Alpha Cronus/Omega Kankri

cw: heats, dubcon, general warning for cronus, intersex omegas, sex-repulsed kankri, human au, omegaverse


"Hey, chief?" Cronus knocked lightly on Kankri's door. "Karkat said you weren't feelin too hot, are you alright?"
After a minute of no answer, Cronus cracked open the door and poked his head inside.

It hit him like a wall, making him clutch at the door. Kankri's scent- usually so unassuming, muted as it was- saturating the space, an edge to it that had Cronus' legs go weak.
Kankri was there, on his bed, bundled in a blanket, lying on his side with his back to the door. He was shifting on his bed, a sensual motion, back and forth. Oh fuck, was he- was Kankri in /heat/?

"Babe?" Cronus tried, stepping fully into the room and shutting the door.
There was still no response from Kankri, so Cronus walked over slowly. Kankri's scent was fucking /intoxicating/, heavy and cloying.

"Kankri?" Cronus reached down and put a hand on Kankri's shoulder, only for Kankri to go tense and practically fling himself across the bed,
but caught in his blanket he just rolled a bit, eyes wide before he caught himself and stared up at Cronus.

".....Cronus?" He finally said, voice raspy, but Cronus couldn't do anything but stare at Kankri's face.
Kankri, eyes puffy with tearstained cheeks, wiping across his mouth with one sleeve-covered hand.

"Oh, fuck, babe." Cronus breathed, clambering up to kneel on the bed. "You okay? What's going on?" It was obvious that Kankri was in heat, but heats shouldn't be causing
this kind of response.

Kankri opens his mouth to say something but then his mouth snaps shut, his teeth locking as a shudder races through him and he actually /arches/ on the bed, a thin, high sound trying to burst through his throat, eyes slamming shut as distress takes
over his features, lower half twisting in his blanket so that he's half-sideways, legs shifting and rubbing together.

"Kankri-" Cronus reached out and cupped the side of Kankei's face with a hand, fascinated and concerned all at once. Kankri exhales roughly, almost a sob.
Cronus has /never/ seen him this stripped bare before. Kankri leans into his hand, eyes fluttering open, and his skin is hot under Cronus' hand.

"Cronus." Kankri murmurs, his voice breathy and trembling. "Please... I- I don't-"

"Hey, easy, babe." Cronus murmurs, running his
thumb over Kankri's cheek. "I've gotcha. What's goin on?"

"I seem-" Kankri swallowed, his hand reaching up and wrapping around Cronus' wrist, pressing his cheek a bit harder into Cronus' palm. "I seem- to- be in- in my heat cycle." His voice is thick, brimming with /need/.
Maybe it was Kankri's scent, but Cronus felt unusually hot. "I can see that." He says, and clears his throat. "You, uh. Want some help?" Please say yes, please say yes.

"No!" Kankri /yelped/ and the weight of disappointment almost crushed Cronus. "I- mean-"
Kankri shuddered again, expression going tight, a few stray tears slipping from his eyes. "I- I don't know." Then, soft, terrified, "it- it /hurts-/"

Cronus' heart seized. "Aw, chief." He murmured. "It's okay. I'll help you out. You got anything for this kinda thing?"
Kankri nodded into Cronus' palm. "I'm sorry." He said. "It is unfair of me to- to- ask-" his words break of as he bites back a noise in his throat.

"Ain't nothin to it, babe." Cronus promises. Holy shit. If this goes right he might actually get to fuck his boyfriend.
"Where're your toys?" Cronus asks as he presses a kiss to Kankri's forehead. Kankri takes a moment to reply before murmuring,

"Dresser. Bottom drawer."

"You got it." Cronus pulls his hand back and slides off the bed, going over to and pulling open the bottom drawer
of Kankri's dresser. There, shoved in the back, were a couple of toys, still in packaging.

Cronus pulled them out to look at them. A plug, a knotting dildo, and a small vibrator. He could make this work.

"Got 'em." He said cheerfully, rising to his feet and turning
around. "Kankri, do you-" his words died in his mouth.

In the space that he had been looking away, Kankri had squirmed enough that the blanket had come loose and fallen away, chest pressed to the bed but hips to the side, gripping his sheets tightly as he fucked his hips
against the pillow clamped between them. His hands grabbed at the sheets as he panted, mouth open with his cheeks pressed to the sheets.

