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#taegi au where they were “boyfriends” in preschool until yoongi moved away, but they never officially broke up. fast forward to where they’re both in their 20s and yoongi gets this text from a random number
— social media + threadfic
— fluff and angst and maybe crack
— ignore dates & timestamps
— length tbd
— profiles pt.1
— profiles pt.2: taehyung’s friends
— profiles pt.3: yoongi’s friends
some notes:
— tae met jimin, hobi, and jungkook in college
— yoongi met jin when he moved in elementary school
— yoongi and jin met namjoon in college
— pretend that in korea they start university at like age 21/22 otherwise the timeline doesn’t work :)
⋮1⋮ no way
⋮2⋮ something only taehyung would know
⋮3⋮ insane
⋮4⋮ “how did you get my phone number?”
⋮5⋮ meet up
⋮6⋮ “it’s a date, babe”
question: sideships?
⋮7⋮ new best friend
⋮8⋮ hot date🔥
⋮9⋮ new friends
⋮10⋮ official
⋮11⋮ nervous
⋮12⋮ see you soon
Yoongi places his phone back into his pocket as he and Jiho reach the bar’s entrance. He turns to say goodbye when Jiho reaches out to open the door.

“What are you doing?”

Jiho just raises an eyebrow at him. “Going inside?”

“I’m meeting another friend here.”
“I know, I know. I’m not going to crash your little hang session.” Jiho raises a hand to tousle Yoongi’s hair. “I just wanna meet the guy, then I’ll go.”

“Well alright.”

Jiho holds the door open for Yoongi to walk in.
It’s been a while since he’s been here, but the place is still familiar. There’s a long, modern looking bar with a wall full of bottles, backlit with lights changing in a continual loop from blue, to green, to purple, and so on.
There’s a small space to the right that could be considered a dance floor, though it’s not very packed. Then again, it is 3pm on a Saturday. Not exactly a bustling nightlife situation.
Yoongi scans the booths circling around the dancefloor, focusing on the ones at the far wall, where Taehyung might be sitting. He sees someone wearing a black shirt stand up and wave, so he goes towards him.
When he’s close enough to actually see Taehyung, he feels his heart drop down into his stomach. Apparently ‘black button down and jeans’ means a well fitted silk black shirt that’s tucked into the waistband of an equally fitted pair of jeans, stretched across a pair of long legs.
There’s a belt around his small waist, a modest but still shiny belt buckle drawing Yoongi’s eye before he brings his gaze upwards to Taehyung’s face.
It’s strange how much he resembles the young boy Yoongi remembers and how completely foreign he looks. He’s definitely grown into his features, quite well if Yoongi’s being honest. His deep brown eyes are as bright as his smile.
His hair is longer, wavy, bangs tumbling down over his forehead.

“Hi, Taehyung,” Yoongi hears himself say. Taehyung’s smile grows and he lifts a hand in a shy wave. It’s incredibly endearing.
“Hi Yoongi.” When did his voice get so /deep? Before he can say anything else Taehyung reaches a hand out and pokes Yoongi in the cheek. “I see someone still hasn’t lost their baby fat.”
“Fuck off,” Yoongi grumbles, swatting his hand away. Beside him, Jiho clears his throat and Yoongi remembers that he’s been standing there the entire time. “Oh, Taehyung, this is Jiho.”

Jiho steps forward then and offers a hand, which Taehyung eagerly accepts.
“Hi, nice to meet you. It’s strange, I thought I’d met all of Yoongi’s friends at this point.”

“He’s not really my friend.”

“Yeah,” Taehyung says with a shit eating grin on his face. Yoongi is suddenly overcome with an intense feeling of dread.
He’s frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak when Taehyung leans in conspiratorially and winks.

“I’m Yoongi’s boyfriend.” Yoongi breaks out in a cold sweat the moment those words leave Taehyung’s lips. Jiho’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline and he gives Yoongi an odd look.
“Well that’s really surprising to hear, considering the fact that I’m /also Yoongi’s boyfriend.”

The smile immediately falls from Taehyung’s face and Yoongi can see the panic brewing in his eyes. “I — what I meant — I’m not—”
“We went to preschool together,” Yoongi cuts in. “Back in Daegu. We were ‘boyfriends’ in preschool.”

“Y—yeah.” Taehyung looks pale, looks exactly the same way that Yoongi feels.

Jiho glances between the two of them for a moment before he smiles. “Relax, I believe you.”
⋮13⋮ a fool
Taehyung is typing furiously on his phone when Yoongi returns from the bar carrying two French martinis. He places them on the table in front of Taehyung and he looks up at him so quickly Yoongi is concerned for his neck.
“I saw that you’d almost finished yours so I got you another.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to do that—” Yoongi waves him off with a shake of the head.

“You can just buy my next one.”

Taehyung beams at him. “Deal.”
They both take a sip of their respective drinks, the air around them still a bit awkward. Eventually Taehyung clears his throat and Yoongi looks over at him.
“So, uh, you’re cheating on me then.” Yoongi just glares at him, and Taehyung throws his head back in laughter. When he finally calms down he groans and covers his face with his hands.

“I’m really sorry about that, though. I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine, really. Perhaps a bit … embarrassing, but harmless.”

“That’s me in a nutshell.”

A moment of silence passes with Yoongi squinting at Taehyung, who is biting his bottom lip to keep from smiling.
Eventually Yoongi gives in to the laughter bubbling up in his chest, his laughter mixing with Taehyung’s giggling.
⋮14⋮ “how’s the date going?”
⋮15⋮ “it was supposed to be a joke!!”
⋮16⋮ fun
⋮17⋮ (i forgot to mention earlier that tae and jimin are roommates!!)
⋮18⋮ platonic study date
⋮19⋮ 😊
⋮20⋮ “yoongi hyung is so cool🥺”
Yoongi stands silently and watches while Taehyung packs his stuff up. Overall, it was a pretty successful study session. Taehyung has actually managed to get a significant amount of work done, so much so that he’d probably be able to get away with not doing much over the weekend.
He tells Yoongi this as they walk side by side down to the parking garage of Yoongi's apartment building, suggesting that they could meet up again, since Yoongi’s test was that Friday and he might also have some free time.
“You want to hang out again so soon?” is Yoongi’s response. Taehyung responds to this with a shrug and refusal to make eye contact with Yoongi while he waits for him to unlock the doors of his car.
Part of Taehyung feels guilty for Yoongi taking the time to drive him home, but Yoongi had insisted, saying that he didn’t drive that often anyway and he shouldn’t let his car sit for so long.
And how could Taehyung say no when Yoongi had smiled at him so shyly and said “please just let me do this”?
“I mean, it’s just a suggestion.” Taehyung says now as he opens the door and slips inside. “I know you probably have other friends and — and your boyfriend that you want to spend time with…
And it’s not like I don’t have any other friends but, well I see them all the time, you know?”
Yoongi nods as he starts the car. Taehyung watches the way the dim overhead lights of the garage dance across his face, over his cheekbones and round cheeks, finds himself staring at their reflection in the deep brown of his eyes.
“I guess you’re right,” Yoongi says as he backs out of the parking space. There’s a pause where Yoongi’s eyes meet Taehyung’s and he smiles, almost too subtle to be noticed. “I mean we have twenty years to catch up on. That’s going to take some time to do.”
“Right,” Taehyung says, smiling back. The car ride is mostly quiet, with some quiet instrumental something playing over the car speakers.
Taehyung alternates between staring at Yoongi’s hands on the steering wheel, his face, and staring out his own window at the city streets flying past. It’s not an uncomfortable silence, though. Yoongi’s a quiet person to begin with, and they’ve been talking for hours.
The silence is welcome and comforting in the late hour.

“So, Saturday then,” Yoongi says when he pulls up in front of Taehyung’s apartment building. “There’s a frozen yogurt place that just opened not far from where I livez I’ve been meaning to go there before it got too cold.”
“That sounds amazing!”

Yoongi laughs at his enthusiastic response and nods his head.

“So it’s settled then.”

Taehyung finally moves to open his car door and steps out, leaning his head back to give Yoongi a definitive nod.
“See you Saturday!”

“See you then,” Yoongi says, the corner of his mouth lifted ever so slightly. Taehyung closes the car door then and makes his way to the door.
He turns around when he doesn’t hear the sound of a car leaving to see Yoongi watching him through the passenger side window. He waves at him, then unlocks the door and steps inside. Once the door is closed and locked again, he hears Yoongi pull away.
⋮22⋮ “my other boyfriend beat you to it”
⋮23⋮ “you know i still want to meet him”
⋮24⋮ “my friends want to meet you”
⋮25⋮ damn straight
As it turns out, everyone else arrives before Taehyung. Jiho has been at his apartment for hours, and is now in the kitchen finishing up the japchae they’d started while Yoongi stands at his front door and greets his other friends.
“Where is the little guy?” Jin asks, kicking off his shoes. Namjoon follows suit and Yoongi leads them into the living room, perching himself on the arm of the couch beside where Jin takes a seat.
“He’s not here yet. Said he was on his way about ten minutes ago though, so he shouldn’t be too far out.”
Jiho pops his head out of the kitchen to say hello to Jin and Namjoon, and Yoongi busies himself with looking through his movie collection. He wasn’t sure what kind of movies Taehyung liked, but he figured he was the kind of guy to go along with anything.
He settles for an action comedy flick he’s pretty sure is actually Jiho’s and sets that up to play as soon as they’re ready for it.
There’s a knock at the door - timid, but still loud enough to be heard over the sound of clanging coming from the kitchen. Yoongi levels Jin with a look when he stands up.
“Be nice. Don’t overwhelm the kid.” Jin just raises his eyebrows and widens his eyes in a show of false innocence. Yoongi rolls his eyes and goes to open the door.
Taehyung smiles at him, as wide and as bright as ever, and Yoongi finds himself smiling back. “Hey.”

“Hi, are your friends here?”

“Yeah, everyone’s here. Dinner’s almost done.”
Taehyung starts sniffing the air as he’s toeing off his shoes. “I thought you said we were going to order takeout of some kind.”

“Yeah, well I rethought it. Figured the occasion warranted more than styrofoam boxes.” Taehyung laughs at that and shakes his head.
“I’m not that special, you know.”

“Just shut up and let me feed you.”

“Yes, sir.” Taehyung gives him a mock salute, and Yoongi just snorts and grabs his wrist to pull him into the living room where Jin and Namjoon are waiting.
“Guys, this is Taehyung.” Taehyung waves at them and even gives a slight bow.

“Nice to meet you.”

“This is Namjoon and Jin,” Yoongi motions towards each of them in turn. Then Jiho steps out of the kitchen, untying the apron from around his waist. “And you’ve met Jiho already.”
“Hi, Taehyung.” Jiho flashes him a quick smile and a wave. Taehyung looks a bit awkward, and his smile is a bit strained when he returns the gesture.

“Babe,” Jiho says, turning his attention to Yoongi, “come help me get everyone’s drinks.”
“Sure.” Yoongi glances around the room. “We have beer, water, soju, and some kind of weird japanese soda that Jiho bought and didn’t like so he brought over here to get rid of.”

“I’ll take a beer,” Namjoon calls from his place on the couch next to Jin.
“Water for me, thanks,” is Jin’s response.

Taehyung looks kind of sheepish when he speaks. “... I kind of want to try the Japanese soda.”

Yoongi laughs at that. “Of course you do. Well, take a seat anywhere, get comfortable. We’ll be right out and then we can get started.”
And with that he goes into the kitchen, leaving Taehyung alone with Jin and Namjoon. Which, come to think of it, probably isn’t the best idea. Oh well, there’s nothing he can do about it now.
⋮26⋮ intimidating
“Hey, Taehyung, get off your phone. We’re supposed to be watching a movie!” Yoongi calls out to him from where he’s sharing a chair with his boyfriend.
They’re not really cuddling per se, but one of his legs is thrown over Jiho’s lap and he’s been resting his head on Jiho’s shoulder for most of the movie.

Jiho’s got an arm thrown around his shoulders, fingers dancing on the bare skin of his arm.
They don’t seem to be an overly affectionate couple - especially compared to how Jimin has been with some of his boyfriends, but it’s obvious they care for each other by the fond look Taehyung sees in Yoongi’s eyes when he looks at Jiho, or vice versa.
Seeing them causes something odd to twinge in his stomach, so he turns his attention back to the television, muttering a “sorry” he’s not sure anyone heard.
⋮27⋮ jealous
⋮28⋮ rip jungkook
choose your sideship (that’s right it’s a blind vote😈)
⋮29⋮ bike ride
⋮30⋮ “tell taehyung i said hi”
⋮31⋮ “we want to meet yoongi”
⋮32⋮ he said yes
⋮33⋮ “who are you and what have you done with yoongi”
⋮34⋮ “i dont like it”
⋮35⋮ wtf
⋮36⋮ “he doesn’t like tae”
⋮37⋮ “i might not be able to make it”
⋮38⋮ poor yoon
⋮39⋮ “something came up”
⋮40⋮ let’s go
⋮41⋮ “you’re so nice yoongi”
⋮42⋮ “i lived bitch”
⋮43⋮ “you’re still MY boyfriend”
⋮44⋮ “what did he do this time”
⋮45⋮ “did something happen?”
⋮46⋮ yoongi spends some time with his friends
⋮47⋮ “i miss you”
⋮48⋮ messy
⋮49⋮ “bring me food and maybe i’ll forgive you”
⋮50⋮ things are back to normal
⋮51⋮”why are you being weird now?”
⋮52⋮ “maybe i should start dating”
⋮53⋮ random tl posts
⋮54⋮ “come over and entertain me🥺”
⋮55⋮ 😋
Taehyung and Yoongi are sat on Taehyung’s couch, not close enough to be touching but nearly, both picking at a nearly empty plate of japchae and workin on their third bottle of soju.
The television is on, broadcasting some historical drama that neither of them have been paying very much attention to, Taehyung focusing on the food in front of him, and Yoongi too busy looking around at Taehyung’s apartment.
Every so often his eyes drift to Taehyung for a moment before his gaze wonders once more.
This place suits you, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

Yoongi shrugs and uses a hand to gesture around the room. “Just, the overall vibe of this place. The artwork you have hanging up—”
“I actually painted some of those, you know.”


