1. #DafYomi Shabbat 30b: A Tale of a Prescient Rabbi - Our Daf tells the story of King David's death on Shabbat. As Shlomo need to remove the corpse from the sun (Shavuot in Jerusalem is known for its hot weather), he consulted with the sages on how to move the body without>>
2. violating the laws of muktzeh. He was advised to place a loaf of bread or an infant on the corpse thereby rendering it a basis for carrying an object permitted to be carried on Shabbat. This reminds of the following story I once heard form R. Yissocher Frand: a certain Torah>
3. giant of the last century was sitting at the Shabbat table and oddly put a slice of challah in his pocket during the meal. Those around the table were confounded by this action yet remained silent. Over that Shabbat he passed away. At that point everyone realized that he was>>
4. ensuring that he himself would serve as a basis for the challah in order for his corpse to be transferred over Shabbat. I do not remember who was this rabbi. I vaguely remember R. Frand saying it was R. Aharon Kotler yet I he passed away on a Thursday. Perhaps it's the Hafetz
5. Hayyim who indeed passed away on a Friday and this story may have taken place Friday night. I contacted R. Frand but have not heard back. I also did not find any corroborating source.
Esteemed members of #FrumTwitter, Jewish historians and Litvish yeshiva buffs: Any info?
1/ Let's share our favorite Divrei Torah on the Haggadah. Ideally, the Divrei Torah should be original.
I will start:
אמר [להם] ר' אלעזר בן עזריה הרי אני כבן שבעים שנה ולא זכיתי שתאמר יציאת מצרים בלילות עד שדרשה בן זומא >> @yairmenchel @JYuter @DBashIdeas @Adderabbi@ldkop
2/ שנא' (דברים טז) למען תזכור את יום צאתך מארץ מצרים כל ימי חייך ימי חייך הימים כל ימי חייך הלילות וחכ"א ימי חייך העולם הזה כל ימי חייך להביא לימות המשיח.
As a side note I note that many mistranslate the last 3 words of this Mishna a la @Chabad as "to bring in the days of the >>
@Chabad 3/
Mashiah." This is an incorrect translation as the Mishnah is written in Rabbinic Hebrew. The word for 'excluding' is להוציא, and accordingly, the word להביא means INCLUDING and not TO BRING IN. The Sages are saying as opposed to the teachings of the Rebbe that the wonders>>