When it comes to settler colonialism, a lot of folks want the "so you want to expel every white person from the continent?!" conversation instead of a "most Western land is literally owned by the federal government, what if they just gave it back to the tribes" conversation
"How are we going to know where in Europe to deport every last person of European-descent?" ok, well, great energy, but what if we had a conversation about mineral rights, political sovereignty, and land tenure instead
Same thing with Palestine; "oh so you want to expel all Israeli Jews?" no mostly people have been asking for an end to the war on Palestinian children, and before that they were asking for the right of return and political sovereignty
Stupid or bad-faithed people often conflate the overall drop in aggregate fertility--the total number of babies people are having--with the idea that Lots of People are Choosing To Be Childless. The former is a real thing; the latter is basically an ideological figment.
As recently as 2016, the percentage of US women ages 40 to 44 that had already borne a child was up to almost 86 percent, only four percentage points lower than it was in 1976, forty years earlier.
It had been as low as 80 percent in 2006, and as of 2022, only a terrifying 83.5 percent of women nearing the end of their window of fertility will have become parents.
The Acolyte is a show about what if a space cop killed a black woman because she made a furtive movement, while he was trying to steal her kid; Lee Jung-jae is so good--and the ending is so confused and fiddly--that you almost don't notice how basically monstrous this is
The real problem with the show is that it's built around a "what really happened on that fateful day in the past" mystery that, because of the need to keep the viewer in false suspense, prevents the twins from being anything but trauma boxes waiting to be opened.
also that Lee Jung-jae and Manny Jacinto are compelling actors playing characters who have desires, goals, and take actions to advance them, while the twins spend too much of the show going "AAAAAHHHHH" incoherently while waiting for the plot to inform them of their motivations
This Rebecca Solnit piece is premised on the idea that, without the media inventing and pushing the story, people would not look at Biden and see him as terrifyingly feeble, that the "pundit class" has created this impression theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
I do think it's true that "The media"--by which is implicitly meant the kind of huge, heavily capitalized mainstream conglomerates that have the loudest megaphones--has a problem with addressing Trump's radicalism in the right perspective. This has been true for a decade.
But at a certain point, you're just demanding that The Media--which is owned by capitalists who dislike or hate liberals--do the work the democratic party should be doing
Having kids has really helped me understand how much and how deeply we learn and internalize a hatred and contempt of so many of the traits that children have, precisely because we vest our self-worth and self-respect in the conceit that we have grown up and shed them.
We have contempt for people who "behave like children" and we moralize--implicitly or explicitly--about the consequences of adults displaying the kind of disregulation, impropriety, and joyous unsocialized play that children naturally have; when an adult does it, we are angry
I find it impossible not to read any discussion of "children in public" through that lens
it is kind of funny that Powell tries so hard to say that settler colonialism is a new trendy theory and then has to admit the person he thinks is most responsible for founding it died seven years ago
Anyway, there's something uniquely aggravating when this kind of centrist anti-intellectualism, because at least the right just makes everything up and makes no pretense of reading or citing; Powell reads and cites just enough to demonstrate that his own unwillingness to learn.
He makes broad generalizations which the quote he cites to support it... doesn't. He derives ideologically amenable conclusions from material that doesn't point in that direction. But it FEELS like he's engaging with the material, because he's trying to make it feel that way.