That’s probably the loudest Taehyung has heard Yoongi speak. It startles a laugh out of him, to which Yoongi responds by narrowing his eyes.
“Ah, yeah I took up painting back in high school. I was thinking about doing an art major when I first enrolled. I still might, as a double major, but I’d be tough to get all the credits in in time. ”
“What are you actually majoring in?”

“Musical theatre!” Yoongi just stares at him unblinking, face blank, for several seconds. “Is there a problem?”

“No, I just … I wasn’t expecting you to say that, but that makes sense. For you.”
“What do you mean?”

Yoongi smirks at him. “You’re so dramatic.”

“I am NOT!” Taehyung glares and nudges Yoongi with his elbow, not hard enough to injure but with enough force to knock Yoongi over a bit.
For a second Taehyung fears he’s just committed some grave sin, he knows how much Yoongi likes his personal space and all, but thankfully there’s a smile on Yoongi’s lips when Taehyung looks at him.
Yoongi rights himself, and then - to Taehyung’s surprise - nudges him right back.

“Quit that.”
Taehyung, bolstered by the alcohol swimming through his veins, nudges him again, earning a chuckle from Yoongi and another gummy smile. When Yoongi nudges him this time, he catches him in the side, just beneath his ribs, and Taehyung jerks violently.
There’s a brief pause where Yoongi’s just staring at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Then, his expression shifts into something smug, and he tilts his head.
“You ticklish, Tae?”

“No,” he says a little too quickly. Yoongi’s expression turns devilish and Taehyung swears his life flashes before his eyes in the split second it takes Yoongi to get his hands on his sides and start tickling him.
It may have only been a few seconds, but to Taehyung it felt like years he was gasping for breath in between giggles, fighting against the onslaught.
His head hits the armrest of the couch and he realises that he’s fallen over with Yoongi now looming over him, maniacal grin still on his face. Taehyung eventually grabs hold of Yoongi’s hands and pulls them away and up.
This brings Yoongi closer, thrown off balance by the sudden movement, and they end up with Yoongi’s chest pressed against his, their hands clasped above Taehyung’s head, both of them breathing heavy, with smiles on their faces.
Something shifts in Yoongi’s eyes, the smile starting to fall from his face. Taehyung opens his mouth to ask what’s wrong, but he’s interrupted by someone clearing their throat on the other side of the room.
The two of them scramble to right themselves and look over to where Jimin stands in the doorway, watching them with an odd smile on his face.

“Ah, hello Yoongi. I didn’t know you were coming over.”
“Uh, yeah,” Yoongi sounds incredibly awkward, like he’d love to be anywhere but here in this moment. Taehyung can see the tips of his ears turning red. “It was kind of a last minute thing?”
He stands then, barely glances at Taehyung when he speaks. “I’ll see you around.”

“You’re leaving?”

Yoongi still won’t look at him. His eyes are fixed on some point above Taehyung’s head.He nods. “Yeah, I think I should.”
“Well, alright then.” Taehyung can hear the disappointment in his own voice. Sees the feeling mirrored in Yoongi’s eyes when he finally looks at him.

“I’ll text you.”
With that he goes to put on his shoes, bowing to Jimin who’s been watching the entire exchange with a blank expression. The moment Yoongi leaves and the door closes behind him, Jimin just raises his eyebrows at Taehyung.
“So …”

“I have homework to do,” Taehyung mumbles as he stands up and speedwalks to his room.
⋮56⋮ jungkook will not let jimin breathe
⋮57⋮ “it wasn’t like that”
⋮58⋮ “i know what i saw”
⋮59⋮ worried
⋮60⋮ thinking
⋮61⋮ “how did you and jiho start dating?”
⋮62⋮ a day with taegi
⋮63⋮ “jiho’s being an ass”
⋮64⋮ yoongi’s about to do somethin y’all
⋮65⋮ “i want to meet your friends”
(slight) content warning for: mention of Hoseok’s hips and a brief — like two sentences — mention of a lap dance
i made a playlist of the songs that are featured in this karaoke session here:…
By the time Yoongi and his friends arrive, Hoseok and Jimin are already two drinks in. Yoongi is the first to come into the room, and he smiles at Taehyung the moment he sees him, making a beeline to where he’s sitting.
Namjoon and Jin hover awkwardly near the door until Hoseok comes up to them holding two shot glasses.

“You must be Yoongi’s friends,” Taehyung hears him say before he thrusts the shot glasses towards them. “Here!”
The two of them share a look before shrugging and downing the shots in tandem. Hoseok seems pleased with this and heads back to where he’d been sitting beside Jimin. Taehyung clears his throat to get the attention of his friends.
“Uh, Jungkook, Hoseok, this is Yoongi.”

Yoongi gives a small wave at the two of them and then points to Jin and Namjoon, who still haven’t moved away from the door.

“Those idiots over there are Namjoon and Jin.”
With everyone now fully acquainted, they actually turn their attention to the karaoke system. Jin quickly overcomes any nervousness he may have been feeling at meeting new people the moment he sees that TVXQ!’s ‘Hug’ is on the list.
Everything seems to go smoothly from there. Hoseok sings Beast’s ‘Fiction’ and puts on quite a show, complete with an overly sexy dance routine that involves a lot of hip swinging.
Jimin whoops and tries to stick some money into the waistband of his pants, but their inebriation coupled with how insanely tight they are makes it difficult.
Jimin goes next and does some song Taehyung hasn’t heard before. It’s got a Latin flair to it, and Jimin performs matching choreography, complete with a mini lap dance for Jungkook at the end.
He just laughs the entire time, but Taehyung sees the way he tries to discreetly adjust his pants when Jimin goes to give Yoongi the microphone.
Taehyung watches while Yoongi searches through the songs, trying to predict what he might pick. It was surprising enough that Yoongi enjoyed karaoke enough to suggest it himself. Taehyung wonders if he’s going to be surprised again by Yoongi’s song choice.
Yoongi’s face lights up and he goes to Namjoon, telling him to grab a microphone as well. He looks genuinely excited, eyes crinkling and smiling so wide he shows off his gums. He selects a song and a familiar intro plays.
“You know Changmo?” He shouts over the music. Yoongi looks surprised that Taehyung recognises the song, but keeps smiling and nods his head. Then he opens his mouth and begins to rap, and Taehyung can’t take his eyes off of him.
Not even when Namjoon takes over and damn are they both skilled but Yoongi is something else. Even in casual clothes, a bit tipsy and slurring some words, Taehyung gets a brief glimpse of what he imagines a rap concert is like.
There’s something about the way Yoongi’s entire being changes when he’s rapping, like some kind of magic.

Every time Yoongi’s eyes meet his, Taehyung feels like he’s been hit by lightning.
The performance is electric, and when Yoongi sings the final bars Taehyung feels physically drained. Yoongi’s face is flushed when he comes to sit back next to Taehyung, but whether it’s from the exhilaration of performing or the alcohol he’s consumed Taehyung can’t be sure.
⋮67⋮ he liked it
Yoongi’s nursing a half empty glass of Whiskey Sour, watching Jin and Hoseok belt out a very dramatic and slightly out of tune rendition of a song by the Wonder Girls.
He lets the warmth of the room around him and the alcohol inside him to relax him, leaning back into the worn leather couch.

Taehyung sits beside him, bouncing along to the music, looking generally pleased. Yoongi pokes him in the thigh to get his attention.
“Seems like our friends get along pretty well.” He gestures from where Jin and Hoseok are singing to where Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook are huddled together downing shots and shouting out fan chants. Taehyung grins at him.
“It’s nice isn’t it?”

Yoongi feels more warmth spreading throughout his chest that makes him feel almost lightheaded when he smiles back at Taehyung.

“Yeah, it is.”
“OKAY!” Jin yells, turning around so quickly he almost topples over. Hoseok steadies him with a hand on his bicep, pausing to turn and give Jin an appreciative nod as he basically gropes his arm.
“There’s someone here who hasn’t gone yet!!” He points the mic at Taehyung who begins protesting immediately.

“I did sing!”

“You sang with Jimin and Jungkook and you barely held the mic.”

“Yeah!” Jimin shouts from across the room. “Let us hear that beautiful voice of yours!”
When Yoongi looks at Taehyung he’s blushing, eyes darting between Yoongi’s face and the mic in Jin’s outstretched hand. Yoongi waits until Taehyung looks back to him and raises an eyebrow.

“They made me sing that I.O.I. song, I think it’s only fair.”
Taehyung sighs, but reaches out to take the microphone from Jin. He stands from the couch. searches through the song catalogue until he finds one he likes, and then presses play.
⋮68⋮ interesting
By the time Taehyung finally finishes his song, he can barely breathe. Not because the song is particularly hard to sing or anything, but …

Every time Taehyung looked over at Yoongi he was watching him, eyes unblinking, jaw slack.
Taehyung has never been on the receiving end of such an intense stare and, while some part of him loved the attention, another part of him felt a bit … unsettled by it all.
He avoids Yoongi’s eyes when he sits down next to him again, choosing instead to pour himself another shot of soju.
“I didn’t know you could sing like that,” Yoongi says, barely loud enough to be heard over the new song that Namjoon and Jungkook have started. Taehyung just shrugs, stares down at the table and contemplates taking another shot.
“I’m not that good or anything—”

“You’re amazing.”

Yoongi looks at him so earnestly, eyes surprisingly clear considering how much he’s had to drink. Taehyung can feel his cheeks warming, and he’s glad the room is relatively dark so Yoongi can’t see.

“Well, thanks, I guess.”
Yoongi just smiles at him, even as Namjoon and Jungkook finish their song and the group starts discussing who should go next. They don’t have much time left in their reservation so they’re trying to make the most of it.
Taehyung opts to sit this one out, settling back into the couch, shoulder pressed against Yoongi’s.

Then Jimin appears from nowhere and begins pulling Yoongi’s hands to get him to stand up.
“Come on, we’re doing Replay!”

“We are?” Yoongi asks, but he’s already being pulled to the front of the room where Hoseok is standing waiting for them.
Taehyung watches them put on a show, Hoseok and a Jimin trying to teach Yoongi the choreography as they go and failing miserably.
About halfway through the song Hoseok tries to get Yoongi to do some complicated footwork number and he ends up tripping over his feet, and then the table, and eventually collapses into Taehyung’s lap.
Taehyung throws his arms around him without thinking, trying to hold him upright while he nearly doubles over laughing. Taehyung has never heard Yoongi laugh so loud and openly before. He likes the sound of it.
Hoseok and Jimin finish up, and Jimin starts yelling about how they only have one song left and how everyone should join in. Yoongi stays put in Taehyung’s lap while everyone else huddles together and searches through the catalogue.
Yoongi starts giggling out of nowhere and Taehyung starts to wonder just how much he’s had to drink tonight. Then he starts squirming in his lap and Taehyung moves a hand to his hip to stop him.

“Quit that,” he mumbles, face burning.
“Sorry, that just tickles.”


Taehyung then realises that he has his other hand on Yoongi’s leg, thumb slowly rubbing the fabric of his jeans. He immediately freezes but Yoongi doesn’t seem to notice his discomfort, settling down and leaning in towards Taehyung once more.
Jimin lifts his head from the group and fixes Taehyung with a hard stare that has the hair on the back of his neck standing up. He pointedly looks down at where Taehyung’s hand is still resting on Yoongi’s thigh.
Taehyung just looks away, overcome with an intense feeling of shame and guilt. It’s not even like they’re doing anything, but Taehyung knows now that at least on his end, it‘s not as innocent as it should be.
“Uh, Yoongi,” he says, trying to keep his voice as even as possible. Yoongi turns to look at him over his shoulder, eyes wide, pouting slightly, and Taehyung feels his heart sink to his stomach.
“Uh, d-do you think that m-maybe we should join them?” Yoongi just shakes his head and leans further into Taehyung.

“Nah, ‘m comfortable here.”