"Holy fuck." Cronus breathed, drinking in the sight. Dressed only in his sweater, Kankri was the most inviting, appealing thing
he'd ever seen in his life.

Kankri's eyes crack open, a faint whine pulling from his throat as he saw Cronus just standing there, and the sound spurred Cronus into action, dropping the toys on the bed, yanking his shirt off and clambing onto the bed himself.
"Hey, babe, hey." Cronus made a low, soothing noise in his throat, the kind that usually makes Kankri either snap at him for using his alpha wiles or makes him turn into putty. It seemed to be the latter this time, because Kankri actually gives a soft little chirp in response,
melting into the sheets as he turns his head to look up at Cronus a bit more. His expression is hazed-out, soft and dazed, eyes wet and cheeks flushed. He's so fucking pretty.

And completely out of it, too. A wave of heat must've taken him, because as Cronus reaches for Kankri
and puts his hand onto Kankri's bare side, there's none of his usual tensing or pulling back. Instead, Kankri arches up into the touch, eyes fluttering, hips stilling from where they were humping the pillow.

"Oh, fuck me." Cronus murmurs. "Babe, if you can understand me,
sorry about this, but I think ya need my help a lil' bit more than you need /talkin/ about my help."

That said, Cronus nudges Kankri over onto his back, the dazed omega going willingly, and swings over him to straddle his hips, lean in, and kiss him.
Cronus isn't shy about it- he kisses Kankri deep and sensual. Kankri is squirming and clutching at his shoulders, hips jerking, sucking at Cronus' tongue, low moans in his throat that will be fueling Cronus' jerkoff bank for /months/.

"I've gotchu babe." Cronus purrs
against Kankri's mouth. "Gonna make you cum so good."

Fuck- how should he do this? If he knots Kankri without Kankri giving him permission then he has a feeling that Kankri will dump him on the spot. Omegas can get through their heats without knots, sure, but it
usually is a lot more strenuous on them, and clearly Kankri's wasn't a mild one.

Fuck it. Cronus has always wanted to do this. He presses another kiss to Kankri's mouth and pulls back, sliding down the bed. If he makes Kankri cum that should hopefully bring him
back enough so that he can convince Kankri to let Cronus knot him.

Cronus tugged the pillow free and settled between Kankri's legs, sprawled out on the bed, his legs hanging off the edge as he pushes Kankri's thighs open.
"Hold on to something, chief." Cronus said, and opens his mouth, tongue flicking out as he pressed his face between Kankri's thighs.

Kankri made a startled chirrup that dissolved into a moan as Cronus licked over his folds.
Fuck, his scent was so heady and thick here, full of spices and heat, making Cronus' head spin. It was enough to send him into a rut, if he wasn't careful, but each swipe of Kankri's slick was so fucking delicious, he could barely hold back moaning at it.
It was with relish that Cronus dug in, lapping over Kankri's soaked pussy, grinning with each jerk and gasp that he drew out of Kankri. He grabs Kankri's cock with one hand, giving an attempt at stroking it at the same time, but his real attention in here- at Kankri's core.
Cronus mouths over Kankri's folds, Kankri's thighs going tight as a response, a sob tearing from Kankri's throat, his heels slipping on the bed as his hips try to buck up. Cronus grabs at Kankri's hips, locking one arm around each of his thighs.
He holds Kankri in place as he starts fucking his tongue into him, not letting him buck or squirm and Kankri /keens/, high and soft, feet jerking. He grabs at the sheets, arching up and dropping back to the bed, gasping and shaking his head.
"Come on, babe." Cronus growls, mouth pressed to Kankri's mound. "Cum for me, you taste so fuckin good." He rumbles and squeezes Kankri's cock, spearing his tongue back into him.

Kankri shakes in Cronus' hold, hips squirming as Cronus refuses to let him pull away,
Cronus yanking him back close every time. Then, finally- a rush of slick, his cock jerking in Cronus' hold- Kankri cums, a sobbing, desperate thing that has him trying to close his thighs on Cronus' head.

Cronus laps up the fresh gush of liquid, licking Kankri clean
until he's just squirming away, no longer jerking. He finally pulls back, wiping his face, head spinning, a deep, heady heat building in his chest.

Cronus pulls his legs in and sits on his heels, breathing deeply. He can't, not yet. Maybe. Maybe.
"Cronus?" Kankri's voice, tiny and exhausted. Cronus looked up at Kankri, who was lying limply on the bed, the haze slowly draining away from his expression and replaced with-


with something Cronus couldn't put quite his finger on. He slid up the bed and sprawled out
next to Kankri.

