What could possibly be his motivation for doing all the things he has done/not done, that were the opposite of what they should have been?
A thread: a theory, but I hope I’m wrong.
- ignoring the warnings from overseas
- ignoring expert advice
- having his own “experts”
- encouraging crowds to gather one last time
- not screening at airports
- insisting schools stay fully open
- feds intervening to allow cruise ship passengers off
Many of us rationalised that it must then be his religious beliefs to blame
What else could make someone so irrational?
And then the suspension of parliament happened.
Why is this an issue?
And they have created a group tasked with “solving problems” around #covid19australia filled with mining and other big business executives
They’ll be running the show with no oversight
Allow it to get bad enough that they could put this in place
Don’t screen at airports
Keep schools totally open
Not progressing as hoped? Encourage them to go to the footy one last time
Still slow? Get a cruise ship emptied
Those with the power now are big business, fascists & religious zealots
Does someone know exactly what powers the executive have in emergency mode?
If Barry Jones is worried 😳