“B-but we need to make sure they don’t pick anything ridiculous.”
“It’s karaoke. The whole point is to be ridiculous.” He tilts his head to rest it on Taehyung’s shoulder, his hair tickling the skin on Taehyung’s neck. He flinches, but Yoongi doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.
By now Jin and Hoseok are watching them too, but Taehyung is unable to do anything except sit still and will his heart to stop beating so erratically.
⋮69⋮ knew it
Taehyung keeps quiet as their group makes their way outside to the street where Jungkook’s uber is waiting. Jimin and Taehyung’s uber is en route, and everyone else is planning to take the metro to get home, so this is where their group splits up.
Yoongi keeps his hand on Taehyung’s arm while they wait, leaning his head on his shoulder every now and then while their friends talk. Jimin keeps sending him concerned looks but Taehyung keeps ignoring him.
He knows he’ll have to deal with it eventually, but he’d rather not have whatever conversation Jimin wants to have in front of everyone else.
When their ride finally pulls up in front of them, Yoongi walks him to the car. Taehyung climbs in after Jimin and smiles up at Yoongi before closing the door.

“This was fun.”
Yoongi smiles so wide his eyes curve into crescents. “Yeah, it was.” He reaches out and runs a hand through Taehyung’s hair like he’s done it a thousand times. “Get home safe.”

Taehyung manages to squeak out a “you too” before he closes the car door.
The silence in the car is unbearable. Taehyung is glad that Jimin’s giving him the space to bring it up on his own, but he really wishes he’d just get it over with.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he says. “I …” he lets out a shuddering sigh. “I’m an idiot aren’t I?”
“Oh, no, baby,” Jimin leans across the backseat of the car to give Taehyung a hug. “It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.”

Taehyung wishes he could believe him.
⋮70⋮ same, jimin
because i’m curious, what couple do you think will end up together at the end of this?
⋮71⋮ “there’s going to be a show this friday”
⋮72⋮ why
⋮73⋮ surprise!
⋮74⋮ hip hop
Taehyung holds tight to Yoongi’s hand as he leads them out of the crowd, weaving through people and pushing his way through with a kind of confidence that shows he’s used to this kind of environment.
His shirt and hair are sticking to him with sweat, and the air around him smells like smoke and sweat and maybe a little bit like weed, but he’s got the biggest smile on his face.
“That was fantastic,” he says for probably the tenth time since the show ended fifteen minutes ago. Someone bumps into him pretty roughly and Yoongi tightens his grip on Taehyung’s hand. He turns to look at Taehyung over his shoulder and flashes him a wide smile.

They finally make it out of the crowd, and begin making their way to Yoongi’s car. Taehyung rambles on about the various acts while Yoongi fishes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the doors. They both climb in, Taehyung still talking, and Yoongi starts the engine.
He glances at his phone briefly before putting the car into gear and pulling out onto the road.

Taehyung noticed he’d been looking at his phone quite a lot over the course of the night.
He wasn’t usually one to be glued to his phone, but it seemed like every other time Taehyung looked at Yoongi he had his phone in his hand and a crease between his eyebrows as he looked at it.
During the actual show he’d been acting pretty normal, giving Taehyung commentary on the show between each act, but whenever there was a lull in the action Yoongi took his phone out.
Taehyung thought about asking him about it, but he didn’t want to make Yoongi uncomfortable. Whatever was going on with him, he probably didn’t want to talk about it on what’s supposed to be a fun night out.
So Taehyung decided to table it for later, but as he watches Yoongi check his phone yet again while they’re waiting at a traffic light, eyes hardening and mouth curling into a slight frown, he finds that he can’t stay silent.
“Is everything okay?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah.” Yoongi looks up at him,confused, and Taehyung begins to wonder if he’s just misread everything.

“It’s just … you keep checking your phone.”
Something flashes across Yoongi’s face, an almost disgruntled expression, or worried, or some mix of the two. Then the light turns green, and Yoongi places his phone back in his lap, shrugging.

“Oh, yeah I’m just checking to see if I got a text from someone.”
The rest of the ride is silent, which isn’t unusual for them. Yoongi often has music playing and likes to focus on the road, and Taehyung enjoys staring out the window at the other cars and city lights flying past.
But there’s something about the slight pinch in Yoongi’s brow, the downward turn of his lips, and sad look in his eyes that makes Taehyung think something is actually very wrong.
⋮75⋮ feel better
⋮76⋮ art class
⋮77⋮ “why am i here”
Yoongi keeps pretty close to Taehyung when they enter the classroom. He can’t remember the last time he’s done anything really creative like this, so to say he’s feeling out of his element is an understatement.
Taehyung looks right at home as he takes his place at one of the easles at the back of the room. There are a few people in the room already, but the room is far from being full.
“I figured we could get here early to make sure we could have our pick of where to sit. I figured you’d be more comfortable towards the back so I wanted to make sure that could happen.”
Taehyung smiles at him from where he sits, and Yoongi trips over the easel leg walking to his spot. Taehyung chuckles until a glare from Yoongi shuts him up.
“Well, thanks for thinking of me, I guess.” He takes another look at the room, at the bookcases and shelves cluttered with painting supplies, the abstract works of art lining the walls, and looks back to Taehyung as he rolls up his shirt sleeves.
“Tae, I have to ask, why did you ask me to come to this? Was it just because none of your friends would—”

“No, it wasn’t that.” Taehyung looks shy now, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck.
Yoongi notices the tips of his ears turning red. It’s cute, though Yoongi doesn’t understand his nervousness.
“I could kind of tell that something’s been bothering you lately, and you don’t have to tell me about it or anything, that’s not what I want.
I mean, I would want you to feel like you can talk to me about whatever but I know sometimes you just don’t wanna talk about something which is fine—”

“Sorry. What I meant is, I wanted to do something for you to take your mind off of things. I know for me, when I’m focusing on a painting it’s like nothing else exists for a moment. I thought, maybe it’d work for you too and you’d feel better, even if only for an afternoon.”
Taehyung won’t look at him. Yoongi knows he should probably say something, but he just can’t. He knew he wasn’t exactly being subtle about his sour mood lately, but he hadn’t wanted to burden Taehyung with his own relationship problems.
Turns out he’d been doing that anyway, but instead of Taehyung getting upset he — he just tried to find a way to help.

Yoongi swallows thickly and has to look away. “I …”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Taehyung rushes to say. “Honestly, I just—”
“Thank you, Taehyung.”

They just look at each other for a moment, and Yoongi briefly fears he’s about to start crying or something ridiculous. But he pulls himself together easily enough and smiles.

“Now, let’s see if I turn out to be the next Picasso.”
⋮78⋮ 😊
⋮79⋮ “help”
Before Taehyung realises it, their time is almost up. He’s been working hard the last half hour or so on his own work, trying to keep his mind off of the guy sitting next to him looking adorable in his stain-covered apron.
He waits until Yoongi takes a step back from the easel and stretches to speak.

“So, how’s it going over there?”

“I dunno,” Yoongi says, squinting at the canvas. “Like, I definitely haven’t discovered a secret talent here but … I don’t think it’s too bad? At least I hope not.”
“Can I see?” Yoongi just gestures for Taehyung to come closer. He peers carefully at the painting, not sure what he’s expecting to see but … still not expecting to see a brown upright piano in the center of the canvas.
The background is mostly black, and it looks like Yoongi has done some light and shading work to make it look like there’s a light shining on the instrument from above it.
“A piano.”

“Yeah.” Yoongi sounds adorably shy as he scratches behind his ear, watching Taehyung appraise his work. “Like the one I used to have. When we first moved here.” He barely meets Taehyung’s eye when he turns to look at him.
“It used to be my go to when … when I was having a tough time. I dunno it seemed fitting to try and paint it now?”

“It’s beautiful.”

Yoongi looks genuinely surprised to hear this, eyebrows widening and mouth opening in a comical fashion. “I mean it.”
Taehyung tries to convey how serious he is with only a look, and Yoongi seems to get it if the way his cheeks turn pink is any indication.

“It’s not that special.”
“It’s special to you, though.”

Yoongi just stares at him, like he can’t quite process his words, but then he looks at the painting again and smiles.

“Yeah, I guess so.”
Taehyung notices a spot of grey on Yoongi’s cheek — some dried paint he’d smeared on there at some point. Taehyung looks down at his hands, his long, pianist fingers also covered with paint and smiles.
Yoongi’s eyes are soft when he looks back at Taehyung, shy smile adorning his features and making him look years younger.
Taehyung gets lost in it, the feeling of having made Yoongi happy if only for a moment, of having that smile directed at him, of Yoongi looking at him so fondly with a streak of paint on his round cheek and—

Fuck, he’s in trouble.
⋮80⋮ can’t be good
⋮81⋮ “you have to look after yourself first”
⋮82⋮ hmph
⋮83⋮ “it’s been a while”
⋮84⋮ something wrong
Yoongi ends up going to see the spy movie with Jiho, two weeks after its premiere. He’d been holding out hope that Taehyung would change his mind, that he would have some free time in his schedule, but it just never happened.
It’s a shame, it was definitely the kind of movie Yoongi thought he would enjoy. Certainly more than Jiho did, who seemed wholly uninterested in the entire thing.
Yoongi gets the urge to check his phone as they’re leaving the theatre. He’d had his phone off during the movie, because he was deeply afraid that even if he turned his phone on silent that somehow it would still ring during the most important part of the movie
and he’d be shunned by everyone there and subsequently banned from the theatre.

There’s a text from Jin, asking if Yoongi wants to come over and cook the pork belly he bought. A few alerts from twitter.
Nothing from Taehyung. Yoongi can’t hide the disappointment he feels at the lack of communication from him. They may have only recently gotten back in contact, but Yoongi had already grown so used to his constant spamming.
Taehyung had so easily become a fixed presence in his life, but Yoongi hadn’t realised to what extent until now.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jiho asks as they make their way down the street to a nearby cafe. Yoongi just shakes his head.
Something tells him that talking to Jiho about Taehyung wouldn't be the smartest move.

“Oh, come on. I’m your boyfriend. You’re supposed to be able to tell me anything.”

Every part of Yoongi is screaming to just let it go, deflect, divert the conversation to safer waters.
He knows that this will likely cause an argument that he just doesn’t have the emotional capacity to deal with right now. But he’s also hurt, and confused, and he wants to be comforted. And isn’t a boyfriend supposed to comfort you?
“It’s silly, really. It’s just … I haven’t heard from Taehyung in a while.”

He takes one look at Jiho’s face, the way his expression hardens, and realises that yep, he was right, mentioning Taehyung was a mistake.
⋮85⋮ “can someone come pick me up?”
⋮86⋮ ☕️🔪
⋮87⋮ “what are we even doing here?”
⋮88⋮ “just thought i’d say hi”
⋮89⋮ check in
⋮90⋮ “is this it?”
⋮91⋮ “i can’t do this”
⋮92⋮ a break
⋮93⋮ “you mean like from working out or something?”
⋮94⋮ can’t believe this
⋮95⋮ “did you tell him?”
⋮96⋮ “taehyung game over”
⋮97⋮ “good”
⋮98⋮ spare key
⋮99⋮ hi
⋮100⋮ new gc
⋮101⋮ they fell
Taehyung is squished between Hoseok and Yoongi on Jungkook’s couch, half empty glass of whatever disgusting cocktail they made with all the drinks everyone bought. There’s some kind of fruit juice in there, but all Taehyung can taste is the alcohol.
He scrunches up his face every time he takes a sip, which makes Yoongi laugh every time.

“Why do you keep drinking it if you hate it so much?” He asks, slurring only slightly even though he’s on his third drink. Taehyung just shrugs.
“Can’t play drunk jenga if you’re not drunk.”

“Fair. Although, I don’t know if we’re actually playing any more.”
Yoongi gestures to where Jin and Jimin are stretched out on their stomachs on the floor, trying to build some kind of castle with the jenga blocks like a couple of toddlers playing with toys at daycare. It’s going about as well as it would with toddlers in charge of construction.
Every couple of minutes there’s the sound of blocks falling and someone cursing loudly. Jungkook and Namjoon are standing on the other side of the room, at the entryway between the living room and kitchen, involved in some intense conversation.
Hoseok seems content to sit and watch everyone around him, though he seems mostly focused on Jin and Jimin.

Taehyung sighs and settles down further into the couch.
Perhaps he leans a bit more towards Yoongi as he does so, and perhaps their shoulders are now pressed up against each other, but so what? He’s happy, he’s surrounded by friends, and he wants to enjoy the warmth Yoongi’s body gives him.
It has nothing to do with how he likes the way Yoongi smells, or how he just likes the feeling of being close to him more than anyone else. He closes his eyes and lets himself enjoy the moment, resting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder without thinking.
Yoongi shifts beside him, and for a second Taehyung panics, thinking that he’s somehow made him uncomfortable. He’s about to move away, apology already on his lips, but then he feels an odd pressure on his head as Yoongi rests his head on top of Taehyung’s.
Taehyung’s heart starts beating in triple time, so loudly he’s sure Yoongi can hear it. But he doesn’t react, doesn’t move except to take another sip of his drink.
Jimin stands to go get something from the kitchen, and Hoseok takes his spot on the floor beside Jin. Taehyung sees the way Jimin eyes Namjoon and Jungkook warily as he walks by them, sees how Jungkook looks up just as Jimin turns his head and heads into the kitchen.
He watches as Jungkook excuses himself and trails after him.

