Your myth of St. Thomas coming to India is as fake as virgin birth.
I challenge you to show us a single contemporary inscription, one line of contemporary literature which says St. Thomas came to India.
Even your own Pope had denied the historicity of Thomas Myth
A group of Christians fled Middle East in 4th century CE to escape from being persecuted by Zoroastrian Sassanian king Shapur and reached India
Educate yourself @Abihabib

Some migrations from Middle East were as late as 9th century which was during Islamic age. These migrants founded the city of Quilon.

The Hindu king gave these migrants a piece of land where they established a Church and refounded town of Quilon

The Christian recipient names are signed in Kufic, Hebrew and Pahlavi clearly indicating their foreign origin

According to Eusebius and Origen(3rd cent), Apostle Thomas preached in Parthia NOT India
The association of Apostle Thomas with India was made up much later