This thread of selected findings from Gallup polls in Great Britain from 1937 is collected here… Image
Jan 1942: “Should India’s demand for self-govt be granted during the war or should it wait until after the war?” During 31%, After 41%, No opinion 28%
Feb 1942: “Provided that on each occasion parliament gives special permission, would you approve or disapprove if important speechs in the House of Commons were put on records and later broadcast by the BBC?” Approve 65%, Disapprove 18%, No opinion 17%
May 1942: “Who is the world’s greatest living man?”
Churchill 42%
Stalin 24%
Roosevelt 20%
Hitler 4%
Sir Stafford Cripps 3%
Gandhi 2%
The King 2%
Chiang Kai-Shek 1%
Anthony Eden 1%
George Bernard Shaw 1%
(Excl 37% who expressed no opinion)
[Cripps, expelled from Labour in 1939 for advocating a popular front with the Communist party, had been ambassador to Moscow, was hailed for negotiating alliance with Stalin & joined war cabinet as leader of the Commons; he rejoined Labour in 1945]
Nov 1942: “In general, do you approve or disapprove of Mr Churchill as PM?” Approve 91%, Disapprove 7%, No opinion 2%
Nov 1942: “If anything should happen to Mr Churchill, whom would you like to succeed him as PM?”
Eden 39%
Cripps 24%
Bevin 4%
Attlee 3%
Beaverbrook 2%
Morrison 2%
Hore-Belisha 1%
Shinwell 1%
Others 7%, No opinion 17%
The whole thread of poll findings since 1937 is collected here…
Jun 1943: “If there were a general election tomorrow, how would you vote?”
Lab 38%
Con 31%
Lib 9%
Communist 3%
Other 5%
Don’t know 3%, no reply 11%
Excl DK/NR, that would be:
Lab 44%
Con 36%
Lib 10%
Actual result in 1945:
Lab 49%
Con 39%
Lib 9%
Jun 1943: “Do you think that a state-run medical service would or would not be beneficial to the nation as a whole?” Would 70%, Would not 17%, No opinion 13%
Jun 1943: “Do you think that the Labour party should or should not admit the Communist party to membership?” Should 27%, Should not 41%, No opinion 32%
Nov 1943: “At the end of the war, would you like to see a coalition govt continue, or a party govt with the other parties in opposition?” Party govt 46%, Coalition govt 41%, No opinion 13%
Jan 1944: “In general, do you approve or disapprove of Mr Churchill as PM?” Approve 89%, Disapprove 7%, No opinion 4%
Jan 1944: “How many people in your family (living together) have been in bed with flu this winter?” One or more 27%, No one with flu 73%
Of those in bed with flu: “How many have had complications (bronchitis, pneumonia) following flu?” Complications 5%, no complications 22%
Jan 1944: “In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the government’s conduct of the war?” Satisfied 69%, Dissatisfied 16%, No opinion 15%
Mar 1944: “The three parties – Conservative, Liberal & Labour – arranged not to fight each other at wartime by-elections. Do you support this arrangement, or should all parties be free to put up candidates at any by-election?” Support 41%, Free 42%, No opinion 17%
Aug 1944: “Do you think that British politicians are out merely for themselves, for their party, or to do their best for their country?” Themselves 35%, Party 22%, Country 36%, Don’t know 7%
Nov 1944: “Have you a hot water supply?” Yes 64%, No 36%
Of those who said No: “How do you manage about water for bathing?” Washing boiler (copper) 15%, Fire (range) 13%, Stove (gas or electric) 8%
Selected Gallup poll findings from 1937 collected here… Image
Moving on to 1945. Jan: “Would you approve or disapprove of the nationalisation of the railways?” Approve 54%, Disapprove 26%, No opinion 20%
Jan 1945: “In general, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the govt’s conduct of the war?” Satisfied 72%, Dissatisfied 20%, No opinion 8%
Feb 1945: “If there were a general election tomorrow, how would you vote?”
Lab 42%
Con 24%
Lib 11%
Communist 3%
Other 8%
Don’t know 12%
“What do you think is likely to be the result of the next general election?”
Lab govt 33%
Con govt 22%
Some form of coalition 16%
Lib govt 4%
Other 1%
Don’t know 24%
Apr 1945: “Would you like to see a Conservative-Labour-Liberal coalition after the general election?” Yes 43%, No 43%, No opinion 14%
“Who would you want to see leading such a coalition?”
