dummy for messages. Image
rest in pieces. Image
how DARE they ImageImage

a few weeks later, yoongi hasn’t been all that well. his stomach churns at the smell of his favorite foods and oddly enough he’s been craving what he hates the most. pineapple pizza.

he doesn’t want to get his hopes up yet, but the excitement is still there.
even after he empties the contents of his stomach late one evening. which leads him to finally search the cupboards of his bathroom, to find the pregnancy tests some weeks ago.
acting suspicious ImageImage
why you up yoongi? Image
everyone is crying ImageImageImage
telling jungkook! ImageImage
not the end of yoonkook? ImageImage
future dead man jungkook. Image
zoinks. ImageImage
baby is happy. Image
— ending it here! yoongi is pregnant! what do you lovelies thing is going to happen from here?

— also please, don’t reply to the thread and PLEASE interact with the au, it makes me happy to see your reactions!
a few days later, jungkook is starting his internship! Image
no biting Image
maybe jungkook will get bit :)) Image
jungkook freaking out ImageImageImageImage
can’t tell jungkook ImageImage
ignored. Image
maybe they’re sleeping? Image
a hajoonie sighing! ImageImage
yoon gonna attac ImageImage
my baby Image
yoongi is the bravest ImageImageImage
baby is nervous Image

“Oh, hyung you sure your going to be alright?” Hoseok asks, sitting the bottled water infront of Yoongi.

His morning sickness had been pretty bad, so far this morning. The nausea just hadn’t subsided just yet. “I’ll be fine— “ he covered his mouth with his hand.
Maybe he wasn’t going to be okay. Taking a breath, he feels okay again. “If it doesn’t get better, I’ll leave early. Promise.” He wanted to meet the new intern before he left, anyways.

He opens the bottle of water and takes a drink. “Wonder whats taking Joon, so long.”
Just as he says that, Namjoon’s sweet tangerine scent draws his attention, and so does a familiar fresh coffee scent.

Why would he be smelling /that/ —-

The scent is coming from just outside his studio’s door. It’s left open for the time being so is particularly strong.
“Hey! I brought Jungkook!” Namjoon announces and Yoongi feels his heart skip a beat.

He’s afraid to turn around and look, despite his omega’s whines.

“Welcome! Jungkook!” Hoseok greets, a hand patting Yoongi’s shoulder. “This is Yoongi, he’s not feeling well.”
Deciding to turn around, his gaze meets Jungkook’s and both look away quickly. “I-it’s nice to meet you.”

God, what was be doing here? There was no way fate was this.. This... cruel? Funny? God, this is just his luck. The alpha who he paid to sleep with him would be the intern.
“Nice to meet both of you as well.” Jungkook bows, and Yoongi just wants to know what he’s thinking. “I hope to learn many things while I’m here!”

“We’ll be sure to be great teachers!” Hoseok assures, giving a quick look at Yoongi.
Yoongi just hopes Hoseok, doesn’t tell. Namjoon and Seokjin that Jungkook’s the alpha. And he hopes, that they just ignore it.

But, part of Yoongi feels like that’s going to be harder than it needs to be.
yoonbongo ImageImage
it won’t be that bad, right? Image
don’t tell jin . ImageImage
:] Image
he got no liked Image
wait nvm Image
yoonbongo gets a message Image
the fun actually begins Image
they tweet ImageImage
baby shark dooo dooo doo ImageImage
enemy Image
perfect alpha Image
we gotta tell jin ImageImage
how should jin find out ?
mayhaps i just realized i messed the thread up
hello! i’m rewriting this au, so this version is no longer going to be updated! check out the new version!

spoiler: if u want to know what jin was going to do to jungkook after he finds out, he actually kicks his ass

• • •

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