Namjoon chooses that moment to rejoin everyone in the living room.
When he sees Yoongi and Taehyung on the couch together he startles a bit, but quickly recovers and makes to sit down on the floor with Jin and Hoseok, knocking over a couple of blocks in the process.
Taehyung laughs at Jin’s offended face, Namjoon’s sheepish one, and Hoseok’s ever increasing smile as he watches the other two bicker back and forth.

Overall, it’s not a bad way to spend a Friday night.
⋮102⋮ success
⋮103⋮ the coolest
⋮104⋮ don’t get mad
⋮105⋮ hangin out
⋮106⋮ drive in
⋮107⋮ nice
recommended listening for this next part:…
True to what Yoongi said, they haven’t been paying much attention to the movie playing. Instead, they’ve been chatting in between bites of popcorn about their classes and things of little consequence.
Taehyung couldn’t care less what they talk about though, as long as he’s with Yoongi. He’s long since accepted the fact that his crush isn’t going away any time soon — that it may have developed into more than just a crush at this stage — but it’s okay.
He’s content to just be a part of Yoongi’s life in whatever way. Sure, it hurts when he gets the urge to take his hand or hold him longer than a friendly hug,
or when Yoongi gets really excited talking about something and he starts pouting when he speaks and Taehyung just wants to kiss him so badly that it hurts…
But he’s okay. He’s happy. Even as he catches himself drifting off watching the way Yoongi’s eyes light up when he talks about his latest project in one of his architecture classes.
Honestly, Taehyung doesn’t understand any of it but he’d gladly listen to Yoongi rave about transom lights for hours.
Yoongi turns to look at him and his eyes catch sight of something past Taehyung’s head, outside the window. Taehyung watches the smile that had been on his lips slowly start to fade. Taehyung turns to look behind him and sees … well … nothing, really.
There’s a couple parked in the car beside them. They aren’t doing much of anything. She’s got her head on his shoulder, which can’t be comfortable given how far away you have to sit in a car, but they look content. There are soft smiles on their faces as they watch the film.
Taehyung looks back to Yoongi, sees the strange expression on his face as he stares at them … and then he gets it.

“Uh, Yoongi?”

He finally tears his eyes away from the couple to look at Taehyung.
There’s a slight crease between his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth turned downward. He looks much too sad for Taehyung’s liking.

“Are you okay?”

Taehyung points with his thumb over his shoulder at the couple in the car. Yoongi just sighs.

“I”m okay. I just … it’s weird. Adjusting. To being single again. I guess.”

“Ah, I see.”
Taehyung doesn’t press further, not wanting to pressure Yoongi or make him any more uncomfortable than he is. If he wants to talk about it, he will. If he doesn’t, he won’t. That’s just how Yoongi works. Whether Taehyung asks him to or not won’t change his mind.
Yoongi turns his head to look at the movie for the first time in about twenty minutes, and Taehyung figures that means no talking for a bit. He reaches for his drink in the cupholder and takes a sip.
“I don’t know if I’m really sad about it,” Yoongi says suddenly. Oh, so maybe he does want to talk. Taehyung keeps his eyes trained forward, though,giving Yoongi the space he needs even in his cramped car.
“Like, I figure it’s just meant to be like this.”

“What do you mean?”

Yoongi turns to look at him then. Taehyung lets himself look back, into the deep emotions swirling in Yoongi’s eyes. There’s something different about the way he’s looking at him. So open, so vulnerable.
He looks so sad.

“I’ve never really thought very highly of myself. I didn’t think I’d ever done anything exceptional to deserve an exceptional life. I guess that kind of thinking bled into how I thought about dating as well.
I never pursued a relationship because I never thought I deserved to be in one.”

Something in Taehyung’s heart clenches hearing Yoongi talk so down on himself, hearing him say something so incredibly wrong. He deserves the world.
Taehyung wants to tell him so, but he stays quiet. He doesn’t want to break the moment.

Yoongi shifts in his seat, obviously uncomfortable but he keeps talking, for whatever reason. “I dated a bit, sure, but it was always more … physical.
Even if they initially expressed interest in dating me I never let it get too far. I figured they didn’t really mean it, that they’d get tired of me eventually so why try in the first place?”
It’s quiet in the car for a moment. Distantly, Taehyung can hear the chatter of people walking by the car on their way to the concession stand, the weak sound of the film playing through the car’s speakers, but it’s all strangely muted.
Eventually he sighs, licks his lips, and starts talking again. “Jiho was the first person to actually pursue me like that. The first who seemed like he really wanted to get to know me. So I decided to take a chance.
And even then it took me so long to stop feeling guilty about it, like I somehow tricked him into thinking I was good enough to date.” He laughs to himself, but the sound is weak, without humour.
“Things were good for a while, though. Really good. I was starting to think that maybe it was okay for me to be happy with someone.” He sighs. “But then the last couple of months, maybe even longer than that, everything started falling to shit.
I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know if there was anything I could do to make it right. It seemed that everything I did was wrong. Like what we had just couldn’t be saved. And I started thinking that maybe that was the kind of love I truly deserved.
The kind that hurt, that you always had to fight for. But now ...” He takes a shuddering breath, starts fiddling with the gear shift as he avoids eye contact. “Now, I guess I don’t even deserve that.”
“You deserve so much better than that.”

The words startle even Taehyung when they come out of his mouth. He hadn’t been expecting to say them, but he doesn’t regret it. Not when it makes Yoongi look up at him like that — surprised, but no longer sad.
Then his eyes grow even wider and he reaches a hand out as if to touch Taehyung.

“Are you … what … Tae?”

And then he feels it. The cool, tickling sensation of a tear running down his cheek. He can feel his lips trembling, but he keeps talking.
He doesn’t care how insane he looks. He can’t bear to hear Yoongi say such things about himself when Taehyung knows the exact opposite to be true.
“Yoongi, you are one of the best people I’ve ever met. You’re so kind, so driven, so passionate. You’re going to go places, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t done anything up until this point.
You … you deserve someone who can truly appreciate you for the wonderful person you are.”

He swallows thickly and stares out the window, up at the few stars that have already appeared tonight.
“You deserve the kind of love you don’t have to question. You deserve someone who will make you feel loved even when they’re not there. Someone who loves you just for being you.”

He gathers the courage to meet Yoongi’s eye again. “You deserve the world, Yoongi.”
Yoongi just stares at him, expression blank aside from his wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Taehyung reaches up to wipe his tears in the awkward silence, but doesn’t break eye contact with Yoongi. He needs him to understand how serious he is.
It’s almost hard to see in the darkness, Yoongi’s face mostly lit by the flashing theatre screen and whatever lights are in the dashboard of his car. But Taehyung sees how expression starts to shift. It goes from shocked to confused and settles on something that looks… panicked.
No, that’s not the word. He looks absolutely /terrified.

He’s not sure how, but Taehyung is certain he’s just fucked everything up.
⋮108⋮ “i think i love him”
⋮109⋮ “i think yoongi knows i like him”
⋮110⋮ what to say
⋮111⋮ “i’ll get over it”
⋮112⋮ blonde
⋮113⋮ “I WAS WRONG”
⋮114⋮ “it looks good, tae”
⋮115⋮ jin has an idea
⋮116⋮ “see you all these weekend”
⋮117⋮ “you’re welcome yoongi”
⋮118⋮ take it back
⋮119⋮ “what are you wearing?”
⋮120⋮ mood
⋮121⋮ looks great :)
⋮122⋮ it’s saturday~
⋮123⋮ aggro
⋮124⋮ gimbap
The picnic is overall … uneventful. Sure, there’s a bit of bickering between Jin and Namjoon because Namjoon is still upset Jin wouldn’t let him help prepare the food, and Hoseok and Jungkook get into some kind of impromptu dance battle to show their appreciation for Jin’s food
through interpretive hip hop dancing, but Yoongi considers that to be pretty tame considering how things usually go with this group.
He’s sitting silently beside Taehyung, watching Jimin try to force feed Jungkook some kimchi and generally enjoying the pleasant atmosphere. Despite his initial worries, it’s been pretty easy to be around Taehyung.
There’s a bit of lingering awkwardness between them, but Yoongi is sure that’s his fault.

He’s trying, but it’s still hard to know how to act around Taehyung now that he knows he likes him.
At what point does a hand on the shoulder or the arm cross the line from platonic to … something less friendly and more flirting?

He’s never been a touchy person, but he and Taehyung have never seemed to have the same boundaries Yoongi has with his other friends.
Perhaps that should’ve been enough warning for him.

It seems like every time he turns to Taehyung to say something, Taehyung looks right back at him and Yoongi forgets even his own name. It’s embarrassing.
He’s really going to have to get a handle on himself if he’s going to make it through the day.
⋮125⋮ “you two are kinda cute”
Taehyung clutches the laser tag gun close to his chest, trying to keep his breathing quiet. He’s stood with his back pressed against a fake wall, slowly inching his way towards the corner to peek around it. He’s lost sight of everyone including his teammates.
He’s been paired with Yoongi and Jungkook, and though they’d originally planned to stick together and just sweep the place looking for their opponents, they’d all been separated within minutes.
Which is fine — Taehyung can hold his own — but he’d much prefer to have someone watching his back.

He hears rustling on the other side of the wall - perhaps signs of a struggle? Laser tag isn’t really a contact sport, but he knows his friends.
They tend to take things a bit too seriously, especially when there’s competition involved.

Taehyung sees two people on the ground when he finally looks around the corner, one on top of the other.
It seems Jimin has managed to pin Jungkook down, despite the fact that Jungkook is bigger and stronger than Jimin. He doesn’t look like he’s trying to free himself, though.
He’s just lying there, staring up at Jimin, and Jimin is smirking as he essentially straddles him in the middle of the arena.

Taehyung hurriedly ducks back around the corner, not wanting to see whatever happens next.
As he does so, he bumps into someone and immediately raises his weapon to shoot. But it’s Yoongi he sees, hands up in a placating gesture, a small smile on his face.

“Easy, it’s just me.”
Now Taehyung is on edge for a completely different reason. He’s been trying so hard to be normal around Yoongi, but he can’t go five minutes without remembering his accidental almost-confession in the car the other night.
It doesn’t help that Yoongi has been quieter than usual around him, hesitant, like he’s not sure how to act either.

Yoongi starts to walk around the corner Taehyung had just peeked around. “What’s going on over ther-”
“No, don't look!” Taehyung whisper-shouts, grabbing Yoongi’s hand to pull him away. Jungkook can handle … whatever the situation is over there. He and Yoongi can spend their time going after Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok.
They walk for a bit in silence, until Taehyung feels they’re a safe distance away. He leans back against the nearest wall, letting out a breath.
He only realises he’s still holding Yoongi’s hand when he turns to look at him and sees how uncomfortable he is, refusing to make eye contact and constantly shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
He quickly lets go and pretends to be inspecting his gun for something, just to avoid having to look at Yoongi.

He’s really got to get a grip on himself.
⋮126⋮ interesting
Everyone was breathing heavy as they left the arena and made their way to the lobby where the results would be revealed. It was a close game, Taehyung figured, but Jungkook had spent the last five minutes of the game continually sniping the members of the other team
so he was pretty confident that they won.

Everyone turns to the monitor that shows their scores, waiting with bated breath to see who won.
It begins by listing everyone’s individual kill/death count. As expected, Jungkook destroyed all of them, only having been shot twice and yet tagging the other players over twenty times.
Out of the corner of his eye, Taehyung sees Jimin lean in to say something in Jungkook’s ear that has him coughing and turning a pretty shade of red. Again, weird. Taehyung still isn’t sure if he wants to ask about what he saw in there or not.
When the final scores are tallied and shown, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi all whoop and high five each other. Taehyung turns to Yoongi, who’s looking back at him with a smile so wide it makes his eyes crinkle at the corners.
Without thinking, Taehyung wraps him up in a celebratory hug, ignoring Hoseok’s shouting that it was Jungkook who did all the work, anyway, so why are they the ones celebrating?
It’s been a while since Taehyung has actually hugged Yoongi. To say he’s missed the feeling is an understatement. He doesn’t realise how long he’s actually been holding Yoongi until someone loudly clears their throat behind him and they quickly break apart.
Taehyung feels his own face burning, but tries to act nonchalant. Then he glances at Yoongi and sees that … is his face actually red?
It’s a rare sight, but Taehyung has seen it before. The way Yoongi scratches behind his ear, smiles that shy and awkward smile and looks down at his feet. Yep, he’s definitely blushing too. Huh.
⋮127⋮ pregaming!!
The pre gaming session started innocently enough. Jin gave everyone a brief tour of the living room, kitchen, and bathroom before pouring the drinks and herding everyone to the living room where they played a few drinking games until everyone was sufficiently tipsy.
They probably should’ve stopped there, but Jin remembered the fancy soju he’d bought for the night and forgotten about, and he refused to let anyone leave his apartment without having some. So, they were now all comfortably past tipsy and headed to more intoxicated waters.
Whether for better or for worse, it seems the alcohol has loosened everyone up. Right now, Namjoon is sitting on the floor between Jungkook and Jin’s legs while Jimin has his arms around Jungkook’s neck, burying his face in his chest and giggling every other minute
even when no one says anything. Hoseok is sitting half next to and half on top of Jin, legs thrown over his lap for some reason, a casual arm around his broad shoulders, his feet resting against Jungkook’s thigh.
Taehyung and Yoongi have been relegated to the loveseat, and Taehyung is leaving very heavily against his side despite the fact that there’s enough room for them to sit comfortably with space between them. It’s not unwelcome, though.
So Yoongi doesn’t complain when Taehyung snuggles into his side, his face basically in the crook of his neck.
Yoongi watches Jimin stretches, and nearly smack Jungkook in the face with his elbow, sees the way Jungkook goes a bit pink when Jimin grabs the sides of his face to inspect it and make sure he didn’t actually injure him, and nudges Taehyung.
“What’s going on with them?”