"Yeah, chief?" Cronus asked, leaning in to press a kiss to Kankri's cheek. Kankri doesn't flinch, but it's a near thing- he goes into that familiar sort of stillness that has Cronus frowning.
Kankri takes a breath, folds his hands across his sweater-clad stomach, and stares at his ceiling. "It seems that my heat is the sort to steal rationality away from me." He says, and there's a terrible flatness to his tone that has Cronus' skin crawling. "I appreciate your
willingness to assist me, but I cannot, in any good conscious, allow myself to be in a state around anyone where I am incapable of consenting in a sound, rational mind, in an essence, where I am encouraging you to basically commit statutory rape-"
"/Hey/, now." Cronus interjects. "That don't sit right with me, chief. You're not-"

"Am I wrong?" Kankri asks flatly. "I cannot consent in any meaningful way." There's a vitrol starting to creep into his tone. "I become an unintelligent being, offering myself up
to any that would pass by. I cannot even say /no/."

"Say no." Cronus suggested. Kankri paused.


"Say no now. You trust /me/, right? I ain't gonna let myself go into a rut if you need me to stay level-headed." Well. Cronus would do his best.
Kankri fiddled with his sleeves, clearly thinking it over. "I. Yes. I do trust you." He murmurs. "I-" He exhales harshly, grabbing the discarded blanket, wrapping it around himself, and twisting so he can lie on his side and press his face into Cronus' chest.
"I do not want to be disparaging of your character, Cronus, but I distinctly remember a time where you would do nothing put attempt to persuade me into sleeping with you." There's a twist to the corner of Kankri's mouth that drags a pang of guilt into Cronus' chest.
"Admittedly, it was before you understood the important of respecting people's choices, but I cannot do anything but think of that time where you would have blown past my boundaries without a thought."

"Kankri." Cronus cuts him off. "Hey. Listen to me, okay?"
"Yeah, I was kinda a shitbag. Still am." Cronus says with a bit of a shrug. "But I know better know, especially when it comes to you. You're my boyfriend, I ain't gonna push you into shit you don't like."

Kankri tenses up and Cronus pauses to let him interject.
"It isn't about what I /like/." He mutters. "It is about what my body needs."

Cronus shrugged. "Yeah, well, sometimes life's a bitch." He says, and steamrolls on. "Point bein is that if ya tell me not to do somethin, I ain't gonna do it, cause I don't want you gettin hurt."
Kankri swallows as Cronus kisses his forehead.

"If you want me to do or not do somethin, then I'll do what you say." Cronus promises. He'll be really fucking sad if he gets to be this close to knotting Kankri and Kankri says no, but he'll fucking deal, he's a big kid.
"Okay." Kankri squeezes his eyes shut, and Cronus can see the heat starting to rise in his cheeks. "I- Yes. I trust you. I might not- be able to consent very well, but- please." A tiny, bitten off noise almost slides from his throat.
"Babe?" Cronus asks, nuzzling him.

"We can talk-" Kankri arches a bit into Cronus, his expression starting to glaze over again. "h- later. About- things- like this-"

"Chief, before you get swept up, anything you don't want me to do?" Cronus prompts.
Kankri squeezes his eyes shut. "I- /Cronus/-" A low whine slips from his throat.

Well, fuck. Oh well. Cronus /could/ err on the side of caution...

or he could absolutely ravage his boyfriend in the midst of his heat, desperate and needy.

Easy choice.
"I'll take care of you, babe. Do anything I gotta to get you through this quick an easy." Cronus promised as Kankri's expression lost that last shred of rationality. Kankri pressed himself up against Cronus, inhibitions vanishing again in the face of his heat.
God. How could Cronus do anything but wrap his arms around Kankri, roll them so that Cronus was pinning Kankri to the bed, and kiss him furiously? None of this soft and gentle shit that Kankri always had him doing, he was devouring Kankri's mouth, hungry and forceful.
Kankri let out a moan under Cronus, shocked, as Cronus pressed him into the bed, fingers finding Cronus' shoulders and holding on as Cronus /claimed/ his mouth, deep, tongue flicking along his teeth, sucking and nipping at his lip.
Cronus was finally getting to kiss Kankri senseless, rough like he's always wanted to, and it felt /so good/. He shoves his tongue /deep/, pressing to the back of Kankri's mouth and Kankri gives a muffled moan, squirming under Cronus. Cronus pulls back, a long, thin line
of spit stringing from his tongue to Kankri's.

