1. Degrees of personhood can say a lot about the privileged in society. Who are "People" here? In America, White Males assigned inferior personhood to women, Africans, and those of the Indigenous nations. We said some of that was God-approved. Now, "corporations are people."
2. Mind you, there is a common thread in all of these examples of societal and political decisions about who gets to be a person, who gets the blessings of equality with the Wealthy Landowners and Industrialists. These examples have helped benefit and protect the super-rich.
3. If you're speaking about Manifest Destiny and Corporate Personhood - both of which have deleterious effects for the average human being in America today, and especially for the poor and low in status - it seems that Who Has The Gold, Makes The Rules.
1. Robert Redfield was a professor of anthropology & one of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.'s favorite teachers. He gave us the idea of "folk societies," like-minded communities which, Redfield and Vonnegut saw, were on the way out as technology and automation brought vast changes to America.
2. Not only has technology and automation grown, perhaps not exactly as Vonnegut feared, but today's Information Age has changed us almost as drastically as we have thrown off many of the racial attitudes that came from manipulation by our powerful and prosperous forefathers.
3. Some of what my native Southeastern United States now struggles with, & what gave the cultural manufacturers of consent the wedge to erect what @JYSexton calls "The Cult of the Shining City" across the rural USA, is, I think, a strong desire to preserve a "folk society" here.
1/7 - So ... when and if the millions who hate liberals and still love Trump come around, maybe not to accepting Biden's win or to admitting Republican corruption, sedition, or insurrection, but at least to not actively participate in plans to continue it...
2/7 - ... when accountability comes for highly-placed leaders who manipulated millions and became an actual domestic threat to our Constitution and our Government ...
... when heads roll for a worsened pandemic and a multitude who were manipulated to make it that way ...
3/7 - What do you think our friends and neighbors who never came around to "our way of thinking" will do? What will they say? How will they act? What will our society become?
1/ - I have Tweeted before about the number study I am doing, & I want to update this information. I am examining prime numbers from 2 on upward - I am currently at 6733 - to understand more about their Pisano periods: the cycle length the Fibonacci Series has modulo any integer.
2/ - In particular, I want to discover more about what we apparently do not yet understand: the behavior of the Pisano period, which for a prime p ending in 3 or 7 divides 2*(p+1), and for a prime ending in 1 or 9 divides p-1. When I do the division, I get what I call the Ratio.
3/ - For a good majority of the prime numbers ending in 3 or 7, the Ratio of p plus one to the Pisano period is 0.5. For a slightly smaller number of the prime numbers ending in 1 or 9, but still a majority of them, the Ratio is 1.0.
Or the hoi polloi, millions strong, manipulated by @FoxNews, @OANN, @newsmax, and certain prosperous evangelical pastors?
2/4 - The descendants of the hoi polloi who bought into Manifest Destiny & who were okay with exterminating Natives & enslaving Africans?
Or the hoi polloi that sees humanity as equal?
They each have argued dangers of government by "hoi polloi," & point fingers at each other!
3/4 - Luckily, objective, sound reason gives us methods with which we can determine which of the "hoi polloi" actually speak with the voice of the people, a voice not manipulated by powerful forces trying to stay powerful by using subtle PsyOps to get us to play their game.
1/9 - There is a class war being waged - a war of intimidation - against America, & its roots are centuries old. It has turned deadly in recent years, with a worsened pandemic and a Capitol riot among deliberate attacks on us, but it also fuels the fight against Progressivism.
2/9 - Industrialists, corporatists, and the keepers of huge sums of inherited wealth are the ranks from which those super-powerful super-rich who are fighting this war of intimidation against the rest of us come. They use politicians, pundits, preachers, & psychological tactics.
3/9 - Chief among their aims is the avoidance of proportional taxation or any change in who gets to sit in the catbird seat in America. As I said, this is a class war. Many in the Investor Class, who wish to join the Super-Rich and stand any chance of doing so, fight for them.