Taehyung lifts his head from Yoongi’s shoulder with his eyebrows furrowed until he follows Yoongi’s gaze across the room.

Yoongi watches the way his face clouds over, how the corners of his mouth pull down ever so slightly.

“Who knows? All this time I thought they were just messing around but … I guess all the flirting might have been real.”
He sighs. Yoongi feels the puff of breath against the skin of his neck. “Must be nice.”


Taehyung gestures weakly to where Jungkook and Jimin are now sitting with their heads pressed together, giggling to themselves. “To like someone who likes you back.”

Taehyung’s head snaps up and he looks at Yoongi wide eyed and panicked. “Um, I didn’t mean--”

“Do you like someone, Tae?” Yoongi tries to keep his voice neutral despite the fact that he can feel his heart being torn in two.
Taehyung leans back even further, putting more space between the two of them and it just hurts that much more.


“It’s okay if you do. I won’t … I won’t ask who. Um.”
Yoongi feels a chasm opening in his chest where his heart should be, watching the way Taehyung’s eyes dart around the room, how his tongue darts out to wet his lips, how he starts fiddling with the rings on his fingers. It’s obvious. He likes someone else.
“It’s fine,” Yoongi says, offering what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “I get it.”
⋮128⋮ “you’re killing me here yoongs”
When they arrive at the club Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok immediately head for the dancefloor while the rest of the group makes their way to the bar. Yoongi watches as Taehyung waves the bartender down and orders something ‘strong’.
He doesn’t miss the way Taehyung’s eyes stay glued to the dance floor, the way he’s bobbing along to the music almost subconsciously, even with a drink in his hand.
“Why didn’t you go with your friends?”

“You’re my friend.”

“You know what I mean,” he says with a frown, though Taehyung’s words have his face heating just slightly. Thankfully it’s dark inside the club so Taehyung can’t see him blush.
He gestures to where the three of them have formed some kind of dance triangle in the section of the dance floor they’ve claimed for themselves. “That seems more your scene than hanging by the bar.”
“I do like dancing.”

“Then why don’t you go join them?”

Taehyung just stares at him like he’s asked the dumbest question. “Because I’m here with you?”
He takes a sip of his drink and stares down at it like it’s somehow offended him.
“And Jin and Namjoon are in their own little world, I wouldn’t want you to be left alone here.”

Yoongi glances to where Jin and Namjoon have taken up post in a couple of bar stools, heads bent together, engaged in some deep conversation from the looks of it. He shrugs.
“I’m okay with being by myself for a bit.”

“I need to help you fend off any unwanted suitors.”

“ I can assure you I do that just fine on my own. Trust me, if I didn’t want someone around they wouldn’t stay for long.”

“Is this your way of telling me to get lost?”
Taehyung smiles when he says this, but Yoongi can see the traces of sadness in his eyes. He’d do anything to bring back the light he’s grown so fond of seeing in them.

“No! No, never. I love having you around.”
Yoongi almost comes out and says ‘I love you’ but thankfully manages to bite his tongue. “I was just saying, I want you to have fun, too. And I know you like to dance so … don’t feel like you have to stick around here for my sake.”
“And what if what I want to do is hang out at the bar and talk to you the entire night?” Yoongi doesn’t have an answer for that. Instead of replying he signals for the bartender and orders a couple shots, downing them all in quick succession.

“I’ll be fine if I don’t dance.”
“No you won’t.” The way Taehyung smiles at him lets Yoongi know he’s right. “Come on, Tae. What do I have to do to get you out there? Go out and dance with you myself?”
He didn’t really think anything of his words until he saw the look on Taehyung’s face and, well, shit.

Taehyung places his glass down on the bartop and grabs Yoongi’s wrist, pulling him in the direction of the dance floor.
He’s pulling hard enough to get Yoongi to move, but his grip is loose enough that Yoongi could free himself if he wanted to. Yoongi is starting to realise just how weak he is when it comes to Taehyung, though, so he doesn’t even try to pull away.
🔞content warning for this next part: mentions of grinding and such🔞
Taehyung brings Yoongi over to where their other friends are, and for a while the five of them just kind of dance in a circle, everyone keeping their distance.
Then Hoseok gets the grand idea to make a grind train, so now Taehyung is sandwiched between Hoseok and Yoongi, Hoseok’s hands on his hips and chest pressed against Taehyung’s back.
It’s innocent enough, not even really grinding, but Yoongi’s ass is very much on his dick and if things stay that way then Taehyung is going to have a serious problem pretty quickly.
Hoseok leaves them after a while though, likely going to get a drink from the bar. Taehyung barely notices his disappearance, aside from the fact that his back is now a little cooler without Hoseok’s body heat.
Despite his initial reluctance, Yoongi seems to be enjoying himself. He’s certainly gotten more into the dancing, hips moving with practiced ease against Taehyung, one hand resting on Taehyung’s where it rests at the curve of Yoongi’s waist.
Yoongi feels so nice in Taehyung’s arms. So warm. Everything’s so warm and Yoongi’s such a good dancer and Taehyung is definitely hard now but Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind. In fact he seems to like it, pressing back with more intent when the song shifts to something slower.
Taehyung sucks in a sharp breath at this, tries to adjust his grip on Yoongi’s hip but his hand is sweaty so it slips, and his palm brushes against Yoongi’s crotch and Taehyung swears he nearly blacks out because Yoongi’s hard too.
Yoongi hisses and pulls away from Taehyung, the movement nearly sending them toppling over. Taehyung is definitely starting to regret that last drink.

“I — I uh — I’m sorry I—“
Yoongi looks all kinds of uncomfortable and even with blue and green lights on his face Taehyung can see how flushed his face is.
He starts backing up, trying to put more space between them and some part of Taehyung’s brain screams against it, but the lovesick, horny part of Taehyung’s brain tells him to grab Yoongi and pull him closer, so he does.
He hooks his fingers through Yoongi’s belt loops and pulls him flush against himself, places one hand at the small of Yoongi’s back to hold him there. He makes sure not to hold too tight, in case Yoongi really wants to stop dancing, but he doesn’t move.
Not for a couple of seconds, until he’s shifting a bit so that one of Taehyung’s legs is between his and then he’s reaching up to loop an arm around Taehyung’s shoulders and then he starts moving again and /god.
Yoongi rests his forehead on Taehyung’s collarbone, hot breath huffing out against the already overheated skin as they move together.
It’s basically more dry humping than dancing at this point but it feels too good for Taehyung to care that they’re in the middle of a packed dance floor when he’s got Yoongi panting against him, making the sweetest noises in his ear.
Taehyung has to stop this before something very embarrassing happens. As much as it pains him to stop whatever is happening between them, he’d really rather not have to deal with the consequences of coming in his pants on the dancefloor.
So he extracts himself from Yoongi, making sure to smile at him so he doesn’t freak out again, and takes his hand to lead him back to the bar.
The walk is a bit awkward for both of them, especially when Taehyung has to let go of Yoongi’s hand to adjust his pants. Their eyes meet briefly but Taehyung can’t hold eye contact for more than a second before looking away. Great, it seems like things are back to awkward again.
Taehyung is considering ordering another drink when Hoseok whoops beside him. He glances over to where he’s standing with Jin, who’s sitting on a barstool. Hoseok is nestled between his legs, leaning back against his chest and resting his hands on Jin’s thighs.
He’s watching something with an awestruck grin on his face, some kind of mischievous glee in his expression.
Everyone’s heads turn to see what he’s looking at and every jaw drops when they see Jungkook and Jimin engaged in a rather passionate makeout session at the edge of the dance floor.
Taehyung looks between the pair and where Hoseok is now resting his head against Jin’s shoulder, laughing up at him, fingers dancing along the outside of Jin’s thigh.

Seems like there have been a lot of new developments tonight.
Everyone ends up going back to Jimin and Taehyung’s apartment after the club, since they live the closest. It doesn’t seem like anyone is staying long, perhaps just long enough to sober up a bit more, so Taehyung doesn’t bother trying to play host.
He simply points out where the kitchen and bathroom are and makes himself comfortable on the couch beside Yoongi.

Jungkook and Jimin are the first to excuse themselves, Jimin letting Taehyung know that he’ll be back in the morning.
Not surprising, given how they’ve been unable to keep their hands off of each other since they left the club.
Not even in a sexual way, just more holding hands and touching hair and on occasion poking each other in the side and laughing like it’s some kind of inside joke between them.
Taehyung still isn’t sure what exactly happened between them tonight, but he knows that whatever it was, the two seem eager to have some time to themselves to work through it.
“Use protection!” Hoseok calls out to them while they’re putting on their shoes. Jimin gives him the most offended look, but Jungkook just winks, which makes Jimin turn on him and start smacking his shoulder as he struggles to get his shoe on with one hand.
“I hate you, I swear I hate you,” he’s mumbling even as they leave. Yet the way he can’t keep the smile off his face as he looks at Jungkook says otherwise.
Hoseok moves to leave not long after that. Jin stands as well, saying something about how Hoseok shouldn’t go alone and offers to walk him home. Or at least to the subway station.
“It is safer to go in pairs,” Hoseok says, stroking his chin thoughtfully. He and Jin share a smile.

Namjoon hops up from where he’d been sitting in a lounge chair. “What about in threes?”

Hoseok’s face lights up. “Even better.”
So then it’s just Taehyung and Yoongi alone together on the couch. Taehyung is pretty sure Yoongi’s fallen asleep at this point, since he hasn’t said anything in the last ten or fifteen minutes.
He’s trying to remember where they keep the spare blankets when Yoongi shifts beside him. When he looks over, he finds Yoongi staring back at him, eyes sleepy but gaze intense.
“Oh. I thought you were asleep.”

“Why’d you think that?”

“You were so … quiet.”

Yoongi stares at him for a moment longer before he shrugs. “Thinking.”

“About what?”
Yoongi’s gaze dips down for a second, and Taehyung wonders if that means what he thinks it means but then suddenly Yoongi’s leaning in and Taehyung swears his heart is about to explode--

“You’re drunk.”

Yoongi pauses, opens his eyes, and shrugs again. “Only a little.”
He tries to lean in again, but this time Taehyung stops him with a hand on his chest, gently pushing him back. Yoongi looks so hurt that Taehyung fears that he might actually have feelings for him, that Taehyung may be making a huge mistake here in rejecting him.
But he can’t kiss Yoongi in good conscience. Not when his breath still smells so strongly of the soju he had earlier. When he’s still fresh out of a relatively long-term relationship, when he might only be doing this because he’s lonely and Taehyung is the only one here.
Yoongi’s brow furrows and he’s basically pouting, but he sits back. “Tae … I don’t…” Taehyung just shakes his head. Yoongi makes a noise of frustration that sounds a lot like a growl and if Taehyung’s emotions weren’t all over the place right now he’d find it hot.
“Tae, I know I’m drunk but even if I wasn’t I’d still want this.” His eyes drop down to Taehyung’s lips once more. “Would still want you.”
“Then you can tell me in the morning.” Taehyung is surprised at how even his voice is. It feels like there’s an earthquake in his chest, originating from his heart and rippling outward until his entire body is in pain.
“And … and we’ll deal with it then. But for now, you should probably sleep.”

Yoongi looks like he’s going to protest for a second, and Taehyung prays he doesn’t because he’s not sure he can reject Yoongi again.
He is still a bit drunk himself, after all, and very weak for Min Yoongi.
“I don’t want to go home,” Yoongi finally says, shoulders drooping.

“You can stay here.”
Taehyung leads Yoongi to his bedroom, gives him a pair of loose pants and a t-shirt to change into, sits on the bed and waits for Yoongi to return. He’s trying to process what just happened in the living room, but he’s still too drunk to deal with it all.
Whatever, he’ll deal with it in the morning. He just has to get through tonight.

After everything, it feels a bit weird to leave Yoongi out in the living room to sleep on the couch, so they’re going to share Taehyung’s bed. It’s no big deal. Friends sleep together all the time.
He’ll be okay for one night.

Then Yoongi steps out of the bathroom and stands in front of Taehyung, nearly swallowed in his oversized clothing and Taehyung’s brain ceases to function.
Yoongi moves to stand in front of Taehyung’s full length mirror to get a proper look at himself, and huffs out a laugh at how small he looks.
Taehyung watches him from where he’s perched on the bed, and when their eyes meet in the mirror Taehyung feels a physical jolt run throughout his body. It’s surreal to see Yoongi in his clothes, about to spend the night in his bed. It’s strangely domestic.
It’s a glimpse into the kind of life Taehyung would never have. It’s bittersweet.

