Okay, important HOUSING CIVIL RIGHTS ALERT: Trump is currently trying to shoot a bunch of holes in the Fair Housing Act. They're trying to insert a huge carveout, especially for financial institutions, in the part of the Act that bars racial segregation and discrimination.
There's actually something you can do it about sitting that'll only take a minute and doesn't require you to leave your computer - yes, you, random Twitter person - but I'm going to do a little thread about why it's important so folks have context.
So, right now, the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to create racial disparities in access to housing - including by creating housing segregation. It doesn't matter if you're a public or private entity, and it doesn't matter if the discrimination was unintentional!
It took fair housing advocates 47 years after the passage of the Act - i.e., until 2015 - to get the Supreme Court to admit the existence of this part of the law. It was a huge win for civil rights...
and now, after only 4 years, Trump's HUD is trying to dispose of it.
(Here is where I note that Trump's first act in public life was facing a fair housing complaint for barring black people from his buildings.)
HUD is undercutting the Fair Housing Act by redrafting the rule that lays out disparate impact liability, to add a bunch of conditions and exemptions. They claim to be following the 2015 Supreme Court case, but they've added a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with the case.
There are many problems with the new rule, but the worst part is probably a giant carveout for algorithms, which would essentially exempt all financial institutions from having to worry about discrimination or segregation AT ALL. It's bonkers.
Even if Dems win in 2020, to reverse this they'd have to go through the whole rulemaking process again. That can be blocked and takes years (which is why Trump has only gotten around to doing it in late 2019). So it's MUCH better to stop the new rule now than to fix it later.
Here's the thing: HUD has to read and address comments it receives on the rule. Civil rights organizations have set up an online portal to submit those comments. You can go here and tell HUD to abandon the rule right now. It'll take less than a minute. defendcivilrights.org/make-a-comment
There's a form letter if you're not sure what to say, and that's totally fine, but if you've got more thoughts, that's even better. You don't have to be an expert, at all.
If you want to see some specific problems and language to complain about, here's a thread talking about the awful algorithmic exclusion. Again, they have to address your comments, regardless of whether you're an expert:
If you're even slightly concerned about housing discrimination or segregation I also recommend following @NAACP_LDF and @PRRAC_DC, diehard civil rights orgs that have been fighting racism for decades and haven't given an inch to the Trump administration.
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The craziest thing that is actually true is that a relatively small group of very literal Nazis has completely seized control of the US government
They have accomplished by building a tight-knit community in the dark corners of the internet, then establishing a lot of influence over the inner circle of MAGA, especially Musk and Vance
Musk empowered them massively by taking over Twitter and then removing almost all restrictions on them, while promoting many of their most notable figures. Musk seems extremely taken with them personally and spends a lot of time trying to impress them
"I wonder what this relatively small account that Elon Musk follows is?"
"Oh I see, it just posts porn and Nazism only."
It's not subtle. This account tweets and retweets constantly about things like "not wanting to hear retarded blacks and their retarded opinions," the need to "make America blonde again," how America should be a "white nation," and celebrates Trump as the second coming of Hitler.
This account is followed by the most powerful man in America, who is running the government, who spends all of his time on Twitter, who gave a Nazi salute at the inauguration and who has espoused anti-Jewish replacement theory, whose underlings keep getting outed as Nazis.
People are delusional about what happens if Musk and Trump ignore the law, the Constitution, and court orders. Everyone is acting like this is a standoff over USAID and a few other programs, and then we'll go back to politics as normal.
But THERE CAN BE NO POLITICS AS NORMAL IF THERE IS NO LAW. Musk can cut anything. He can eliminate any part of the government. He can punish anyone. Who could stop him? Congress will be pointless theater. Why do laws matter if they can be ignored?
Your vote won't matter. You can elect someone to Congress, but he or she will be powerless. Trump can simply ignore what they say.
Your rights won't matter. The courts can say they've been violated, but the president can ignore them.
You need to take a step back, take stock of what's happening.
Trump took office and abruptly gave the richest guy on earth free rein to unmake the US government without any White House oversight or coordination. That guy has been publicly radicalized into an increasingly open white supremacist and conspiracy theorist.
Trump's plan here was concealed during his campaign and is historically unprecedented. No president has ever handed the US government over to his richest supporter before. It is also extremely far removed from the constitutional system: there's no role for someone like Musk.
DOGE is, in the truest sense, a rogue agency. The White House has admitted it doesn't really know what DOGE is doing, it's commandeering critical systems, it's resourced by an independent oligarch, it's tearing chunks out of the government. It's a rogue actor in US government
DOGE is serving an incoherent agenda all its own. That agenda is a mix of its owner's business interests, his far-right conspiratorial politics, his need to impress his horde of Twitter Nazis, and his arrogant billionaire cluelessness about how anything works.
DOGE is not really part of the Trump administration and even less part of the US government. It's an independent entity, a manifestation of Musk's own wealth and his subordination of the GOP elite, given a slim veneer of legitimacy by a checked-out and incompetent president.
Please note: this description of DOGE is a description of an outside agent attacking the US. It more closely resembles how you’d describe a virus attacking an immune system, or an army attacking a country, than intra-governmental push and pull.
Musk has leveraged his connection to Trump, Trump’s constitutional cluelessness and neglect, and his own endless wealth to prop up a group that is operating essentially independently of US law. That group is now conducting a blitzkrieg assault against the US government.
Musk is attempting to collapse huge chunks of the US government from this independent power center, for some combination of reasons including business interests, an arrogant belief he knows better than everyone else, and to entertain the chorus of Nazi trolls he cultivates.