Kankri /looked/ like he had been thoroughly kissed. Lips puffy from being nipped and sucked at, mouth open as he panted, skin flushing dark, hair mussed- everything Cronus had dreamed of one day seeing.
"So fuckin pretty." Cronus grinned. "Goddamn." He surges in to kiss Kankri more, hands reaching down to find Kankris' legs, wiggling between them and hiking them up so that he can rock his hips into Kankri, letting him feel his hardon.
Kankri moans and arches, grabbing at Cronus as he returns the kiss, a desperate little whine slipping from his mouth as Cronus kisses his way into it.

All these noises, all the unrestricted, needy touches- the desperate, hazed-out expression on Kankri's face-
it's all too much. Cronus had seen him flustered, even shaky and slightly turned on- but this level of new, unhinged desperation was too much. If Cronus didn't get his dick in his boyfriend and make him cum /right fucking now/ then he was going to /die/.
Kankri let out a desperate whine, canting his hips up against Cronus, a clear invitation.

"Fuck. Okay. Yeah." Cronus breathed against Kankri's mouth. "Yeah, I'll take care a ya, babe. Get you through this. I don't want you hurtin."
That said, he pulled back, fumbling slightly with his pants but shoving them down far enough to get his cock out, stroking over it a few times as he shuffled on his knees.

"God, babe." Cronus breathed, grabbing Kankri's legs and spreading them, tilting Kankri's hips up so he
could slide the head of his cock across that wet, warm, inviting heat.

Kankri let out an uncertain whine at the touch and Cronus stilled, watching his face.

His boyfriends hands were slowly opening and closing, a tremble running through him, as his expression was
shifting slowly from hazed out to a strange- almost /afraid/?- expression.

"Shh, chief. It's okay." Cronus murmured. "It's alright, I gotcha." He leaned in and kissed Kankri slowly, just rocking the length of his cock against Kankri's wet entrance, slicking it up.
He kissed Kankri nice and easy until Kankri was making those soft, desperate noises again. When Kankri whined again, needy, Cronus reached down and took his cock in hand, pressing the tip against that wet, sucking place, and then slowly- so carefully- pressing inside.
It felt like heaven. Kankri was so slick and hot and perfect around him, his pretty cunt parting for Cronus to slide right in.

"Fuuuck-" Cronus breathed, closing his eyes. Kankri was so silken soft and tight and /warm/ inside, walls hugging his dick so perfectly.
He couldn't stop to check on Kankri- he /had/ to start moving, rocking into that place with slow, luxurious thrusts, savoring every slide and drag and squeeze around his cock, unashamed of the deep moans and noises falling from his lips.
"Kankri-" Cronus moaned, leaning forwards to plant his hands on either side of Kankri's head, finally opening his eyes to look down at Kankri-

who had his cheek pressed to his pillow, a furrow between his brows as he panted, little trembles running through him, but
the noises coming from him were so sweet and pleasured.

"So fucking hot." Cronus breathed and started moving in earnest, fucking his hips with just a bit of force, enough to rock Kankri on the bed. "Come on babe, I'll get you there. Gonna knot ya, fuck this heat
right through your system so you can be done with it."

He leans in and mouths at that soft, tender spot right below Kankri's ear, well above the mating gland, and Kankri /whines/ so fucking loud that it actually makes Cronus' head spin for a moment.
"Oh fuck, babe, you like that?" Cronus breathes. "Shit, found a weak spot a yours." He laughs softly, hiking Kankri's legs up a bit to adjust the angle and keeps fucking, mouthing over that spot, sucking and nipping.
Kankri's hands fly to Cronus' head, fingers tangling in his hair as Kankri gives a moan, tilting his head a bit more and tugging insistently on Cronus' hair, yanking his head in. Cronus laughed as his nose was dragged into Kankri's ear.

"Easy, easy." He murmured.
"I ain't goin anywhere." He reaches up and catches one of Kankri's hands, untangling it from his hair and lacing their fingers together, guiding his hand back down to the bed.

He starts sucking and nipping at that spot as he picks up his pace a bit, their hips slapping
together as he fucks Kankri, Kankri's legs coming up to wrap around his waist, hand squeezing Cronus' tightly.