They climb into bed together, curled on their sides, Taehyung facing away from Yoongi. It hurts, to have him so close and yet … so far out of his reach.
He waits until he’s sure Yoongi is asleep before he turns to look at him, and starts when he sees the still wet tear tracks running down his cheeks and across his face. Taehyung wonders, not for the first time that night, if he’s somehow made the biggest mistake of his life.
Taehyung’s own eyes are watery when he finally shuts them.
⋮131⋮ sleepyhead
⋮132⋮ “nothing happened”
⋮133⋮ screaming
⋮135⋮ hurt like hell
⋮136⋮ “i made this weird didn’t i”
⋮137⋮ “it’s been nice knowing you”
⋮138⋮ concerned
⋮139⋮ “what really happened last night?”
⋮140⋮ don’t get it
⋮141⋮ mood
⋮142⋮ a subtweet
⋮143⋮ “gee, it’s almost like he got his heart broken by you”
⋮144⋮ what’s going on with yoongi?👀
⋮145⋮ stupid
⋮146⋮ “missed you”
⋮147⋮ “yoongi what the HELL are you doing”
⋮148⋮ jin texts tae
⋮150⋮ someone help tae
⋮151⋮ “hear me out”
⋮152⋮ some jikook for ya
⋮153⋮ (slight???)🔞
⋮154⋮ “i just don’t get it”
⋮156⋮ movie weekend
Taehyung shouldn’t have been surprised that Yoongi brought Jiho. It makes sense — they are dating again after all. Jin doesn’t look too happy to see him, and honestly Jiho doesn’t look too happy to be there, but he’s welcomed into their little circle warmly enough.
He takes his place on the sofa beside Yoongi, with Taehyung sitting on the other side of him. It’s painfully awkward, but Taehyung is determined to get through the night, no matter how much it hurts. If Yoongi is dead set on being with Jiho, Taehyung will have to get used to it.
That doesn’t make him any less uncomfortable, though. Not when he can feel Yoongi’s thigh pressed against his. Not when he can see Jiho reach for Yoongi’s hand in the darkness. Not when Yoongi subconsciously leans away from Jiho and presses against Taehyung’s side.
He can do this. He can still be Yoongi’s friend. Jin’s words keep running though his head, though.

‘The one he should be with’
It’s all Taehyung can think about when he watches Yoongi and Jiho out of the corner of his eye. When Jiho puts his arm around Yoongi’s shoulders and Taehyung feels him stiffen. When Taehyung sees Yoongi watching him when he thinks his attention is on the movie.
When he turns to look at him and catches the sad expression on his face before Yoongi turns away.

‘The one he should be with’
⋮157⋮ painful
Taehyung ends up spending half the night in the kitchen. He’s always the first to volunteer to make the next batch of popcorn or refill someone’s drink.
He says it’s because he’s the closest to the kitchen and he wouldn’t have to walk in front of anyone on his way there and block their view of the TV, but he’s sure everyone knows it’s just a front because he can’t really stand sitting next to Yoongi and his boyfriend.
He doesn’t miss the pitying glances sent his way every time he makes a trip there and back, but he chooses to ignore them. It’s what he’s had to do to make it through the night.
Finally, the last movie ends and everyone gets ready to go their separate ways. Jimin and Jungkook hold hands at the door as they make their goodbyes, and Hoseok waves at them from where he’s perched on Seokjin’s couch.
“This feels a lot like last time,” he comments to no one in general. He laughs. “Though no alcohol was involved, so I guess we won’t end up with a true repeat of that night.”
Every head in the room whips around to stare at him. Taehyung isn’t sure if he’s talking about Jungkook and Jimin, or Yoongi and himself, or even something with Hoseok and Jin, or with Namjoon. He glances at Yoongi to see him staring right back at him, looking mortified.
“Uh,” Hoseok physically wilts under everyone’s gazes. “I realise now how stupid it was of me to say that.”

“What do you mean?” Jiho asks, looking around at everyone. He turns to Yoongi, who quickly looks away from Taehyung and down at his feet. “What happened?”
Everyone is watching the three of them now. Taehyung isn’t looking directly at Jiho, but he can feel the increasing tension in the room when he speaks again. “Yoongi. What. Happened.”

“Nothing, I promise.”
Taehyung hates how small Yoongi’s voice sounds. It doesn’t suit him at all.

Jiho looks between Yoongi and Taehyung, an expression of disgust on his face. “Yoongi—”

“We can talk about it later.”
“What, did you fuck him or something?”

“No! It wasn’t like that—”

“Oh, but something did happen with you two?” Taehyung flinches at the venom in Jiho’s voice. He glances up at him and recoils at the glare Jiho sends his way.
“I fucking knew it!” he growls, storming after the apartment, leaving everyone in the room to stare after him in shock. Yoongi stands frozen for a moment, then takes a shuddering breath and trails out after him, shoulders hunched, feet shuffling against the floor.
He looks defeated. But he rights himself just as he steps out into the hallway, turns around and smiles, but everyone can tell it’s forced.

“Guess I’ll go deal with that now. ‘Night, guys.”
⋮158⋮ “i give up”
⋮159⋮ “what a gentleman”
⋮160⋮ okay
⋮161⋮ the next day

(i know the quality on the last photo is shit but i spent too much time making that to not include it lol)
⋮162⋮ “leave me the fuck alone”
⋮163⋮ “maybe you should try saying it to yoongi”
⋮164⋮ a mess
⋮165⋮ “don’t call it that”
⋮167⋮ doubt it
⋮168⋮ “just need some time to myself”
⋮169⋮ jikook break!
⋮170⋮ fool
⋮171⋮ miss him
⋮172⋮ “hi everyone”
⋮173⋮ time passing on the tl
⋮174⋮ “i don’t think i can make it out tonight”
⋮175⋮ poor jin
⋮176⋮ “this night was supposed to be for you”
⋮177⋮ impulsive
⋮178⋮ gonna be sick
Taehyung’s hands are shaking as he knocks on Yoongi’s door. He hears movement on the other side, a soft thud, a muffled curse, shuffling that grows in volume as Yoongi gets closer to the door.
He opens the door looking quite disheveled, for lack of a better word. His hair is messy, there are bags under his eyes, and his face is blank … until he sees just who it is standing at his door and his eyes grow to twice their size.
He immediately raises a hand to try and fix his hair, but it doesn’t do much good.

“Uh, Taehyung, why are you here?”

Taehyung sucks in a breath and musters up what little courage he has to look Yoongi in the eyes. “I wanted to see you.”
“What for?” Yoongi asks, even as he moves aside to let Taehyung in. Taehyung just smiles at him.

“What, I can't just want to see my favourite hyung?”


“If you want me to leave just say so.”
“No!” Yoongi says, a bit too forcefully. He seems to realise how loud he spoke and his face turns that much pinker. “I just, I wasn’t really expecting company so… there’s no food and,” he looks down at his clothes with a look of disdain. “And I look like this.”
“You look good Yoongi, you always do.”

Yoongi’s head snaps up at that and Taehyung rushes past him to the living room. Shit, had that been too much?
It wasn’t the first time he’d called Yoongi attractive, but it was the first time he’s done so to his face, with the knowledge that Yoongi might actually like him in a way that isn’t strictly platonic.
He’s about to say something, anything to try and dissipate the awkward atmosphere in the room when Yoongi smiles at him, so fondly, and gestures to the sofa.

“Well, take a seat. I’ll get some of that cider that you like.”
⋮180⋮ “taehyung is here”
Yoongi returns from the kitchen with two glasses and a nervous smile on his face. He turns the tv on, but they don’t really watch it, choosing instead to sit in silence and sip their drinks for a few moments.
Eventually Taehyung can’t take the awkward atmosphere anymore and turns to Yoongi, spouting out the first words that come to mind.

“So, why aren’t you going out tonight?”
In hindsight, that may not have been the best conversation topic to start with, but it’s out in the open now and Taehyung is just going to have to deal with it. Unless Yoongi decides to just kick him out, in which case … at least he’d be saved from an awkward conversation?
Yoongi looks uncomfortable, but not ‘I’m about to kick you out uncomfortable’ so, things could be worse.

“Uh, well … You know I’m not that big on clubs.”

“But this was supposed to be for you. To make you feel better about --”
And there goes the other foot in his mouth. Taehyung glances over at Yoongi, who’s watching him strangely, like he’s staring at a half-finished puzzle and trying to discern how to finish it.
“Uh,” Taehyung continues lamely, “It would be good for you. To get out of the house for a bit. Let loose and stop … stop thinking about all that.”
Yoongi sets his glass down on the coffee table in front of him and turns to face Taehyung, pulling his knees up against his chest and resting his feet in the space on the couch between them.
He looks ten times smaller, and a million times cuter, staring up at Taehyung through his eyelashes like that.

“To be honest I’m not that broken up about it.”

“I know, it’s surprising. I really thought I would be more upset. Don’t get me wrong, it sucks, but …” he sucks in a breath, averts his eyes, swallows thickly. Something in his expression shifts when he looks back to Taehyung. He looks … softer, somehow.
There’s a fond look in his eyes when he looks at Taehyung. Yet despite this, his gaze is intense, and Taehyung isn’t sure he could look away if he wanted to.
“I mean, to be honest I’m a bit of a mess right now,” he laughs to himself, but it almost sounds sad. “But not because I miss Jiho.”
Yoongi looks down at his feet when he says this. Taehyung can practically see the gears turning in his mind, the slight crease in his brow, the way he’s biting his lip like that’ll keep him from blurting out something that he doesn’t want Taehyung to hear.
Yoongi looks up at him, just for a second, like he’s checking to see if Taehyung is still listening. Silly, really, when Yoongi is the only thing Taehyung can focus on right now.
He watches how Yoongi’s eyes dart around the room, how he fiddles with his fingers, shifts around on the sofa, jostling Taehyung each time he does.

Suddenly Yoongi sucks in a breath. He’s looking down at his hands, and his voice comes out barely above a whisper when he speaks.
“I … I think the reason I’m so okay with it is because … I’m not in love with /him … you know?”
Yoongi looks up at him when he says this, and Taehyung’s brain shuts down. There’s something about the way Yoongi’s looking at him, so fearful and apprehensive, the emphasis he placed on the word ‘him’, like there’s another ‘him’ Yoongi might be in love with.
Could it be…?

“Do I?” he asks, so quiet he can barely hear himself. Yoongi licks his lips and Taehyung unconsciously follows the movement. The corner of Yoongi’s mouth quirks up ever so slightly, his eyes crinkling at the corners just a bit.

“I think so.”
⋮181⋮ “i just need a moment to collect myself”
⋮182⋮ “i said test the waters not dive in headfirst”
Yoongi is sitting in the same position he was in when Taehyung returns from the bathroom. He smiles shyly up at him with his chin still resting on his knees and Taehyung almost blacks out from how cute he looks.
He smiles back before settling down on the sofa, closer to Yoongi than he was sitting before.

The atmosphere is … weird between them. Charged in a way that Taehyung isn’t sure how to deal with.
Yoongi hadn’t come out right and said he loves him, so would it be in bad taste for Taehyung to mention it?

But he can’t /not respond. That might make Yoongi think he doesn’t like him back. And he does. God, he does. He’s not sure if it’s love yet but it’s awfully close to it.
Taehyung’s never been great with words, though. And the moment is too delicate to risk breaking. So he just smiles at Yoongi, holds his arms out and raises his eyebrows in a silent question.
Almost immediately, Yoongi scoots over to him and Taehyung drapes an arm around his shoulders. Yoongi feels a bit tense, and to be honest Taehyung is too, but it’s nice enough, and Taehyung lets himself enjoy it.
“If I remember correctly, there was some spy movie you thought I’d like? Think we can find it on Netflix?”

Yoongi just smiles at him and shifts even closer, resting his head on Taehyung’s shoulder. He reaches behind himself for the remote and starts pressing some buttons.
“We can try,” he says, and Taehyung feels him relax a bit more.

It’s a new feeling, having Yoongi so close … with this new unspoken thing between them. Being close like this and not wondering if it’s too much because he knows Yoongi wants it as much as he does.
It’s not unwelcome, though. It feels nice. It feels right.
⋮183⋮ fell asleep
⋮184⋮ “happy for you, yoongs”
⋮185⋮ cute
The sound of rustling bed sheets tears Taehyung’s attention away from his phone. He looks to where Yoongi lies beside him, hair messy and face smushed against his pillow, making his already pouty lips poke out more than usual.
In the soft golden light of the morning he looks ethereal, like something Taehyung shouldn’t be allowed to see, like he’s tainting the image of Yoongi asleep by simply witnessing it.
God, he’s got it bad doesn’t he?

His thoughts are interrupted when Yoongi’s eyes flutter open, meeting his. For a moment he simply stares at Taehyung, then a small smile makes its way across his face.

His voice is deeper than usual, a bit hoarse, but Taehyung has never heard anything so beautiful. Part of him believes he’s still asleep, curled up alone in his own bed imagining this scenario because there’s no way this is real.
There’s no way someone can be so beautiful when they’ve just woken up.

“Hi,” he says back, and laughs at how breathless he sounds.

Yoongi scrunches up his face — Taehyung bites his tongue to keep from cooing at him — and rolls onto his back to stretch.
It’s a full body stretch that reminds Taehyung of his aunt’s cat, but he doesn’t dare voice it. Once Taehyung had mentioned Yoongi’s slightly feline appearance and had received a glare so intense he was surprised he didn’t burst into flames right then and there.
“Sleep well?” he asks instead, because that’s safer. Yoongi just nods, still stretching. He opens one eye and peeks at Taehyung.

