I sometimes wonder how so many people believe that Israelis are brutal, murderous monsters, when any trip to Israel or the Palestinian Territories PROVES otherwise. Watch this and understand that the most horrific absurd lies are told over and over thru Arab media. Examples...
~Shimon Peres killed Egyptians with his bare hands, filled his ‘iron helmet’ with their blood, and saved it as a souvenir?
~David Ben Gurion gave the order to assassinate JFK?
~Ariel Sharon wore a necklace made of the limbs of Palestinian children?
Crazy! Wacko! But there’s more
Combine these wacko antisemitic conspiracy theories with a culture of deep misogyny and you get...
...the repeated claim that Tzipi Livni had sex with Arab leaders, taped it, used it to further Israeli policy, then confessed it all in a memoir.
But wait, yes, there’s even more!
A subset of the wacko antisemitic conspiracy genre is the theory that Israelis control nature and use animals as their secret agents. For example, Mossad trains ‘attack sharks,’ spy eagles, supernatural rats that attack only Arabs, as well as dolphins, vultures, lizards, etc...
Do people truly believe these hate-filled delusional lies, or are they more like racist tall-tales that people enjoy, but don’t really believe? And how much of this stuff can you hear, year after year, your whole life, without believing in it?
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Something you may have missed in the Purim story: twice in the Megillah we see the statement that the Jews are fated to be saved and successful. Once by a Jew, Mordechai, which is very famous. But there is another by a non-Jew that is often overlooked. Do you know it?
When Haman returns home bitter at the King honoring Mordechai, his friends and wife Zeresh say 'If Mordechai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of Jewish stock, you will not overcome him; you will fall before him to your ruin.'
What?? Why??
These are the very people who arranged the scheduled genocide of the entire Jewish population - they also believe that because Mordechai was Jewish, they could not defeat him, ie: The people they most despised also had some kind of supernatural power and protection.
The transformation of Mahmoud Khalil into a liberal icon is happening before our eyes.
It’s a manipulation, politically motivated by twin progressive obsessions: hatred of Israel and Trump. I fear it’s a turning point from which Democratic support for Jews may never recover.🧵
Khalil led a group that took over a building & blocked access, harassed Jews, assaulted a staffer leading to hospitalization, and distributed material in support of Hamas and Hezbollah. These are crimes, not speech, and support of a terrorist organization is a deportable offense.
Khalil will get his due process. He doesn’t need a mass movement to ensure that, it was already happening. I’m quite sure the mass movement begun on his behalf is masterminded by political operatives hostile to Israel, cleverly manipulating hostility to Trump. They know this will
Israel faces an impossible dilemma: cut deals to save as many hostages as possible, or fully prosecute the war/destroy Hamas, knowing some hostages will be murdered. The following, from a current soldier, speaks volumes about the personal dilemma felt by IDF soldiers: 🧵
“I want to save the hostages. I dream about it, I imagine it every time I'm on patrol scanning the bushes and hills and buildings around. If you asked me to join in a dangerous rescue I would sign on in a second. But I will not sacrifice thousands of lives to save them. If you
think I'm being hypocritical let me make this clear too: If, G-d forbid, I should ever be captured by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, or any other terrorist group, I do not want a single terrorist released or an inch of land given up to buy my freedom. It will just lead to more
The situation at @Columbia is even worse than you think. Joseph Massad isn't teaching a course on just Zionism. The course is on "The History of the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala) in 19th century Europe and the development of Zionism."
The infuriating facts you should know: 🧵
The Jewish Enlightenment is a 19thC Euro/Ashkenazi phenomenon. Massad has no training in Jewish history and doesn't read Yiddish. Even if he weren't a raging antisemite, he's not qualified to teach a course on history he's never studied and literature he can't read. So why is he?
From an article he published last week: "...Palestinian resistance started in the 1880s at the inception of Jewish colonisation...beginning in 1882 and continuing throughout the 1890s, Palestinian peasant resistance targeted all the Jewish colonies to the point that
What’s happening in Syria and Lebanon is actually the default setting for most of the MidEast. It’s either chaos or empire there. The imposed nation state borders of the past century will be/are carved up by local factions, militias, and religio-ethnic groups, along w/ strong 🧵
adjacent states such as Turkey, Iran, Israel.
What the Arab Spring ultimately revealed is that the post-colonial states are failures, made of factions who hate each other and don’t want to live together. Only the power of empires (Ottoman, British, French, Persian) or dictators
ever held any of it together. In that way the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no different than any other internal conflict in the region. The only difference is, unlike its Arab neighbors, Israel lacked a ruthless dictator to suppress its conflicts. Today we see it for what it
9/11 was my 2nd week as exec dir of @RutgersHillel, at @RutgersU, the State U of NJ. The next day flyers went up all over campus inviting people to a special meeting of the Muslim Students Assoc on 9/13. Of course I went. Here is what I saw and heard. It haunts me to this day. 🧵
I thought half the campus would be there. Who wouldn't want to hear what the MSA had to say 2 days after Al-Qaeda killed 3,000 Americans? We could smell the smoke from Ground Zero on campus. But I was the only visibly non-Muslim person in a crowd of 200+. Wearing my kipah. ✡️
The first 45 minutes a prof spoke on the atrocities of the recent Algerian civil war. At first I didn't understand why. But he was making a point to the doubting Muslim students. SEE? It is possible for Muslims to do violent terrible things. It's possible Muslims had done this.