"Come on, babe." Cronus growls, feeling Kankri tighten around him. "You can do it. Go on and cum." He takes his other hand off of Kankri's hip and wraps it
around Kankri's cock, beginning to stroke.

The /sob/ that tears from Kankri's throat, Cronus is unashamed of saying, sends such a surge of lust through him that he can't do anything but slam his cock into his short, thick boyfriend's pussy, losing his rhythm,
panting and growling. "Fuck, Kankri, wanna see you cum before I knot you, fuck, come on, babe-" he seizes that spot between his teeth and works it over and Kankri's legs go tight as he arches up, cock jerking in Cronus' hand, cunt going
tight as he cums, the inner ring of muscle that locks with a knot squeezing down on Cronus, trying to get him to pop.

"Fuck, fuck- fuck babe, fuck-" Cronus buries his face in Kankri's neck as he cums, shoving his cock in deep as his knot starts to swell.
He pants roughly, hot breath washing over Kankri's skin, his hips grinding and jerking, working his knot as deep as he can as Kankri's pussy pulls him in, sealing around him, locking them together.

Cronus realizes that hes making little crooning alpha noises,
low and rumbling as he rocks his hips, a deep contentment curling in his chest, the fever-pitch of pleasure of before starting to simmer down into a low, lazy, pleased heat.

Kankri makes a soft little chirrup, a little noise that has Cronus' heart seizing.
"Oh, babe." Cronus murmurs, nuzzling against Kankri's cheek. "You're so fuckin perfect." He shifts so that he can kiss Kankri again, gentle and tender. It feels incredible to finally get to actually knot his boyfriend, his soft-all-over but prickly at the edges omega.
Cronus gives another pleased purr, grinning as Kankri trills softly in response- yet another sound he's /never/ heard Kankri make.

He settles in to let his knot pump Kankri full of cum, nuzzling their cheeks together.

At some point, Kankri's fingers slide to Cronus'
shoulders and go tense, his breathing hitching up into a strange, stilted pattern.

"Babe?" Cronus murmurs, pulling himself out of his half-dozing state, the two of them still locked together. He's jostled out of it further as Kankri's scent takes an abrupt souring,
going bitter around the edges.

"Hey, chief, whats going on?" Cronus asks, adjusting so that he can sit up a bit. The motion causes his knot to shift inside Kankri, making Cronus bite back a moan, but a strangled whimper comes from Kankri.
/That/ makes Cronus pay attention. He reaches for Kankri, cupping the side of his face. "Babe, hey, hey. What's goin on?"

Kankri's eyes are- there's no other way to describe them but /blank/, staring off to the side, his expression vacant.
"Kankri?" Cronus says softly, unease curling in his chest. "Babe, hey. Hey. Can you hear me?" He thumbs over Kankri's cheek. There's a pause, then slowly, Kankri nods- a tiny little thing.

"You okay?" Cronus felt stupid after he asked it.
There was no response from Kankri but a flutter of eyelashes. Well, fuck.

"Does it hurt?" Cronus tries. Kankri takes a shuddering breath and slowly shakes his head Okay. Well.

"Do you want me to move?" Cronus asks, finding Kankri's hand and lacing their
fingers back together again. Kankri gives his hand a slow squeeze.

"One for yes, two for no?" Cronus tried. One squeeze. "Okay. Want me to move?"

A pause. One squeeze. "Okay. Gonna move us, baby." He lets go of Kankri's hand and slowly sits up, trying to avoid moving
Kankri as much as possible, but he sees Kankri squeeze his eyes shut.

Fuck it. "Gonna put you in my lap, babe. Hold onto me." Kankri's legs squeeze slightly around Cronus- good enough.

With a bitten-off curse, Cronus wraps his arms around Kankri and hauls him up, flipping
them around on the bed so he can settle Kankri in his lap, sitting against the headboard.

Kankri slumps against Cronus with a startled little gasp, shuddering as the new position sinks him a bit more onto Cronus' knot, Cronus barely suppressing a moan.
Cronus slowly rubs his hand down Kankri's back, settling his breathing. "Hey, babe." he murmurs, his other hand finding Kankri's and lacing them together again. "Can you talk to me?"

Two squeezes. Kankri presses his face to Cronus' neck.
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Dave nods shakily as he bites his lip to muffle himself, sprawled out on Mr. Egbert's sheets with three of the man's firm fingers tenderly working him open.

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