He’s not sure what kind of expression he’s wearing, but whatever it is makes Yoongi immediately turn away and makes the tips of his ears turn pink.
He sits up then, swings his legs over the side of the bed, and lets the sheets pool in his lap. Taehyung can tell just by looking at his back that he’s tense, shoulders pulled up a bit and curved in.
He can see Yoongi physically pulling away from him, likely overthinking the last night, starting some kind of self-destructive cycle Taehyung is all too familiar with. He won’t let that happen. What they have is still fragile, but he’s determined not to let it break.
He scoots over enough to get a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder and feels him relax instantly at the touch.

“Are you hungry? We could grab breakfast somewhere? I think I saw a cute little cafe not far from here when I was on my way over yesterday.”
Yoongi doesn’t respond for a moment, but eventually he turns enough to smile over his shoulder at Taehyung, sweet and soft and so fond it makes Taehyung's heart ache … in a good way.

“Yeah. Breakfast sounds good.”
⋮186⋮ brekkie
⋮187⋮ 🥰
⋮188⋮ black
⋮189⋮ no
⋮190⋮ cute
⋮191⋮ “can you please delete that tweet?”
⋮192⋮ “do it?”
⋮193⋮ “how are we all so sure that taehyung actually likes me”
⋮194⋮ everland~
⋮195⋮ “you’ll see”
⋮196⋮ no.
⋮197⋮ “we’re here”
Taehyung tugs at his sleeves for the millionth time since they stepped through the entrance gates, even though they’ve only been there for about fifteen minutes.
Yoongi, who’s walking beside him, has been silently watching from the corner of his eye, but he hasn’t said anything about Taehyung’s obvious discomfort. That is until he notices the shiver that runs through Taehyung’s body and he stops him with a hand on his arm.
“Hey,” he says, soft enough for only Taehyung to hear. His eyes are wide with concern when he looks up at him. “Are you alright?”

“Fine. I just … probably should’ve worn another layer.”
It’s an unusually chilly day that day, but Taehyung had stupidly thought a long sleeved henley would be enough to get him through the day. It hasn’t even been an hour since he left his apartment and it’s already failed him.
Yoongi’s eyes travel down from Taehyung’s face to his chest, arms, back to his chest again. “Hm. Maybe.”

Taehyung flushes under Yoongi’s scrutinizing gaze.
The shirt he’s wearing isn’t exactly skin tight, but it’s definitely form fitting, leaving very little to the imagination, at least when it comes to his chest and bicep areas.
He’s not out of shape by any means, but he’s not Jungkook. Still, Yoongi gives an appreciative him before he drags his eyes back up to Taehyung’s face and smiles.

“I can try and find you a cute hoodie at a gift shop if you want.”
“Or you could just give me your jacket. That’d be the gentlemanly thing to do.”

There’s a teasing lilt to Yoongi’s voice, and a bit of a smirk on his lips when he asks this, but something in Yoongi’s eyes tells Taehyung that if he really wanted him to, Yoongi would give him the clothes off his back.
For a moment, a brief but intense moment, Taehyung considers saying yes. He imagines what it would be like to have Yoongi’s jacket draped over him.
He’s taller than Yoongi, but his shoulders aren’t as broad, and Yoongi likes to wear oversized things anyway, so he wonders just how it would fit on him. If he would be able to smell Yoongi’s cologne on it. If he would smell like Yoongi even after taking it off.
But he wouldn’t do that to Yoongi. He knows Yoongi is even worse with cold than he is. The thought that even so, Yoongi would give up his own comfort for Taehyung is touching.

He supposed it wasn’t a lie when Yoongi said he might love him.
Yoongi lifts a hand to scratch behind his ear, which has turned pink. “Um, so Taehyung—”

“Guys, hurry up!” Hoseok shouts from about ten feet in front of them. Taehyung hadn't realised it, but they’d actually stopped walking while the rest of their group carried on.
Yoongi looks all kinds of awkward and mildly peeved, eyes still on Taehyung’s face.

He smiles and takes Yoongi’s hand. “Come on.”
Yoongi sighs as Taehyung drags him to meet up with their friends, but he interlaces his fingers with Taehyung’s and holds tight, even when they catch up with everyone.
⋮198⋮ ride
⋮199⋮ holding hands
⋮200⋮ refuse
Yoongi leans back against a metal railing and watches the ride start up in front of him. Taehyung stands beside him, close enough for their arms to touch, also watching the ride. With his relaxed posture and easy smile, he looks the picture of contentment.
He looks the exact opposite of what Yoongi feels, which is an anxious mess. When he hasn’t been stressing over what ride his friends will try to make him get on next, he’s been trying to figure out how to bring up the whole not-quite confession thing that happened a while ago.
It doesn’t help that they haven’t really had a moment to themselves before now. There was that moment earlier, when they’d just come in the park, but that wasn’t the time or place to have that kind of conversation.
But when is? Should Yoongi just wait until they leave the park, ask Taehyung to come back to his apartment? What if he’s tired, what if he says no, and then Yoongi’s just wasted another day with the uncertainty eating away at him.
Could he try now? All of their other friends are currently in line for some kind of spinning death trap Yoongi has refused to ride.
Taehyung had joined him like it was the only option for him, to stay with Yoongi, and so here they are. Alone. Or, as alone as you can be at a theme park in the middle of the day.
He turns to him, and sees that Taehyung had actually been watching him and not the ride. He blushes at having been caught staring but doesn’t look away.

“You look like you’re thinking hard about something.”

“I am.”

Taehyung just raises an eyebrow at that.
Like he’s interested, if Yoongi wants to talk about it, but he won’t pressure him. He leaves it entirely up to Yoongi, and while he loves him for that, it doesn’t make him any less stressed about the conversation he needs to have with Taehyung.

He’s cut off by the sound of footsteps approaching them. They both whip their heads around to see Namjoon making his way towards them. He looks a bit disoriented.

“Hey. Sorry but they all wanted to do a second round and I’m just not up for that.”
“Understandable,” Yoongi says, trying not to let his irritation show. Namjoon seems to pick up on it though, and gives him an apologetic smile. Yoongi sighs. It’s not Namjoon’s fault. It’s no one's fault. Just fate deciding to be cruel, he supposes.
⋮201⋮ poor yoongi
⋮202⋮ churros
⋮203⋮ “why does jimin never buy me churros?”
⋮204⋮ anyway
“Are we going to stay for the fireworks?” Hoseok asks around a mouthful of burger. They’ve taken a break for dinner and are discussing their evening plans. Yoongi can barely hear him over how loud his own thoughts are, though.
He still hasn’t had a chance to talk to Taehyung, and it‘s starting to feel like he might not get the chance to while they’re here. Which is fine, it really is, but it would’ve been nice to get it over with, so to speak.
He’s almost certain Taehyung won’t reject him if he’s more forward with his feelings, but there’s still that self doubt sitting uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach.
He’s torn away from his thoughts by the feeling of a hand resting on his thigh. Taehyung’s looking at him with a concerned frown.

“Are you alright, hyung? That last ride was kind of intense, are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m — I’m fine, Taehyung. Really.” Yoongi places his hand over Taehyung’s. “Just thinking about stuff.”

“You’re doing a lot of thinking today.”
Taehyung’s gaze is so intense when he looks at Yoongi. Like nothing else exists outside of the two of them. Their seats are already so close together, but Taehyung’s leaning further into Yoongi’s space, so close, voice quiet so their friends can’t hear.

Yoongi considers it, for a moment. Leaning in, closing the gap between them. But they’re not alone, with their friends and other park goers around them, and it’s kind of loud and their seats are uncomfortable and it just doesn’t seem like a good place for a first kiss.
Even so, he almost goes for it.

Taehyung’s eyes dip down when Yoongi licks his lips. So, he’s not the only one thinking about it. That’s a comfort, and though it’s not a confession by any means, Yoongi will take what he can get for now.
⋮205⋮ 🤩
Everyone around him has their eyes focused upwards, watching the explosions of fireworks in the night sky. Taehyung, however, can’t keep his eyes off of Yoongi’s face. He watches the lights dance across his features, multicolored and beautiful, just like him.
He knows something’s up with Yoongi today. He doesn’t know what it is, but he’s been extra awkward when he talks to Taehyung, often getting lost in thought, like he’s not completely present.
Taehyung has tried his best to roll with it, trying not to pressure him into talking, but it’s been hard not to come out and ask what’s wrong. He figures Yoongi will tell him eventually.
Yoongi glances over at Taehyung and starts when he catches him staring. His eyebrows raise, jaw dropping slightly in a silent gasp. Taehyung just smiles at him. Yoongi looks to the side where their friends are, looks around at the crowd of people around him, and back at Taehyung.
He bites his lip and squints at him, like he’s trying to decide on something. He opens his mouth to speak, but a rapid series of loud pops interrupts him as the fireworks show continues.
They both glance up for a moment at the display before returning their attention to each other. Taehyung waits with bated breath to see what Yoongi says, but he just stays quiet.
He smiles, almost sadly, at Taehyung, and shuffles closer, leaning against him. Taehyung takes a look at everyone around him, sees Jimin and Jungkook huddled together sharing a kiss, just like every other couple there, and he gets it.
He doesn’t try to kiss Yoongi — he doesn’t think he wants that — but he does put an arm around his waist and pulls him closer, close enough to rest his head on top of Yoongi’s. He feels Yoongi sigh against him, nearly melt into his side, and smiles.
⋮206⋮ good day
⋮207⋮ “since when are you such a romantic”
⋮208⋮ heart eyes and roses
⋮209⋮ happy
⋮210⋮ daegu
⋮211⋮ on the road
Some kind of bubblegum pop music plays from the speakers in Yoongi’s car, just loud enough to be heard over the air conditioning and rumble of the tires on the asphalt.
Taehung’s bobbing his head along to the beat, trying to sing along even though he only knows about five words of the chorus.
He hands Yoongi the invisible mic he’s been using when the next song comes on — something by Day6 he knows Yoongi has on his own driving playlist — and Yoongi just rolls his eyes at Taehyung’s antics.
There’s a fond smile on his face, though, when he looks over at Taehyung, though. There’s something about the look in his eyes that causes something to stir in Taehyung, and he’s struck with an intense, indescribable feeling.
Yoongi isn’t dressed up by any means, wearing a simple white shirt and black zippered hoodie. His usual attire for casual days like this. He hadn’t styled his hair any differently than usual, probably didn’t do anything except wash it.
He’s not wearing any kind of makeup, he’s got a bit of dark circles under his eyes as a result of too little sleep over a too long period of time, and there’s the beginnings of a pimple on his chin. And yet … Taehyung has never seen someone more beautiful.
As good as Yoongi looks on the days he gets all dressed up, when he decides to put a bit more thought into his appearance, Taehyung finds him the most attractive when he looks the most natural like this.
When he looks a little less perfect, a little more human … a lot like himself.

One song fades into another as Taehyung keeps staring at him. Yoongi glances at him out of the corner of his eye and flushes a bright pink.
“Would you stop that?”

“I don’t think I can.”

Yoongi turns his head to look at him sharply, brow furrowed in concern. Then he remembers where he is and turns his attention back to the road. “W-What do you mean?”
“You’re just so…”

Yoongi looks at him again, only for a moment, but Taehyung sees the shift in his eyes. There’s something heated in his gaze, but at the same time he looks scared. Panicked, in a way.
Like he has an idea of what Taehyung might be thinking and doesn’t know how to process it. Taehyung doesn’t even know what he wants to say, so he settles for saying nothing. Instead focusing on his phone and going to Day6’s latest album.
He’d seen the way Yoongi nodded his head along to the beat of the other song, and he likes their music well enough. It seemed like a happy medium for the both of them to listen to for the rest of the car ride.
He taps on a song called ‘1 to 10’ and lets the music fill the silence between them. Yoongi starts nodding his head again and Taehyung stays still, listening to the lyrics. The more he hears, the more he feels an impending sense of dread coming over him.
The song isn’t a sad one, rather upbeat, overall nice to listen to.

But the lyrics sound like something Taehyung might have written for Yoongi if he were a songwriter. Like someone had reached inside his heart and pulled out every word one by one.
‘Nobody loves you more than me, baby’

That word. Love. It’s been dancing around in Taehyung’s head for a while now. Especially since that night he spent at Yoongi’s.

‘I’m not in love with /him/,” Yoongi has said.
They haven’t mentioned it since then. Taehyung had been content to leave it as an almost-unspoken thing for them, to take as long as Yoongi needed before he brought it up again. But at this point Taehyung wondered if he ever would.
What if he was waiting for Taehyung to start that conversation? Was that why he’s been so awkward around him lately? Does he think Taehyung needs the space to think?
Then Taehyung remembers, he hadn’t said anything back. Sure, he hadn't run away, he hadn’t outwardly rejected Yoongi like the first time Yoongi ‘confessed’ to him. But he hadn’t really /accepted/ him either.
Taehyung looks over at Yoongi, at the way his hair falls softly over his forehead, almost into his eyes. He’ll probably start complaining about how he needs a haircut soon.
Yoongi catches him staring again and laughs, embarrassed, eyes going back to the road. He doesn’t say anything though, even as his ears go pink.
And then it hits Taehyung so hard and so suddenly he physically recoils. It’s so clear he must have been an idiot to not realise it sooner. Or perhaps he’d just been in denial. It’s impossible to deny now, though.
Not when Taehyung’s heart skips a beat every time Yoongi so much as looks at him, when Taehyung finds himself entranced watching Yoongi’s hands on the steering wheel, when seeing Yoongi upset hurts him more than a physical wound would.

