We’re also about to experience a global pandemic unprecedented in our lifetimes!
So why should you care about Functional Neurological Disorder?
You might want to check this out.
It’s actually likely the most common neurological condition next to headache.
Symptoms can be severe and life-altering. It affects people all over the world.
People experience seizures, tremors, weakness, pain, and lose the ability to speak.
It’s very easy to dismiss something you don’t understand, and that’s part of what happened historically with FND. More on that in a minute.
But there are other reasons too. This isn’t just an illness story.
People of all sexes and genders get FND. A history of mental illness is a risk factor, but not everyone has it.
But back to the science stuff for a second.
The more we learn about FND, the more we know about those kinds of questions, and vice versa.
Why should you care about FND? Because we can
1. Relieve massive widespread suffering
2. Right a few long-standing social ills
3. Maybe unlock extremely cool secrets of the brain
4. People all around you have FND. You already care about us: we’re your friends and co-workers and neighbors and loved ones. And we need your help.
as well as from the community of experts we retweet regularly.