The problems your customers (or future customers) have and need help with are RIGHT in front of you.
*whispers* try helping them
Bzzzzzt. Nah.
You have to stop starting at the product you can’t sell right now long enough to shift your gaze entirely on your *customer* and helping them even if they cannot buy rn.
So instead of trying to squeeze nickels and make sure they NEVER wanna come back to you, try meeting them where they are.
Just show up for them when and where they really need it.
Earn their trust and their business for when the money is flowing again.
1) find somewhere they gather online. could be a LinkedIn or Facebook group, a forum, an email list, slack, whatever.
2) do not sell or promote yourself or your service or even your company. Just read. Read it all.
4) close the notes. Go to sleep. Come back again with a highlighter. See what shows up as patterns. Ask yourself “why are they talking about this?”
But even without the formal process to practice, doing this for 15 mins a day will make a BIG difference.
If you understand what they are thinking and feeling, you can invest confidently are than carelessly. Eg not “plan your return to the office” during indefinite lockdown 🙄
A) help more people and/or
B) try to enjoy time with loved ones (from a distance of course)
Everybody wins.
- @nathanbarry and @convertkit
- @wilreynolds and @SeerInteractive
- @KarinCopeland_ and @CreateXChange_