You all already know what I'm about to put forth...
You neighbor isn't really the problem. Your neighbor is not really the enemy... it is those who wield the majority power that pit us against one another, and it's not the majority in apparent political power, it is the top 0.8%
Think back. You're probably like everyone else, who has at one time or another said 'It's all rigged. The elections are a joke. The party system is a joke.' Why, do you think, you have forgotten this? Because those leaders have been clashing neighbor against neighbor a long time
Wars against brothers. Hatred against family members. Killing your old friend... we are NOT this evil. Most of us, on ALL sides are decent folk: in every nation. But they make us think that our futures depend on killing the OTHER guy... until, about ten years later, we realize...
#WakeUpAmerica. Start learning, FROM EACH OTHER, what their deal really is...