But then suddenly, just in the last 100 years, the purpose of human life underwent a tectonic shift.
From dissolving the ego, to GROWING IT.
Both legs initially helped served the purpose of ego dissolution and self transcendence.
But over time became riddled with malware and eradicated from secularized humanist western society.
But today most people are comfortable bullshitting themselves asleep.
Taking the next hit of dopamine and numbing themselves to death...
But the ontological system of faith...the agoge & becoming that faith instilled was also destroyed
The proverbial baby thrown out with the bathwater.
And now there's nowhere to turn for "meaning".
As a result, a cult of "self improvement" and growth has taken its place
People have this nagging feeling that they need to be changing themselves, but are going about it wrong
No matter how much you get you need more.
It's a cycle that will NEVER end.
If you get to 10% bodyfat you'll want 8%. If you make $1m you'll want $2m. On and on samsara goes.
Humans have lost their owners manual and replaced it with the number in their bank account.
The new religion: What's good is what raises income and status, not what brings them closer to reality
But science, bicep curls and making money cannot make you into a good person.
Reading about playing basketball cant make you a good basketball player.
Knowledge without transformation is useless.
Without the proper training, you will be misled by lies masquerading as knowledge.
"Red meat is bad", "Money will make you happy", etc.
What you need is WISDOM, not knowledge
Almost all ancient texts preached this, including the stoics
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Don't you feel this undercurrent? Look around.
The people with the most things are eating xanax like candy.
This movement is more than the mere conquest of your body fat %.
It is a necessary first step to catalyze your journey of self transcendence.
But it's merely a first step and not the end destination
The carnivore diet is not what will give you meaning.
Only sun and steel will show you the path.” -- @bronzeagemantis
If you're here you feel this. You feel this existential angst so typical of western life.
And it's time to break free.
Remember, Socrates was offered the chance to stop practicing philosophy and have his life spared.
But he chose to die because he realized that the "unexamined life is not worth living"