Eden 17%
Churchill 16%
Attlee 4%
Cripps 2%
Bevin 2%
Sinclair (Lib) 1%
Shinwell 1%
Morrison 1%
Other 3%
Don’t know 53%
(Not clear if asked only of those replying Yes to previous Q)
Apr 1945: “Do you approve or disapprove of the nationalisation of land?” Approve 51%, Disapprove 30%, No opinion 19%
Apr 1945: “How do you propose to spend the first day of peace?”
Relaxing; watching celebration 25%
Like any other day 19%
Celebrating; getting drunk 18%
Thanksgiving 16%
Family reunion 4%
Taking family to country or seaside 4%
Gardening 1%
Other 2%
No reply 11%
(I assume this was an open-ended question, grouped in categories by Gallup)
Jun 1945: “Some people say it is necessary to keep Churchill as PM till the Japanese are beaten. Others say the war will soon be won anyway. Which do you agree with?”
Keep Churchill 46%
War won anyway 49%
No opinion 5%
Jun 1945: Of those who have definitely made up their mind how to vote at the general election, “For which candidate do you intend to vote?”
Lab 47%
Con 41%
Lib 10%
Other 2%
Compare the actual result:
Lab 49%
Con 39%
Lib 9%
Other 3%
Election held on 5 July; result announced 26 July, to allow for counting of overseas forces’ votes
Jun 1945: “If the Japanese offered to stop fighting and give up all territory they have conquered, so long as we stay out of Japan itself, should we refuse or accept the offer?” Refuse 63%, Accept 23%, No opinion 14%
Jun 1945: “Some people say that prices are kept up by monopolies or combines in this country. Do you believe that this is true or untrue?” True 56%, Untrue 17%, No opinion 27%
Jul 1945: “Do you think the election results mean that the British people want the Labour Party to govern along existing lines only more efficiently, or to introduce sweeping changes such as nationalisation?” Existing lines 30%, Changes 56%, No opinion 14%
Jul 1945: “Now that it is all over, do you think that holding a general election at this time was a good thing or a bad thing for the country?” Good 28%, Bad 58%, No opinion 14%
Jul 1945: “If there had been a Liberal candidate, would you probably have voted for him?” Yes 24%, No 62%, Don’t know 14% (Libs stood in only 306 of 640 seats)
Aug 1945 (presumably after Hiroshima, 6 Aug): “Do you think that the atomic bomb makes wars more likely or less likely?” More likely 12%, Less likely 52%, No difference 21%, No opinion 15%
Aug 1945: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Mr Attlee as PM?” Satisfied 66%, Dissatisfied 19%, No opinion 15%
Sep 1945: “Do you feel that you are getting enough food to enable you to work efficiently?” Yes 47%, No 50%, Don’t know 3%
Nov 1945: “At the present time is the government doing its job well or badly?” Well 57%, Badly 16%, No opinion 27%
Nov 1945: “Compared with prewar, do you think people are more selfish or less selfish?” More 42%, Less 16%, Same 30%, No opinion 12%
Dec 1945: “Have you heard about the government’s idea of nationalising coal, transport, electricity, and so on? If yes, do you approve?” Approve 59%, Disapprove 25%, No opinion 11%, Haven’t heard 5%
Dec 1945: “Do you know about the present difficulties over Palestine? If yes, do you approve or disapprove of the way our govt is handling the Palestine problem?” Approve 26%, Disapprove 21%, No opinion 27%, Don’t know about it 26%
That’s the end of 1945. Selected Gallup poll findings from 1937 collected here… Image
Jan 1946: “Should the BBC continue with a monopoly of radio in this country, or should we also have commercial broadcasting paid for by advertising?” Monopoly 44%, Commercial 43%, No opinion 13%
Jan 1946: “Which do you think is more important in a job: as high wages as possible, or security with lower wages?” High wages 23%, Security 73%, Don’t know 4%
Jan 1946: Concerning India, should Britain get out now, leaving Indians to work out their own constitution, or should we stay until a new constitution has been agreed upon?” Out now 23%, Stay 59%, No opinion 18%
Feb 1946: “Is any member of your immediate family still in the forces?” Yes 47%, No 53%
Feb 1946: “In general, is the Labour govt doing better or worse than you expected at the time they were elected?” Better 18%, As expected 46%, Worse 29%, No opinion 7%
Feb 1946: “If anything should happen to Mr Attlee, whom would you like to see succeed him as PM?”
