@DianaEvansOP kicking off our conversation on Love and Desire with a reading from her novel #OrdinaryPeople.

@IrenosenOkojie reading from her experimental short story collection #Nudibranch.

Their mouths found each other easily this time... She was playing and it felt good... Their hands went everywhere."
@msolumide reading from her novel When We #SpeakofNothing

@IrenosenOkojie: "I was really obsessed with Love Jones. It felt radical to me because it was about middle class black people in love."
@msolumide: "Love doesn't need to transcend. You have to acknowledge that difference, not leave it behind."
@IrenosenOkojie: "Being able to be your authentic self is what's important, if you have to tiptoe around things like race you feel silenced."