Procrastination isn’t always a zero-sum loss. You can use it to gain momentum!
Titles are limiting; mastery is an illusion.
“One has to go outside the whole system to see something so obvious. If one stares at a phenomenon straight on, one often looks right through it.”
“By treating phenomena philosophically, it is possible to see that we are dealing with an immensely complex bundle of interconnect… which can only be studied if we forget disciplinary boundaries.”
If you gain even a clue, it will be worth it.
I’m not trying to sell you on this idea in the sense of converting you to it. I want you to play with it. I want you to think of its possibilities. I’m not trying to prove it. I’m just putting it forward as a possibility of life to think about. ~Alan Watts
…You don’t need more discipline…
You need a better reason.
Motivation is only as strong as your desire… your desire is fueled by your interests. Shift your interests and your motivation multiplies.

Entrepreneurship: internal pressure.
Employment usually breeds products, not innovation.
Academia: external pressure for approval.
Autodidact: internal pressure to understand.
School usually breeds regurgitation, not understanding.
Be fueled by the passion that urged you to succeed in the first place, before you accomplished projects but when you believed you could… with eyes of awh.
That shaped energy is more potent than any confidence successful ventures create.
What you do during that cultivates the path you walk…
Sometimes a new lifestyle is simply less social media, more web browser, and more notes… not turning into a gym rat & traveling the world.
Little pursuits compound.
Rather rejoice in new evidence unfolding unseen truth.
During research, leverage the discovery of paradoxes as potential opportunities for innovation.
“If identity feels threatened, then we are literally incapable of acknowledging facts.” ~@naval
Intermittent research for expanding possible directions and synergistic combinations.
Consideration over days or weeks+ to narrow down contradictions & unreconcilable collisions through different moods/frames of mind.
restlessness and boredom
in productive ways ends up getting called
Don’t forget that people are more temporary than creations, so cherish them while they are around.
Research & verify how the pieces are put together yourself, or be beholden to misunderstanding from trusting authority & reputation blindly.
Restlessness is a side-effect of unfulfilled desire.
If you were truly content, you wouldn’t be looking to build or understand anything.
But unforced contentment sometimes gives you unbiased clarity at roadblocks:
Suppressing all your emotions isn’t stoic, it’s flying blind.
You will learn about yourself and abstract ideas in ways that will lead to benefits you didn’t even intend to gain…