OK dear friend I have done a full thread to that in Arabic
I'll try to make it in English
First major similarity is the refusal to be organised with official presence. The founder and up tell now calling it "Al-gama'a"... And they call each other "Brother"..
The founder insisted on not considering the group a party nor a NGO just a unique structure that collects Salfism, Sofi and with good relations to Shiite in same time
The founder issued "The Letters" and "the 20 rules" which has the same importance to the members as Jesus booklet
They believe ruling the world and Khilafa is the pillar of the religion.. Same as Dough told the recuitered members "forget what u know about Christianity"
Many members of Mb are with weak knowledge of Islamic Fiqh same as weird theological knowledge of Bible shown by The Family members
Also the network of false charity organisations to cover the cash flow and the funding received is an old trick of MB... Both founders admired Nazi committement and discipline...
Both organize praying groups where member of each group care for one another.. They gather each weak for studying the letters and do team building activities...etc... The way they treat youth in camps... So much like they seem identical
The founder and later the "Supreme Guide" make sure to communicate with country leader no matter how authoritarian they were. they supported King Fouad of Egypt against the liberal and highly accepted El Wafd, same done to Sadat, political deals with Mubark and SCAF after 2011
They both consider democracy as an action against God, people should be led by God's law and God's men. forcing the people and community to obey Shari'a is only by obtaining the power
the same thing goes by their global expansion, MB expanded in Arab and Muslim countries early through direct contact with the founder ElBanna in the season of pilgrimage to Mekka, Count in every country on the prayer groups where they call "The Family"
MB was established in 1928 only 7 years before the Family and never registered as a NGO, party or charity... they always try to control parties even those who belong to left wing or liberal through allowing some members to join those parties
that showed with the huge amount of MB ex-members that been presented in all parties as youth role model during the events of 2011 in Egypt.. that goes to attaining control on syndicates, labor organizations, schools and so on..
In most of Gulf area countries they in mid 50's tend to infiltrate the education system imposes their vision in the education system. and up tell now they provide full support to their branches specially by media and social media in imposing moral agendas in the branch home land
مساء الخير
بأعتبار ان نظامنا الاقتصادي من ايام مبارك ويمكن من قبله بشوية نظام خلطبيطة
وللناس المندهشة من صعود ناس مليارديرات مرة واحدة
والناس اللى صوتها راح من المطالبة بالتصنيع
وطحن الطبقة الوسطى
تعالوا بينا في رحلة لمدرسة شيكاغو الاقتصادية والتي ستحكمنا مبادئها حبة حلوين
في الخمسينات في جامعة شيكاغو ظهر عالم الاقتصاد ميلتون فريدمان المعروف بأبو "النيوليبرالية" وبدأ مع آخرين في وضع اسس اقتصادية تخالف الاقتصاد الكينزي وكانت اهم الاسس هو رفع سيطرة الدولة تماما عن الاقتصاد والتركيز على التعامل التجاري وخصخصة الشركات وان السوق سيعدل نفسه بنفسه
وخفض التعريفات الجمركية وتقليل خطط التصنيع ..كان التطبيق الاول والابرز في تشيلي في عهد بينوشيه ..فرغم اتجاه الليندي الى التصنيع والزراعة مما ادي الى خفض البطالة ..تولى خريجي الجامعة التشيليين قيادة الاقتصاد بلا اي معارضة تحت حكم بينوشيه وكانت الاجراءات كالتالي: