Today had a talk with a group of 10 boys from a village in the outskirts of Salem. They said " Ji christians are entering our villages and they are luring our youth, we have to stop this, we have to complain, they are targeting SCs and STs , they are the vulnerable section"
Me : why dont you take counter measures
Boys : Ji whom to complain
Me : Why complain , there are better ways
Boys : What ways
Me : How many houses are there in your village
Boys : around 350
Me : How many are christians
Boys : 5 or 6 families
Me : How many temples you hv
Boys : We have 3 Temples
Me : Great , then problem is solved
Boys : How
Me : Every Sunday lets serve Prasadam in the temple , lets ask the rest of the 345 houses to have one time prasadam in the temple on a sunday.
Boys : Ji this sounds terrific , but how do we fund this
Me : easy , i will provide 345 cotton bags , you distribute this to each of the 345 houses and ask them to put one hand full of rice or grains in the bag each day , each week you guys collect it from all the houses and find sponsors for vegetables,your job is done
Boys: Cooking?
Me : Women of the village can do collective cooking
Boys : That sounds awesome , Ji our temple has big big vessels , which we use once a year, we can use this every week
Me : Awesome , ok now call your friends and find out how many in your village are ready to take part
10 guys each made 3 to 4 calls , around 35 calls were made in 15 minutes, almost every one has responded positively
Me : In addition to this lets have some activity for kids , women , men and old people ,In addition before prasadam lets have 15 minutes of talk about our culture
Boys : Ji awesome , lets start this , give us a weeks time , we will talk to our people in our village and revert back to you in 10 days
Me : If our people 345 houses are united , what can 5 houses do , they will also join you . every threat can be converted into an opportunity
There is no need to be paranoid about conversion , instead if we unite our people and teach them our culture and values, no one can break our bond
Some people unable to open the bottle of honey, just lick the bottle and dont get the taste of honey
lets open the bottle for them
Lets take one village at a time , if it works it will grow soon will catch up like wild fire
2 to 3 % is able to finger 80% because 80% is divided, the day 80% gets united , should we worry about 2 to 3 % or will they even dream about fingering 80% ?
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Ratha Saptami or Surya Jayanthi is the day when the Sun, the source of energy for all life forms, changes direction, moving from southeast to northeast. He is visualised as doing so on his seven-horse chariot. Those who seek him today for physical
nourishment (providing abundance of produce) and a life free from illness will find their prayers answered. Yoga sastra celebrates surya namaskar as being highly beneficial for one’s mental, physical and emotional well being.
Veda Vyasa highlights the efficacy of praying to
the Sun god for ridding oneself of one’s sins. When Bhishma, lying on his bed of arrows, awaits the start of Uttarayan, to breathe his last, he is unable to shed his mortal coil and, puzzled, he seeks Veda Vyasa’s advise. “I have not indulged in sinful deeds in this life and I
Narada Muni once went to Vaikuntha and served Mother Laxmi very attentively. Sri Laxmi was very pleased and requested Narada Muni to ask for any boon. Narada Muni replied, “My dear Mother Laxmi, you must promise that whatever I ask for, you will grant.” Laxmi Devi wowed that she
would gladly fulfill his desire. The great saint revealed his wish: Narada Muni requested Laxmi Devi to give him the maha-prasada remnants of Lord Narayana.
Suddenly Laxmi Devi’s mood changed and her face became clenched with worry. “Please ask me for anything else except for
the Lord’s prasada,” she begged. “A few days ago the Lord in¬structed me not to give His prasada to anyone. You must under¬stand that I cannot disobey my husband’s order. My dear son, 1 cannot give you prasada” Narada was very adamant and reminded Devi of her promise.
We all know that Bear-king called “Jambavan”was an obedient servant of Lord Rama, and he fought along His side against Ravana.
Jambavan was so powerful , that when he was young and when Lord appeared as “Vaman Dev” and He expanded Himself to take away everything of Bali Maharaj,
at that time Jambavan did seven Parikrama of Lord, in a very short time.
This was told by Jambavan to his friends when they wanted to cross over Lanka.
Even on the battlefield in his old age, he just gave one kick to Ravana and Ravana fainted, such was his strength.
In all his life, he never got any strong opponent to fight and this desire of fighting remain unfulfilled.
He told this desire to Lord Ram.
Lord promised him that He will fulfill his desire to fight in next incarnation in Dwapara yuga and also told him that when I will defeat
BJP supporters across the world must be wondering as to why BJP is not growing in TN as much as it grows in other states. Let me tell you a fact from ground zero
In districts like Salem there are a set of office bearers ( 5 to 6 of them ) who form a core group, this group
decides the fate of the party in the district, this group decides who is entertained in the party and who is not. Those who fall in their line are entertained and those who don't are sidelined.
Members of this group can neither get deposit in their own street elections nor
get votes of their own members of their family. These members are good at maintaining good relations with those who matter in the higher layers of the party.
Only these members get plum posts in the districts and state, and their posts get rotated each term
One day a young lady was driving along with her father. They came upon a storm & the young lady asked he father, " What should I do?"
Father said, " keep driving ". Cars began to pull over to the side, the storm was getting worse.
" What should I do ?" The young lady asked
" keep driving", her father replied
A few moments later, she notices that 18 wheelers were also pulling over," I must pull over, I can't barely see ahead, it is terrible & everyone is pulling over!"
Her father told her, "Don't give up, just keep driving!"
Now the storm was
terrible, but she never stopped driving and soon she could see little more clearly. After a couple of mile she was again on dry land and the sun came out.