He’s in love with him.
Taehyung’s younger sister is the one to open the door when he knocks. She doesn’t even say hello when she sees him, her eyes going straight to where Yoongi stands behind him.
“Taehyung brought a boy home!”

“What? No!”

She just fixes him with a look and places her hands on her hips. “I can /see/ him.”
“I mean, yes, there’s a boy behind me but it’s not like that. I mean —“

Taehyung spins around to face Yoongi, eyes wide and frantic. “I mean--” He makes a pained face, eyes falling from Yoongi’s face to stare at his own feet. “You know…”
“I know,” Yoongi says, biting his lip to keep from smiling. Seems like it would be a bit rude to laugh at Taehyung’s obvious distress. He can’t ignore the fluttering he feels in his chest when Taehyung says that, though.
It’s not quite the confession Yoongi wants, but it’s something. The fact that Taehyung wouldn’t write him off as ‘just a friend’, even in front of his own family.
Taehyung sighs and runs a hand over his face. “Taehee, this is my friend Yoongi. He’s also from Daegu. We actually went to preschool together but now we go to the same university.”

Yoongi figures that’s his cue to step forward. He bows slightly before lifting his hand in a wave.

Taehee just looks him up and down before giving Taehyung a shit-eating grin.

“I see…”

“Please don’t,” Taehyung says, and if he were to get any redder Yoongi is sure steam would start spouting from his ears. “Is everyone else home?”
“Yeah, mom’s in her study. I’m sure she wants to see you.”

Taehee steps back to let them in before disappearing upstairs -- to her room, Yoongi supposes.

“I’m sorry about … her,” Taehyung mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. Yoongi waves him off with a dismissive hand.
“Don’t worry about it. I feel terrible though, I don’t remember you having a younger sister.”

“Oh she…” Taehyung pauses to think while Yoongi slips off his shoes by the door. “Come to think of it, I think she was born after you moved.”
They make their way through the house. Taehyung gives a mini tour as they head towards what must be his mother’s office.

Taehyung knocks softly on the door. “Mom, I’m home!”

They hear a muffled “Taehyung!” from the other side of the door and some rustling.
“I brought my friend Yoongi—”

The door opens, cutting him off mid sentence, revealing a woman who looks basically like an older female version of Taehyung. She looks about as Yoongi remembers her, but perhaps with a few more laugh lines and grey hairs.
“Yoongi? You know that was your little preschool friend’s name.”

Her eyes land on Yoongi and her face breaks out in a bright smile, just as wide and boxy as Taehyung’s. “Oh! Is it you? Little Yoongi?”

Taehyung starts laughing at that, quieting at the glare Yoongi gives him.
Yoongi turns back to Taehyung’s mom and bows.

“Nice to see you again.”

“How did this happen?”

“Turns out we go to the same university,” Taehyung answers with a wide grin. His mom places her hands on her hips and gives Yoongi a once over.

“You grew up so well, Yoongi.”
“Didn’t he?” Taehyung winks at Yoongi when he says this. Yoongi ducks his head down so they won’t see the blush he knows is on his face.

“Wow, what a small world,” his mom says, still smiling.
Yoongi can’t help but smile back. Much like Taehyung’s, her smile is contagious. Taehyung throws an arm around Yoongi’s shoulders and pulls him so close their cheeks are pressed together.

“Feels a lot like fate, doesn’t it?”
⋮213⋮ “did you two make it there safely?”
⋮214⋮ proud
Yoongi and Taehyung arrive back at Taehyung’s home while the rest of his family is out, which means they have no one to share their strawberry haul with.
Rather than sit and gorge themselves on strawberries until they’re sick of them, they decide to try making a strawberry cheesecake with a good portion of what they picked.
They sit at the small table in Taehyung’s kitchen snacking on the rest of the strawberries while they wait for the dessert to bake in the oven.
Taehyung had miraculously found a can of whipped cream, and was taking turns scarfing down strawberries and squirting whipped cream directly into his mouth.
He shouldn’t have looked as good as he did with his cheeks puffed out, bits of whipped cream at the corners of his mouth, but damn if Yoongi wasn’t weak for Taehyung no matter what.
“Damn, you look so attractive right now,” Yoongi mutters as Taehung tries to stuff another strawberry into his already full mouth. Taehyung just glares at him before reaching over and squirting some whipped cream onto Yoongi’s nose.
He swats Taehyung’s hand away before too much damage is done, and tries to see just how much of the cream he’d gotten on his face.

Taehyung immediately starts laughing at Yoongi’s crossed eyes, mouth still mostly full.
Yoongi worries for a moment if he’s at risk of choking. Yoongi glares at him, then sticks his tongue out to try and lick the cream off the tip of his nose.
He’s probably scrunching his face up in what is a most unattractive way, but when his eyes meet Taehyung’s, he’s watching him with what can only be described as literal heart eyes.
“You’re so cute,” he says quietly, almost a whisper.

Yoongi bows his head, unable to fight off the blush creeping across his cheeks. He glances up at Taehyung and feels his breath catch in his throat at the way Taehyung’s staring at him.
His expression has changed from sweet and soft to something more serious, more somber. He looks like he wants to say something. Yoongi bites his lip and waits …
But then Teahyung just shakes his head, as if physically clearing a thought from his mind, and reaches for another strawberry. And just like that the spell is broken.
He’s been doing that ever since they drove down here. Would just go oddly silent for stretches of time, staring so intensely Yoongi could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
But right when Yoongi thinks this will be it, that Taehyung will actually say something, might actually confess to him, Taehyung pulls back. Retreats into himself. Acts like everything is normal while Yoongi feels himself falling apart.
He’s not sure if he can do this anymore.

“What?” Taehyung asks around a mouthful of strawberry. Apparently Yoongi had voiced his last thought aloud. Shit.
He could just say it was nothing, go back to watching Taehyung try and fit ridiculous amounts of strawberry and whipped cream into his mouth, pretend that every moment he spends with Taehyung not really sure of what his feelings are doesn’t tear him up inside.
But he won’t.

“I said, I’m not sure how much longer I can do this, Tae.”

“W- What do you mean?” But the look in Taehyung’s eyes tells Yoongi he knows exactly what he means. It’s so incredibly frustrating, Yoongi almost gets up right then and leaves.
Let Taehyung find his own way back to Seoul. Yoongi isn’t sure he could take another four hour car ride with him the way things are going.

“Don’t be stupid, Taehyung.”
He almost adds on a ‘please’ at the end of his words. He wants to plead with Taehyung to stop dragging this out. To put an end to his suffering one way or another. Yoongi isn’t an idiot -- he’s very much aware that Taehyung feels /something/ towards him.
What he doesn’t know is whether Taehyung actually plans to act on it or not. If Taehyung won’t do anything, then Yoongi’s ready to give up on them.
He can’t be the one to initiate anything. Not this time. Not after that night after the club. Not after he basically told Taehyung he was in love with him and has yet to get a response. He needs Taehyung to be the one.
Taehyung remains silent, staring wide eyed at Yoongi, and for a moment it doesn’t seem like he’s going to do anything. Yoongi starts to resign himself to the fact that maybe they’ll never be anything other than friends, that Taehyung will forever remain an ‘almost’, a ‘what if’.
Then he feels a hand on his thigh, a thumb caressing along the outer seam of his jeans. Taehyung scoots forward to sit on the edge of his chair, his entire body turned towards Yoongi. Yoongi keeps his eyes down when Taehyung raises a trembling hand to cradle his cheek.
Yoongi holds his breath even as Taehyung hesitates, like he’s not sure he really allowed to do this.


All Yoongi does is nod. All he /can/ do is nod. He’s not sure he could say anything even if he wanted to, with how dry his throat suddenly is.
He feels Taehyung’s shaky exhale against his face before he feels the press of his lips against his own.

Taehyung tastes sweet, like strawberries, like home.
He pulls back after a moment, too soon for Yoongi’s liking, so he dives back in, grabbing two fistfuls of Taehyung’s shirt and pulling him back in.
Taehyung immediately parts his lips this time, tilts his head for a better angle and even though the dining table is pressing uncomfortably into Yoongi’s side, he’s on cloud nine. Cloud ten even. Eleven.
They part with their lips making an audible smacking sound. Yoongi keeps his eyes closed even after they separate, trying to get his breathing under control. Trying to convince himself that he isn’t just dreaming, that Taehyung actually kissed him—
Taehyung laughs against his lips before kissing him again. Soft, but still urgent, like he might die if he doesn’t kiss Yoongi again. He holds Yoongi like he’s something to be cherished.
“Yoongi...” he says, voice breaking in the cutest way. Yoongi smiles and nudges Taehyung’s nose with his own.

Taehyung swipes a thumb along Yoongi’s cheekbone, so gently, like he’s touching porcelain. But rather than make him feel fragile, it just makes Yoongi feel loved.

“Break up with me.”
Yoongi’s eyes fly open. Taehyung is watching him with an amused smile on his face, an odd twinkle in his eye. Yoongi just raises an eyebrow. “Uh.”

“I need you to break up with me so I can ask you to be my boyfriend again. For real this time.”
It takes a moment for Yoongi to process his words, but when he finally does he reaches out and smacks Taehyung in the back of his head.

“Like you’d even have to ask,” he says, before leaning in for another kiss.
⋮215⋮ cheesecake
⋮216⋮ swings and slides
⋮217⋮ last night❤️
Jimin is sitting on the couch when Yoongi drops Taehyung off at his apartment. He must have been listening for the door because the moment Taehyung steps over the threshold Jimin is there with his arms around Taehyung, face muffled in his shoulder, saying how much he missed him.
“I was only gone for the weekend, Chim,” Taehyung says, though he hugs him back just as tightly.

“I know, but it’s just … different when you’re in a whole other city.” Jimin then smiles at Yoongi over Taehyung’s shoulder. “Thank you for bringing him back to me in one piece.”
“It was hard work, you know. He likes to get into trouble.”

Taehyung glares at Yoongi, but he just grins at him.

Jimin laughs at the two of them. “Are you going to stay for dinner Yoongi? I was thinking we could do Thai.”
“Uh, actually I have some work I need to get done before tomorrow morning, so I’m going to head back to my place.”

Taehyung visibly deflates at that. Despite the fact that he’d basically been with Yoongi all weekend, he didn’t want him to leave yet.
Especially now that they’re officially /boyfriends/ — Taehyung still smiles every time he thinks about it — he wants nothing more than to cuddle up in bed with Yoongi, perhaps kiss some more, and just be close to him. Is this what they call the Honeymoon Phase?
Taehyung hopes it never ends.

Yoongi frowns when he sees Taehyung’s pout, but there’s still a hint of a smile lingering in his eyes. “Sorry, Tae. Maybe tomorrow?”
Taehyung perks up at that. Part of him feels silly for how easily his mood changes, like a puppy or an excitable child. But he can’t help the effect Yoongi has on him.

Yoongi smiles at that, wide enough to show off his gums, and Taehyung nearly melts into the floor right then and there. Yoongi steps forward for a quick kiss and Taehyung eagerly leans down to meet him.

“Bye, Tae.”
“Bye. Love you!” Taehyung says without thinking. He doesn’t even realise what he’s said until Yoongi’s eyes go wide.


“See you tomorrow!” Taehyung says brightly before essentially closing the door in Yoongi’s face.
He presses his forehead against the door and sighs. That was /not/ how he’d planned for his grand love confession to go.

All of a sudden Taehyung remembers that Jimin is still standing behind him, and that he’s being oddly quiet.
Slowly, Taehyung turns around to face him. Jimin’s jaw has dropped comically low, eyes nearly bulging out of his head. Taehyung rubs at the back of his neck and smiles shyly.
“So um, yeah, I guess I have some news.”

The next sound in their apartment is Jimin screeching so loudly Yoongi probably heard him out in the hallway.
⋮219⋮ “did you mean it?”
⋮220⋮ RED ALERT🚨
⋮221⋮ time is passing
⋮222⋮ summer
⋮223⋮ “i don’t mind”
⋮224⋮ my vmin heart🥺💕
⋮225⋮ love him
⋮226⋮ a year
⋮227⋮ fate
⋮228⋮ let’s check in with everyone else
⋮229⋮ “you’ll never guess what i found”
⋮230⋮ happy anniversary❤️
⋮ end ⋮
thank you everyone who read this!! i hope the ending lived up to any expectations you had, or at least that you didn’t absolutely hate it😅

thanks to everyone who sent messages, liked and commented, it made it a lot easier to get through writing this thing lol
please feel free to check out my other aus (check pinned) and i’ll be doing a lot more writing in the future so maybe check that out too?

leaving my cc here in case anyone has any final things they want to say about this au💜
while you’re here, maybe also vote for what i should write next?
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