(I will post a thread for business owners later tonight.)
If you've lost your job, I'm sorry.
It sucks.
I've never seen anything like this in my life before.
I DO believe we'll get back to work pretty quickly, but here are some tips:
You make less than $75,000 as a single or $150,000 as a married couple,
You will get the stimulus money of $1,200 each plus $500 for any kids under 18.
Next, you should IMMEDIATELY file for unemployment.
My understanding is that you'll not only collect local UE, BUT, you can collect up to $600 a week MORE from the federal government for up to 4 months.
BUT it looks like you will have at least SOME of your benefits reduced if you do.
The rules differ by state, and you can learn more about them here:
Here is the order that you should take money in:
First, if you have an emergency fund, then that's what you go for first.
Next, if you have a Home Equity Line of Credit, that's next up.
I'm not a fan of EITHER of those, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
But again, do what you have to do to survive.
Try to pull from the bond portion or cash inside first.
(Also, if you need some help with where to put the 401k moving forward, feel free to DM me and we'll chat.)
And do NOT forget about opportunity cost. Meaning, whatever you pull, you lose not only that, but EVERYTHING it would earn.
BUT, had you left it there, in 20 years, you would have had $400,000.
So, that should take care of your money.
What about your rent or mortgage?
Conflicting info
However, rent it STILL due, so if u have it, I'd send it in so you don't get behind the 8-ball.
If your mortgage company is offering a deferral, then you can decide how to proceed based on the terms.
It will also show you how to buy and sell other people's stuff. (affiliate)
I would DEFINITELY use this time to learn new skills, especially ones that make you money.
Twitter is full of ideas and ways you can hustle from home, but here are 2 courses I've purchased that I got a TON of value from:
I knew NOTHING about it, or the process or what tools to use,
But Jose walks you through it start to finish.
I'll be using it to rebuild my own website this month.
You could do that OR....
I believe it's some of the easiest money you'll make.
OR, again, since people are moving online, you could offer to help with their graphic design.
Again, this is a subject that I know LESS THAN NOTHING about (I'm a money guy), but this course broke it down in a way even I could understand.
3 a day for a week would be $525 a week, working 5 days.
And it is VERY little work, once you understand the basics, which are laid out here. (affiliate)
@DeytonBrewer has the course.
But, what about your mental health?
Besides getting sun and exercise EVERY day, if possible, be sure to feed your mind.
Now is a GREAT time to develop a daily reading habit.
Next up, I'll re-read How to Get Rich by @FelixDennis, one of the greatest books ever.
Actually, all of them are great.
But, regardless, YOU can come out of this stronger, richer, fitter AND wiser.
@NapoleonHillFdn once said: 'Inside EVERY adversity is the seed of a equivalent OR GREATER opportunity.'
Hopefully, this gave you some ideas of how to plant and nurture that seed.
Be well.