You know what the biggest loss for the Final Fantasy games has been in my opinion? The loss of the Job system and its variants. Either preset classes a la FF1 or the interchangeable ones a la 3 and 5. Having versatility in the party is all well and good but what's the point (1/5)
of having multiple unique party members if they are all literally capable of the same handful of things? You could argue that it came back at least in some form for FF15 but in that instance you have so very little control over not-Noctis party members that it barely feels (2/5)
as though it exists. Final Fantasy has historically been at its best during Turn Based or ATB battles. And the best those battles can bring is variety and interesting input through character Jobs or Classes. We don't necessarily need the interchangeable job system back. (3/5)
However, some form of class/job system to define the way certain characters play in a JRPG is integral to creating a more interesting take on the character. Having Swordboi McCloudySquallStorm able to just cast spells as well as HealyMcDoogals and StabbyMcthiefington (4/5)
just serves to detract from the character building the rest of the game wants to build up.
Make stabby boi stab better but not cast well or eat hits well. Make magicy boi nuke baddies like no tomorrow but die in 0 seconds flat. Make SwordAndShielBoi a good fronliner. (5/5)