Bevin 27%
Eden 18%
Churchill 13%
Cripps 7%
Morrison 7%
Bevan 3%
Dalton 2%
Shinwell 2%
Greenwood 1%
Other 4%
No reply, don’t know 16%
Feb 1946: “Would you approve or disapprove of a speed limit on open roads?” Approve 59%, Disapprove 33%, Don’t know 8%
“Asked of those who approved of a speed limit: What limit would you approve of?” Average answer (median and mode): 40mph
Apr 1946: “Have you followed the discussion on the national health service? If yes, do you think that the govt’s plans will or will not result in better health services for the country as a whole?” Will 41%, Will not 14%, Don’t know 10%, Haven’t followed discussion 35%
May 1946: “In the long run, do you think that releasing atomic energy will do more good than harm or more harm than good?” More good 28%, More harm 46%, No opinion 26%
Jun 1946: “Can you swim?” Yes 54%, No 46%
Jun 1946: “Do you approve or disapprove of the govt’s decision to allow Polish troops who do not wish to return to Poland to remain in this country?” Approve 30%, Disapprove 56%, No opinion 14%
Sep 1946: “Several organisations have said they will apply the closed shop, which means that all workmen must belong to one union. Do you approve or disapprove?” Approve 27%, Disapprove 48%, No opinion 25%
Oct 1946: “Do you think that the government should or should not nationalise road transport as well as railways?” Should 37%, Should not 46%, No opinion 17%
Oct 1946: “Do you think that the government should or should not nationalise gas and electricity undertakings?” Should 48%, Should not 35%, No opinion 17%
Baffled by this one. Nov 1946: “Would you say that we have democracy in Britain?” Yes 50%, No 32%, Don’t know 18%
Not sure the next question helps much. “What do you think democracy stands for?”
Freedom 40%
Government by the people 15%
Equality 7%
Social betterment 4%
Don’t know, other 34%
(I assume open Q with answers grouped by Gallup)
Nov 1946: “Of all men and women living today whom do you admire most?”
Churchill 24%
Montgomery 5%
Attlee 4%
Bernard Shaw 4%
Bevin 3%
Smuts 3%
Stalin 3%
The King and Queen 3%
Eden 2%
My wife 2%
Other 29%
No reply 18%
Dec 1946: “Should boys and girls over 11 years of age be taught separately or should they be taught together?” Separately 43%, Together 45%, No opinion 12%
Dec 1946 (asked of married people): “In some families the wife manages most of the money while in others the husband does. Who manages most of the money in your household?” Wife 54%, Husband 22%, Both 24%
That’s the end of 1946. Selected Gallup poll findings from 1937 collected here… Image
Right, who is ready for Gallup opinion polls from 1947?
Jan 1947: “If anything should happen to Mr Attlee, whom would you like to see succeed him as PM?”
Ernest Bevin 27%
Anthony Eden 15%
Winston Churchill 10%
Herbert Morrison 7%
Stafford Cripps 5%
Hugh Dalton 3%
Aneurin Bevan 3%
Emanuel Shinwell 1%
Other 6%
Don’t know; no reply 23%
Mar 1947: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Mr Attlee as PM?” Satisfied 46%, Dissatisfied 45%, No opinion 9%
Mar 1947: “If there were a general election tomorrow, how would you vote?”
Con 38%
Lab 38%
Lib 9%
Other 2%
Don’t know 13%
Excluding don’t knows: Lab 44%, Con 44%, Lib 10% (actual vote shares in 1950: Lab 47%, Con 43%, Lib 9%)
Mar 1947: “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the government’s record to date?” Satisfied 39%, Dissatisfied 54%, No opinion 7%
Mar 1947: “Asked of men: Do you ever help with the housework?” Yes 76%, No 24%
“Asked of women: Do the men in your home ever help with the housework?” Yes 69%, No 31%
Another eternal question, Mar 1947: “Do you find it difficult to get up in the morning?” Yes 42%, No 58%
Apr 1947: “Do you smoke?” Yes 66%, No 34%
Recovery in Attlee’s ratings by May 1947 (see Mar, above): “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with Mr Attlee as PM?” Satisfied 51%, Dissatisfied 36%, No opinion 13%
May 1947: “In this country most people convicted of murder are sentenced to death. Do you agree with this, or do you think that the death penalty should be abolished?” Agree 69%, Abolish 24%, No opinion 7%
May 1947: “Which of these statements do you most agree with?” The important job for govt is make certain that there are good opportunities for each person to get ahead on his own 40% guarantee every person a steady job & a decent standard of living 55%
Don’t know 5%
Jun 1947: “Do you approve or disapprove of paying women the same wages as men if they are doing the same work?” Approve 60%, Disapprove 36%, No opinion 4%
Woah. Early gender identity debate, Jun 1947: “If you had a choice, which would you rather be, a man or a woman?”
Men: Man 88%, Woman 4%, Don’t know 8%
Women: Man 37%, Woman 56%, Don’t know 7%

• • •

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(Log scale)
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